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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. I doubt I'll get time to pull any snaps before tomorrow night, like I said, sunshine is trumping console time right now, and you guys have documented Waterworld night very well already. I will just post my snaps when I can (don't forget I can still add stuff even after you lock it, bOnEsy, if it comes to that.) Doesn't matter to me if we do BMX or blue night tomorrow, besides, I'm still TBC for tomorrow, so my vote only half-counts at this point anyway.
  2. gtagrl


    I finally started the Children of Atom quests in Far Harbor last night. That's good stuff.
  3. I can vouch for Sony and Canon cameras from personal experience. Your post got me thinking, Dup, I actually wouldn't mind getting something similar to what you're describing - these days, an average smartphone camera is at least two times better than my current generation of camera, a Sony that's been everywhere in nature with me. So, I did a couple of searches out of curiousity. Found this page...the Olympus looks interesting, and is in a reasonable price range.
  4. I'll do my best to get some good photos over the weekend, but it's going to be gorgeous so I'll be spending a lot of daylight hours outside. Also, I have a thing on Tuesday afternoon, if all goes well I'll be there for crew night, but there is a chance I may have to take the night off. Also, holy fuck, Weevland's going to have a mini-Weev.
  5. Yup, the image quality is noticeably better, I was thinking the same thing...would be easier to upload them en masse to Photobucket too...
  6. Not Kevin Costner (that's DiO for Waterworld theme night ) ...beyond that, not sure, I think he was a late joiner and just threw something on that wouldn't look too out of place with the rest of us.
  7. I've only had a quick look at my clips, we definitely have some wild'n'crazy environments this week. Here's an appetizer:
  8. I thought I had posted these - making room for more pics: On one of the fuck-around dem North Yankton plates I was happy someone else had a gas mask on... DiO and bOnEsy Love North's hat, would steal it if I could
  9. I made sure to watch it last night, since spoiler discussion is hard to avoid on our rowdy drunken crew nights. Episode 9 made me weep for joy. It's fascinating to see how separate events occurring in far corners of the map will potentially link together.
  10. Got Dup's playlists bookmarked. Looking forward to crew night, this should be fun and different.
  11. I just did a search of 'waterworld' in the R*SC jobs list and there are a few that look intredasting...
  12. The mobile site still doesn't work on my tablet, none of the text boxes display so I can't reply or comment. There's a "What's on your mind" box on your profile page to enter a status update, as well as at the top of the feed on the full site view.
  13. I couldn't agree more, Dup - sometimes I'll pause it and give a super quick backgrounder on the House or characters to my man while we're watching, cause I just don't see how you could appreciate it all without the context you get from the books... The pacing is absolute shit, they have 5 books' worth of storyline, each averaging 900 pages, and the show basically rushed right through all of it. I do get that you can't have that many characters in a TV show, but they easily could have gotten two seasons per book without even trying. The show is fun to watch and beautiful, but the books are still way better because the story is complete and intact.
  14. Is there any way to read more than three replies at a time to status updates? And, is there a way for a visual indicator to show up when people are in the chat room?
  15. Brilliant lineup, Nemo! Truly outstanding. It would be hard to choose a favourite, there are so many gorgeous shots. I must say the custom environments built by the crew looked just perfect, your lineup of photos really show them off - Massacre's Fallout-esque overpass, Car Henge, the plane wreck and the zombie walk...I think we do all right for theme nights, and make it work with what we've got, considering. Also nice video, Dup - I think you did the best job with the Fury Road bit.
  16. Had lots of fun making a video. Ended up with some golden clips from Massacre's Fallout-esque job. I also have a selected few pics so far, was concentrating more on the video for now but I might go back and get a few more stills, will post those later.
  17. I think I maxed out space in my clip gallery when we were doing Massacre's job in the second playlist. Should make for some scenic shots, I'll try to get to it tonight.
  18. gtagrl


    In Far Harbor, I had just gotten to the spot where you drop meat in the water to start an epic wave of mirelurk carapace collection...I got to the final queen and died without saving...but then reloaded and explored a new route along the way, which led to finding a legendary supermutant - now I have an explosive harpoon gun and the Bloodletter (upgraded so it now has 4 hooks), that should make short work of those huge creepy bugs when I go back. I'm thinking I'll clear all the other locations and save the Children of Atom for last.
  19. I only took 3 clips but I made the most of it! Spoils the bOsS is rolling in cash The Tug Boat From the inside of the truck Kuz and North bOnEs and Casey Casey North
  20. I noticed this morning on the mobile version that I can't select reply boxes or send messages, it won't bring up the keyboard when I'm in a text field, so I can't even type anything on mobile, it restricts me to viewing the forums only, no main site, Activitiy or Chat links, no access to mod CP either. Not sure if that's solely because of issues with the new site, it might also be the tablet's capacity, it is essentially a primitive Android browser on an e-reader. But it worked fine before and still does on other sites, for the most part.
  21. Not quite VR, but a cool gaming small step closer to the OASIS. I'm unsuccessfully trying to find a another clip from this same show, very tech geek science nerd (Daily Planet :ike:), where VR is used for interior design. The company uses a drone to do a 360 scan of a building, inside and out. Then they go through the design process, and use the construction plans to recreate a VR copy of an office space...right down to natural light through the windows and what the street looks like outside. Then they slap VR goggles on the client to show them what the specs look like, standing from the inside, rather than trying to explain it using 2D paper plans or a maquette. They can change skins to demonstrate what different materials and colour would look like (tile, carpet, marble etc), scrolling through lighting fixtures, moving walls around to adjust space, etc. It uses a similar snap-to movement as street view in Google maps to get around the simulated rooms, that the VR wearer controls with a wand-thing. In the demo, the guy repeats how much of what they're using comes from gaming - prop tracking, spacial relations lighting at different times of day etc. t was really cool, I hope I can find a clip.
  22. On the mobile version on my mini-tablet, I can see the notifications button in the top right, with a number in a red circle if there are any, but selecting it does nothing, there's no pop-out to see what the notifications actually are. Nor can I see status updates anywhere.
  23. Nothing specific comes to mind, there are sooooo many out there...what you should do is ask the cheesemonger - they are the expert! Tell them what you've been tasting lately, what you like/don't like (creamy, melty, mild, pungent, spicy, smoky, fresh, brined, aged, goat, sheep etc) and say you're looking to explore and try new things, can they recommend a personal favourite, or a local regional specialty? You'll probably get some lovely samples to try, and you don't have to spend a huge amount to taste a couple of new varieties.
  24. gtagrl

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Everyone I know has a yacht. I'll save what I have for new toys, I think.