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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. It's all good if melee's a no-go, just tossing out ideas to see what sticks. There's only so many themes that work - that's one reason I'm revisiting what R* gave us in the early DLC days. I also scrolled through my Photobucket archive for ideas from past crew nights, but I think we've got the good ones already included on bOnEs' list.
  2. Nice emblem! Ideas for upcoming theme nights: Off-roading Business DLC/FIB agents Supercars Vans Melee only ...or any off your running list, there's a good selection to choose from...Rock & Roll vintage would be fun.
  3. Her name is Ariane Labed, a Greek actress. The assassin's name is Maria, according to IMDb. She apparently was cast after Alicia Vikander (Fassbender's current gf) left the movie to do the fifth Bourne film. v Jeremy Irons makes for a great bad guy.
  4. Looks very promising. Also, Michael Fassbender.
  5. gtagrl


    I have looked at them all, can't resist completionist tendencies even if I don't always get there (Curse you, GTAIV flying rats!! ). There's nothing massively spoiler-ish within the Far Harbour trophy list, just references to quest names and collectibles...but I fully support letting the game speak for itself for people that don't want any advance hints.
  6. I have reached out to Nemo on Twitter to invite him and give him the rundown of who we are and what we do here.
  7. In all fairness, "altitude" works for both flying and doing jobs high in the air, like Hatchet High. We saw some rather insane structures tonight.
  8. I sent wuvbubbles (aka Aussie LOTPCasey ) an invite to the forums. Or should I say -bubbles?
  9. I'll try to limit the number of bad pun 'getting high' jokes, but I'm not making any promises. Also, 'street lights' made me think of this song:
  10. I saved my standard two crew night outfits before signing off on Tuesday, one is a flight suit (I have both, apparently) and the other is an Amelia-esque look. DiO's chick has set the bar high, though (see what I did there), she looks the best and no one else can top that anyway.
  11. Went through my clips last night. Ran out of gallery room (too many hot tub shots ), there's one more clip I wanted to get a few pics from, so I might add a couple more later. The gang protesting El Presidente El Toro Kuz showed up Es la hora de comer The mariachi band was hungry Ridealong at your own risk Poor Teddy One helluva speed bump You're gonna need a bigger truck Water boarding That dinghy is Armed and Dangerous Chilling...but why does it smell like bull soup? Jizzy feeling the bro love
  12. gtagrl


    Aye aye, CaPn! The name led me to believe there might be a giant glowing radscorpion or an albino Yao Guai lurking at the bottom or something.
  13. gtagrl


    I played some Fallout over the weekend and most of my time with settlements. I was trying to get happiness up past 81% at Sanctuary, and got way more into it than I expected to. They released a lot more bells and whistles than I'd noticed until I got into it. Neon letters! Fancy wall lights! Little labelling signs to put on things! So I changed a whole bunch of stuff around, basically cleaning up items built months ago that have now been outgrown, expanding living quarters, adding more vendors, moving settlers around and giving them places to hang out, shoring up defenses, upgrading my love nest and banging Macready. Next up: Dunwich Borers in Atom Cats power armour. Any recommendations for what weapons to bring?
  14. I swooned when bOnEs said sex is better than gaming...
  15. Sunset Please don't kill me pretty kitty
  16. I flat out didn't bother checking my clips from this week, but here's a pic in case I didn't post it already.
  17. Just a couple of old skool pics to start: Immigrant dinghy run bOnEs and DiO, DiO's Sanchez parked in my Rat-Loader North and Weev Getting deep in dat bush Sneaking around in the bushes (dat Slamvan tho ) Backsliding across both bike and truck goes DiOgrl
  18. More musings... There, now I've had a proper GoT nerdgasm sploosh. Who's got a mop?
  19. Welcome diamond biscutz!! BACON POWER
  20. Los veo maƱana! For the rest of May, how about Fight Night, and something water-based, i.e., sailboats and yachts and skidoo races and whatnot? Throwback to Beach Bum. Edit: Fuck yeah diamondbiscutz!
  21. We do have a summer Olympics coming up this year, maybe we could use those for a patriotic rep-your-country crew night!
  22. Canada Day is July 1 , so it gets rolled into 4th of July somewhat.
  23. Awesome video, bOnEs! I love that you introduced the crew by name, I've always wanted to do that.