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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. You have no imagination at all, then. It would be awesome to be able to ride a roller coaster or Ferris wheel in-game while shooting the other passengers. An active ride could also be an epic, challenging mission location.
  2. *wipes away streaming tears of laughter* Thank you for bumping this. OP made me laugh so hard, my tummy will hurt tomorrow.
  3. Wasn't the dildo factory a field of battle in the last FML? And, I wonder if hordes of horny thieves have ever tried to break in and steal their inventory...
  4. You guys are bickering and cluttering up this perfectly good topic about TreeFitty's map.
  5. If he's following you around anyway, dress him up as Tubbs.
  6. I'm always up for a match...Today it will just depend on what time I get home from my appointment after work, I have a feeling it will run late. I'd offer to host if it was more likely I could be there at the start. If Dup is around and can do it, great. I'll do my best to join in, but don't be surprised if I don't make it tonight.
  7. You must be delighted at the difference.
  8. The hidden blade is in the trailers, look more closely. The hook blade worked in a city setting where they could include a zipline infrastructure. It's not as practical in this world, by the looks of it. I don't mind, that tomahawk looks like a fun new weapon.
  9. I have some stuff to do after work on Monday, so I'm only a maybe. If I'm home in time, I'll jump in.
  10. zOMG me too. Do you think he's... killed himself? Actually he lost the last three games in a row, do you think that could have pushed him over the edge? If so, me and you are to blame Q. He unfriended me at too. I wonder if this means no more multiplayer matches with Marney...
  11. People are too trusting and give it all up far too easily. It takes time to get to know people well enough to really know whether you can trust them. This guy was ranting about being in love and feeling so betrayed after a whole 6 months. Fucking someone and getting infatuated for a few months doesn't mean you're in love. If all the warning signs are there, pay attention to the truth. People are too dumb to admit it when someone else is treating them like shit. If someone was lying to me, I'd kick them right to the curb, no regrets.
  12. *from the stairwell, launches many finely-honed daggers with keen accuracy at Massacre's eyes, hands, and vital organs* No, it's not.
  13. I like Cash's cover of NIN's Hurt, but I don't think it's better than the original.
  14. Barenaked Ladies' cover of showcases what a great songwriter Bruce Cockburn is, and how crappy is of the same.
  15. Making broad generalizations about potheads is as misleading as judging any other group of people based on one element alone. Sure, stereotypes contain a thread of truth, but it's close-minded to paint everyone with the same brush. I would never encourage anyone to use weed if they didn't want to, and especially not teens whose brains are still developping. It's a shame when any habit becomes a priority above school, work, paying bills, caring for family and the things that matter in life. But for every fried burnout, there's someone whose pot use is comparable to a casual drinker. Learn about the history of hemp and how the crop was supressed to make way for the plastics/petroleum industry before jumping to too many conclusions. It's a PLANT. Human nature is tricky, once we find something that triggers a pleasure centre, we tend to get carried away hammering on that button like greedy children wanting more cake. Why else do people end up addicted to food, gambling, booze, nicotine, hard drugs, sex, or even exercise (with varying consequences)? Go ahead and namecall if you wish, but I am not stupid, or a loser. I just happen to enjoy the weed regularly, and it's not the only thing in my life.
  16. @Addict - we've been doing every other week lately. @Vicey - we discovered that host settings don't seem to trump personal settings...Marney and I had auto-aim off for all DMs to date, but it wasn't consistent among all players. My personal setting is Don't Care, so it mirrors whatever the host settings are. I think if you have Always On, that carries into the DM. That might not be exactly right, but we did talk about that very issue a few matches ago.
  17. Well, I've been an exception to the rules all my life, so there's no reason to stop now.
  18. You are a total wimp. I thought better of you, Vicey. I'm cheerfully getting my ass kicked every time with auto-aim off, and it hasn't stopped me from having fun and trying to play competetively. I'm up to Level 2 now! Woo hoo!
  19. And if we could convince Vicey to reload the game and join too...
  20. Private slots to max, the one thing I didn't try...duly noted for next time. Glad Dup was able to play for a change, it was nice to have more than three in the match.
  21. The Pirates! Band of Misfits - hilarious, rich in detail, and great fun. These guys are artists. 9/10
  22. So the forums popped a cherry I didn't know I had... ...I've never hosted a private multiplayer match before, sorry about that at the beginning y'all. Lots of lolz with excellent shotgun moments, especially in stairways -- right bOnEs and Dup? RIP MCD.