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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. This won't keep me up at night. From the same website, referring to the number on the curb: 'GTA V release date confirmed by easter egg'
  2. Still think (and hope) Ned Luke isn't the protag. But defo him in there somewhere.
  3. Hopefully another trailer by Jan/Feb. If not imagine at least some screens or confirmed info. Then agree with Marney, after Max Payne, GTA V will be everywhaaaar.
  4. I never understood this. How come I get told to not shave my mustache to help cancer? Is my poor excuse for facial hair now the cure?
  5. Think it would be a waste of time and effort considering the amount of people who would use it. If they did, and it wasn't an option you had to use it, I would most likely run everywhere. I wanna be shooting people in the face, not worrying about how to use a clutch.
  6. Waterfalls would be amazing. Don't know Cali at all so wouldn't know how they would fit in. But imagine if its just Los Santos and a couple extra areas, if the countryside is going to be a vast area, and I imagine with deal with some missions or side missions, it will be detailed, very detailed. If there's no bikes, I hope there are horses, and I can base jump from a horse from the mountain top. That'd b kooool.
  7. Grizzly

    Saints Row

    Hoping Christmas hurries up and Santa gets me this.
  8. We sang hyms in regular Primary school. Don't know why. But remember once mid song, one kid with autism stood up, then proceeded to bounce around the whole hall screaming, "I'm a frog!". Everyone cracked up. Autism is always funny. And another kid with autism ran through the hall whilst practicing for a Christmas play, with his shirt over his head being chased by an elderly teacher. Was really like something from Benny Hill. Remember more things from primary school than secondary and college. Weird.
  9. Wouldn't be suprised if it's 70/80% done. Even if it is, I can see a years worth of trailers, 8/9 months at least before release. (By a years worth, I don't mean tons, 4 or 5 at the most) Hope they don't show it at E3 etc. though. With GTA you know your getting a good game, so I kinda wanna experience gameplay myself before seeing it on a vid. Felt great to jump into GTAIV solely based on trailers.
  10. @jimmytaenaka has tweetes a little more. He goes from: Which lead me to think he obviously knows nothing and is just presuming. But then he followed up with: Which seems like he does know, but isn't supposed to say? Or he knows nothing and won't untill release. Unsure how close he is to Ned Luke. IMDB is listing Ned Luke as 'Albert De Silva', but that doesn't sound like a name suited to the face. But if it is Albert, I beg we play as his son, Kevin, and he is not how described in casting calls. Oh, and these are just presumed names, obviously.
  11. Oxford. Although if you judged by the people, you could easily mistake it for Tokyo.
  12. Someone said to me they read it was exclusive to Playstation move. I laughed. Such a big name game would never be console exclusive after being multi platform for so many years. PC will probably be few months after console release, same as always.
  13. Won't let me change my picture. When I click change on my profile it shows in the pop up the new image. But my posts and profile still show the old picture. Whatsa going ona?
  14. Can see Grove St being in there somewhere, but not how we saw it in SA. I hope there's that twain twack and we can dwive the twains wealy fast and then they woll over. Then we take CJ's OAP pills to him in his new bungalow.
  15. I'm not going on the Twitter thing as it seems they are just presuming, and based on Rebecca Halls tweets on her feelings towards him, she wouldn't know or be able to find out if it was him. But those 2 pics, the likeness is too similar not to be. The eyes and nose are pretty much identical. The hair seems to follow the same line, and that mole in exactly the same place sealed the deal for me. I still hope he's not our main protag, but the evidence seems to be piling up and it looks like it is.
  16. Grizzly

    Saints Row

    Double post, but just checked out the Playstation Store, looks like you buy cheats for Saints Row 3. Yeah, you read that right. There was an 'Invincible pack' for £1.49 or something around that. I forgeted the description. Is the economy that bad we even have to pay for cheat codes now.
  17. You lost me at 'The Alliance colours will be green.' That was Grove Street colours, and were going back to Los Santos, so can't see a different gang with the same colours. Doesn't have his kids, yet he spoke about his kids having a normal life, and in the context it seems as if he talks about their life with him in LS. Why would the map be so large, yet not include the rest of San Andreas? Can see Los Santos being rather huge, but not being 1/3 of the map, and the rest just being smaller towns. Ammunation return but not be accessible? Why would it be there to not use? Mt. Slippery. Sound gay. RC Car, can't see it myself. Don;t believe any leaks at the minute, especially with so many doubts like in this one.
  18. HEY! WATCH YOUR STEP. The Clio is the boy of all cars. I accept your apology. I feel stupid for thinking Renault made the Clio all these years. Quoted the wrong bit. Meant to quote the part on Renault.
  19. HEY! WATCH YOUR STEP. The Clio is the boy of all cars. I accept your apology.