Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. Oh I ain't hatin, I'm just letting you know you're a ho.
  2. Yeah I proposed we use the fog that night aswell. Ppl seemed to like the idea. Let's go for it.
  3. Green *gorilla mask has always been there. I'm assuming that's what you meant, DuPz
  4. Good. Doesn't make sense for someone with so little $ to do it while others have millions... lolz
  5. I've been thinking about something. We can't actually change the shade of blue on the jackal (as far as I know) so maybe keeping our old blue for now isn't such a bad idea. As a comprise I say we accept black, white, and silver as secondary crew colors. They don't clash nor do they stand out in photos like say yellow would. Plus black and white technically aren't even colors so...
  6. Gonna give this a bit more thought before I vote.
  7. This is a joke. It's gotta be. The irony of it. Clearly I'm arguing with myself Whatever, bOnEs. Again, I'm done here. Continue your discussion without me.
  8. You know what I'm good. You can keep being a bitch all you want. I don't need to prove anything to you.
  9. There you go again with that selective memory. Maybe if you'd stop spewing out that bullshit I wouldn't feel the need to correct you. I've started a third of the crew lobbies we've done for igta night. At least.
  10. That's rich coming from someone that has a habit of repping any crew other than iGTA on Monday nights. Nice selective memory you got there.
  11. So when I have an idea for a photo I'm wasting your time? Nice. You make it sound as if it's not something we as a crew are going to do together. I couldn't care less whether or not we do my ideas first. Plus I'm pretty sure we're meshing gangs together for different photos anyway. Ballas fighting Families etc. http://gta.wikia.com/Category:Gangs_in_GTA_V We should all take a look at that^ for other ideas.
  12. Yup. I really don't see why there's such a fuss about this.
  13. I meant Asian gang, not crew. Let me get this straight. DiO's plan was to keep everyone as igta. During the night we're all going dress up as a certain gang to take photos and then move on to another gang to take more photos. Those gangs are The Families, Ballas, LMC, Vagos and I'm suggesting Triads aswell. If you didn't want to do more gangs because it'd be too "difficult" then you shouldn't have said... "we're reppin' the vagos, the ballas, the families, the lost, and whatever else we can come up with as the night goes along..." in the OP. I'm just saying we should take advantage of our asian characters if we're going to do this. And what makes you think the pics wouldn't be any good? You couldn't possibly have any solid reasoning behind that.
  14. How the fuck is suggesting an asian crew being difficult? Jesus, calm the hell down.