Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. YEAH! WOOHOO! GO ROB! Oh shh that's right I mean uh... ...
  2. Man that would look so much better in the day time... fuckin Wiggin...
  3. Yes the soul witness, as in the only witness. Which doesn't do you much good considering the fact that you are also the plaintiff. I am innocent until proven guilty and you are far from proving me guilty. However, Mr. bOnEs, you and I do agree on one thing... This case is closed.
  4. The sooner the better. More time for upvotes.
  5. I've got an idea for the contest too. I just need an asian guy (bmx) and a black guy.
  6. As though either of you has anything on me. I don't know what the hell Ghost is going on about. Nope not a clue...
  7. Haha Otiz, I'd like that but I reached my quota. See?! I told you I was innocent!
  8. Pies? If I admit to doing it (even though I clearly didn't) can I have pie?
  9. FUCK. YES. Best part of this update. If you do it right. You could still have 20 cars with a 2 and 6 car apartment. Though I'm not sure if I trust R* enough to not lose some of my vehicles in the cloud... Also, I don't mind the content in this update. The corvette looks good, the new jet looks fun, and the flight suit is definitely a step in the right direction imo.
  10. There were no witnesses. You all saw the bike in the pee, but you did not see how it got there.
  11. Anyway, I didn't get many... Filters... Filters everywhere.
  12. This does show that I was on the Ruffian while it was in the silo, however, these photographs do not disprove the fact that said Ruffian was already in the pee and that I mounted the bike after I found it in there in an effort to free it. I am innocent.
  13. Nuh uh! I stopped as soon as I noticed but you ran away. If I recall correctly, you left the session when we caught up.
  14. Yeah but you were photographing too. gtagrl got this one of you... also one of my favorites.
  15. I was in the Elegy, Sultan, and Pheonix aswell... it seems like people were calling out good shots of me all night. Maybe not idk. Doesn't really matter tbh. Personally this was my favorite shot of the night...
  16. I'm going to have to disagree with you there bOnEs.
  17. Well tbh her character doesn't look much better than anything I came up with in the character creator. She's still kinda fugly She's gorgeous.