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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. For some reason I keep thinking your name is related to 9/11 and that conspiracy nut we've picked up. Maybe i'm reading it as "Itwasaninsidejob" or "Jewsdid911". I don't know, that's just what springs to mind. *shrugs*
  2. If the noobs have their way the game will contain every capital city on the planet. Yeah i'd like VC back too, but whatever R* decide to do I know it'll be a great game.
  3. 2% of people want Lady Gaga to appear in GTA V? Fuck off... There's a lot of speculation in that article, but at the moment random speculation and palm reading is all we have to go on.
  4. If people want to play some actual ranked matches again and not just fuck around in FR I might get the ol' RDR disc back out. I'll probably be rusty as fuck though, I used to be quite good at getting headshots, not anymore though.
  5. I'm easy with the music, i'll listen to anything really... Except shitty pop music and commercial hip hop, considering I used to listen to it, if I hear it now it's rather embarrassing.
  6. Let's see, i'd like an old school death metal station and an underground rap station, both of which I doubt we'll get. I liked LCHC from GTA IV - especially TL&D version. I hated all the commercial hip hop on the Beat and avoided it like the plague. So i'd say my list of stations would go something like this: 1 Death/black metal/grindcore station 1 Heavy metal station 1 Classic rap station 1 Underground rap station 1 Reggae station 1-2 Classic rock stations 2 Talk stations Then on top of that they can throw in a few electronic, ambient, techno and pop stations which I don't really have any preference for. That's my list of stations i'd like to see, however I think in reality we'll get something like this: 1 Heavy metal station 1-2 Commercial hip hop stations 1 Reggae station 2 Classic rock stations 2 Talk stations 2 Electronic stations 1 Pop station Of course it really depends on the setting of the game, that will be the deciding factor in what sort of music we ultimately get.
  7. That poster? You mean the one you or somebody else created in about two minutes.
  8. He has been back since then, posting in rants and raves unsurprisingly.
  9. Stop, stop. You're giving me an Asthernia... ok that was weak, i'll go.
  10. That takes me back. "Gimme your wallet!" I think 80% of that video is just him running around.
  11. Only one way to find out.
  12. That would make for an interesting scoreboard at the end. "Hey I got a kill!" *splat* "OH FUUUUUU-"
  13. I hope this is the sort of thing we can expect from GTA V.
  14. Well the previous generation of GTA games were extremely easy to mod, most of it was in straight text files. GTA IV however I have no idea, but I have seen quite a few mods for it. You might want to view Dup'z post here. Although those specs are well above what you need, the RAM especially. Probably best to post in there regarding GTA IV, since this is strictly GTA V related.
  15. I found the "Bullshit!" part funny... I don't know why. Maybe because it's so true to the game.
  16. I'm the iGTA5 representative, and trust me, you don't want to be called into my office. Don't even think about what's on the other side of this door. Also, fuck other gaming forums. All of 'em. I didn't think you allowed photographs of your office to be published, I guess Mario Russo is chained up in there at this very moment for violating that rule.
  17. The name Seb rings a bell, you been registered here before?
  18. So what, it's SA running on the RAGE engine? So have they remade the entire map themselves or converted it somehow? It looks the same as the original SA, so what's the point of the RAGE engine?
  19. I didn't think of that. Maybe flaccid it is then... as long as nobody is offended.
  20. So it's settled, is it more manly to do it erect or flaccid? 'cause I have a following to represent now and I don't want to come off as a limp-wristed nancy Tranque.
  21. No that was Massacre. Although there was interest from D-O too, but y'know... he's poor and spends his money on booze. I mean look at the poor boy, he's wasting away to nothing.
  22. Is that where we slap our penises together and look charismatic?
  23. We're part of the welcoming party, but the fun doesn't really start until Massacre gets here with his bag of magic tricks. Other gaming forums are boring and have no sense of humour. *gestures with ball gag in hand*