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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. ViceMan


    Who knows, until we get the first official mention of either game from R* we're in the dark. I'm still speculating that GTA V will be announced first (how many fucking topics do I have to say that in?)
  2. A fairy? You want to emulate your real life in GTA then?
  3. I decided against it, it usually makes no discernable difference as they (the noob) get all high and mighty and rather defensive about their status. I thought i'd let someone else do the honours for a change. What happened to the good ol' days when Stoic used to totally shred them to pieces with one sentence and make them run off in tears with blood spewing from their gaping, pulverised arses never to return again? *looks around questioningly*
  4. The Cheetah, it's been with us since III. But I do also miss the Phoenix and Sabre Turbo from VC.
  5. Don't take that from him Massy, you go git'im giiirl. Bitchslap that face into oblivion.
  6. TBH all i've ever played of Max Payne was a demo of the first one on the PS2.
  7. I am still confident GTA V will be announced/released before Agent. As I mentioned before R*s new games such as RDR, L.A. Noire and Agent will sell well because they have the R* logo on them, but every few years they need a GTA game to come out to really rake the money in. From what i've heard about Agent it's going to be quite big, so it may take a while to develop.
  8. But CJ was in GTA IV you know. Think about it maaaaan. And I still maintain this is the funniest noob topic of all time.
  9. There are subtle hints to look out for when dealing with these... people, for example, I shall now assume the role of one of them: Ahem. the next gta shuld hav loads more weapunz and clothez to were and stuff you shuld be able to fly a plane really high and then jump out on to a helicopter like in that mission in gta san andreas then you shuld kill the pilot an throw the pilot out till he goes splat on the floor then you should take the helicopter and fly it all the way back to your base where there are loads of guardz and stuff that will fight for you and you shuld be able to tell them where to go and the drive you around where u wanna go and you can fire while they drive and they are really good with gunz and you can give them gunz and they can take gunz from dead men they have killed the missions shuld be betterer and have way more choicis to choose from that make the story end different the charecter shuld be cj but older and he should have fingerless gloves and be able to fly the palnes like i said and you can transport your guys in planes to other places and they will fight for you there you shuld be able to get a jetpack and fly all the way to the highist bildings and snipe at the police where they cant get you and you can also piss on them from high up tommy vercette shuld be in the game to and give you missionz to do until you shoot him because hes old in this game and then you should be able to get on a unicycle and go to the gym to work out to make cj skinny like you did in the last game also big smoke should come back in this game and they culd say cj didnt kill him but only put him in hospital and he should be out for revenge so cj and tommy team up and kill him for good my ideas are the best and rockstar are idiots if they dont listen to me. *emerges from trancelike state* Whoa... that was a wild trip there, man.
  10. Uh, why would L.A. Noire stop the development of GTA V? They're produced by different companies. R* North was in no way involved with L.A. Noire. Agent however... that's the one you should be complaining about.
  11. See it is possible to do both. You can even run a GTA fansite and fuck a girl, or so I heard.
  12. Maybe we won't see any more DLC cases after Reefer Madness is released then. *waves goodbye to hopes of the burglary and fraud desks returning*
  13. Nah he isn't clever enough to create a second account, he just renames his first account and hopes we don't notice.
  14. Yeah I don't know with half of these noob accounts whether they're genuinely being annoying and overly-optimistic or whether it's just for trolling purposes. But either way I don't really give a toss, they still garner the same response of "lol poor noob, doesn't know a thing" from me. It's like a deer caught in your headlights, you know it doesn't stand a chance but its only thought is "ooh shiney bright lights, I think i'll watch." - It's oblivious basically.
  15. I'm trying to resist flaming here, cause i'm in a nice mood. So i'll simply say; I highly doubt you'll see the majority of your ideas in the next GTA, or even the GTA after that. But I guess you already knew that.
  16. Wow, that was uh, original, I think your first paragraph contained one full stop, and that was at the end. What's so special about having exactly 92 missions, why not 100?
  17. Wow, never expected to see you back nigguh.
  18. I'm not up for grinding since increasing in rank holds no interest for me, but if the times are compatible with my busy schedule* I might be tharr. * - work, sleep, telly and PC.
  19. Yeah it's meant to be the same here, they sell them for bonfire night and new years, but that doesn't stop silly cunts letting them off in the middle of a summer's day. Legal doesn't mean a thing to those people.
  20. I never noticed anything like that while playing RDR. But the turning problem I had, while running I want to turn right slightly and for some reason it's interpreted by the game as I want to double back on the spot and go in completely the wrong direction. At least I think that was in RDR, maybe it was in GTA IV too.
  21. Being sincere, i'll miss him greatly. His posts lightened my days and gave me a sense of reason. Am I being too sarcastic yet?
  22. I spoke to Sam Houser and he said it's going to be set in Munich and the story covers three decades, following a father then later a son as they try to expand their small grandfather clock making business.
  23. I think GTA V will be announced before Agent. R* need a game they know is certain to bring in the next wave of revenue, and GTA is their most established series. L.A. Noire and Agent are too new and unknown to bring in the big bucks, sure they'll make a decent amount because of R*s reputation, but GTA is the cash cow.