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Everything posted by Jizzy

  1. How about gta character night? Dress up as Claude, Tommy, CJ, and all the npcs...
  2. Dead inside because i knew this would be my last igta night for a while and i spent the whole day thinking it was Monday.
  3. Everything about this sounds terrible. It could be unintentionally funny, but otherwise doesnt interest me.
  4. So... He's back... So fucking awesome.
  5. http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/04/17/the-walking-dead-promotes-three-actors-to-series-regulars-for-season-8 Guess who
  6. Starting The Dark Tower. Reading The Gunslinger
  7. I actually agree with QD. This season was the best in a while. I think im the only person that likes Negan, even if he is predictable and has repettive body language. Seriously, he does the same face, puts the bat on his shoulder, and arches his back in every scene. It was a weird quirk the first couple of times but now it seems forced. Also the way was set up, with the the 20 minute build up, and then the uber cheesy feel good music, made me cringe a little.
  8. How many times can they shoehorn the same take of Sasha making stupid faces into one episode?
  9. Jesus Dup, first the map and now this? Will you believe anything? I think if they were ever goin to e3 it would have been for V.
  10. Robo dino game is fun. Upload your pics here. I'm looking at you, Bones.
  11. People on Facebook liked this picture, so you guys can look at my ugly mug too.
  12. Don't want to farm the Tall Trees Train Takeover? That's okay! Get your Shark Bonds on the Playstation store today!
  13. If we don't get another trailer by May 1st, the game won't release until 2018. Shit, i think its already more likely. They would have hyped the game more by now if the game was less than a year away. Fuck Rockstar for lying to us again.
  14. If glenn is really leaving he show im gonna kms
  15. Gunsmith and Truth have chilled and exchanged weed before, I believe. I think they ran away together actually.
  16. I dont know why the uck you guys would come to Connecticut, but if you do...
  17. Jizzy


    Is somebody going to merge this topic with the other one?
  18. They arent going to notice us if one of our leading members is "taking a hiatus"
  19. Jizzy

    Just Cause

    Both the brake for the wingsuit and the ability to reel from the wingsuit are upgrades, if you have the dlc by any chance the thruster powered wingsuit comes with a brake.
  20. No super bowl ad. It's just not their style, for a first trailer. Maybe as a final trailer right before release, i dont think I know of any product being advertised in the superb owl that wasn't going to come out in fall of that year, which I also think is too early for release. I'm still sticking with q1 2018 at the earliest.
  21. Jizzy

    Just Cause

    You on ps4 by any Chance? Thinking of redownloading this if they fix the terrible frame rate issues