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Everything posted by Truth

  1. Too lazy to use google translate. What did he say?^
  2. Download .51 Mbps Upload. .12 Mbps Ping. 855 ms Fuck Hughesnet!
  3. Umm, why is there a calender? There's nothing in it except for the vga's.
  4. Why'd I get this? [#CJOIN-0] There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator. It's been doin this a while now.
  5. Oh god dammit. Miss You Much - Janet Jackson
  6. Me in my Exploder, yes I am a redneck.
  7. ^Ugh, women, they just don't get it. It's a guy thing.
  8. OPx knows what he's talking about. Developers/Voice talent have a very strict contract, meaning if you were to leak any info out about the game. Rockstar would basically then own your house, car, dog, ect. Legal teams for Publishing companies mean business, they do NOT play games, they are protecting they're investment. Look at what happened earlier this year when Bethesda legal team shot a cease and desist letter to Mojang for using the word Scrolls in their new game. If Gottfried was under contract he would certainly know better then to speak when he's not supposed to. Also R* doesn't like using big time voice actors. Say what? Most of SA was big time actors.
  9. Gin, rum, tequila, vodka, and triple sec all mixed together with some coke and sweet n sour. AKA Long Island iced tea.
  10. It would be nice to go to the casino again. $3 million on black
  11. I remember in SA when CJ burnt the weed field he got high and all it did was shake the screen. I'd rather just get high then play, it makes the screaming kids online more tolerable.