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Everything posted by Truth

  1. apparently real internet is now available to me they'll be out thursday
  2. Not sure, never really talk to him about it
  3. yeah, i liked them, plus my grandpa was in the 101st airborne
  4. there's a ban in my town, because the mayor is also a pussy, but i dont give a shit
  5. Truth


    i can't get it to work anywhere
  6. I feed it 2 mice a week, I got it 2 years ago not sure the age but I would guess around 4, don't know the weight but the length is around 4 feet, and I let my niece name it Angel. I had a pic of it driving but I can't find it I thought of an iguana but it's alot more upkeep, maybe down the road I'll get one.
  7. I have been completely stoned all day. Also, I use jars, pint and quart size.
  8. Truth


    God Oh wait you said reason and logic
  9. Used to be much longer! i miss my mullet, kept my neck warm
  10. Truth

    Computer help

    ok, i'm currently test driving a compaq presario cq57with windows 7 premium, 1ghz amd dual core, 4gb ram, and 250gb hdd any thoughts on this set up?
  11. The new MoH sucks IMO. Don't buy it unless you really want the BF4 beta key Yeah it kinda does suck, try the new ghost recon, I liked it a lot better.
  12. Happens a few miles from my house, pretty cool but no way I'm standing out there this year tho, way too cold.
  13. Truth

    Computer help

    Yeah all i do is web browsing and I'm only trading about $100 worth of I don't have any money
  14. Truth

    Computer help

    It's for sale at the store for $200, but I'm gonna trade a quarter ounce for it