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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Brucie. "thats how we roll, bitches"
  2. I want to be able to knock people out and then put them in the trunk of a car. Then drive off to a secluded place and murder them, then dump their body in random places. Goodfellas Did you really just say GTA 4 was a step back from GTA 3??? That has to be one of the stupidest comments i've ever heard. is someone wrong just because they dont share your opinion? someone please jesusfacepalm this guy for me If you can say with a staight face that GTA 4 a step back from GTA 3 you need to have your head examined. That simple. Its okay to say you liked GTA 3 over GTA 4 but saying it is a step back is just absurd.
  3. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    I don't care when it release's........ It just better be a legit rumor and get released. The only 2 HD collections I would ever buy is a Hitman one and a GTA one.
  4. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    They need to release it before Absolution comes out. It would be a great marketing stradagy. And i've been dying to play Blood Money in HD since i dont have a 360 or a gaming laptop.
  5. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    It is now rumored that a Hitman HD trilogy pack for the PS3 will release sometime in October to let new fans of the series catch up before Absolution releases in November. Now even though there has been no comformation by IO Interactive, a reliable source put the game up for sale and has a release date of October 15th. Do you guys think this will happen?
  6. Did you really just say GTA 4 was a step back from GTA 3??? That has to be one of the stupidest comments i've ever heard.
  7. Bronson


    Very cool trailer but i don't think I will be picking this up until the price drops. With AC3, Hitman, Farcry 3 and maybe a Hitman HD trilogy coming I am already spending way too much money this holiday season.
  8. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    This is getting annoying. They are showin way to much shit for this game. Now they have shown us two more levels. What are they gonna show every freakin level in the game before its released??
  9. Its a open world game. Its probably gonna be the biggest open world Rockstar has ever created. Sacrifices are gonna have to be made. You are looking to much into it. The game will look amazing.
  10. This movie looks really good. Can't wait to see it.
  11. Bronson

    Hitman Series

    Pretty much same gameplay as before but with the actual developers commentating this time. Also show us a new feature called 'featured contracts".
  12. A majority of people would like to see tractor trailers and towtrucks. Also nobody jumped on your "nuts". Well personal opinion. i really don't care. But wouldn't mind if they were in the game. i was just trying to show him how stupid some of his points were. ESPECIALLY that Sam Houser one......
  13. Most of my points were not stupid..... Just the Bike one and granted i made a mistake. But you jump all in my nuts on it. Now if it was something stupid like "guyz tey no helis in GTA IV" then its okay because this is a GTA forum.
  14. Granted i dont know that much about New York. Now i know that for future referance. Thank you. But this is a GTA forum. Not a New York Forum.
  15. Why are you on my nuts. talk about the retard that said helicopters wern't in GTA IV........ And he also saod that Sam Houser has nothing to do with the development or the creative process..... he should banned for just saying that...
  16. Okay first off there wern't planes because the map wasn't big enough to use them. There were "helis' what the hell are you talking about. Trains: There was a subway. They dont use trains is New york tard. Who the fuck cares about "towing trucks and trailers". Operating cranes to lift things; Your serieusly telling me you would use a crane to lift things in a video game. now i can see if it was for a mission but just for fun? that would be a waste of space. Bikes: They dont use bikes in New York. Imagine trying to use a bike in Algonquin..... Gaining muscle: i always thought of that bieng a little dumb. And besides IV was alot more about haracter developmest with Niko thats why there wasnt' as much customization. Clothes: are you saying Niko ran around naked? 37 safehouses; again the map wasn't big enough and it wasn't needed anyway. And besides most of the safehouses in san andreas were just copy and paste interiors. Tanks: there was a APC in TBOGT.... parachute; there was a parachute in TBOGT too. You need to get your facts down retard. casinos: wtf??? Its fuckin NEW YORK!!!! And Gang wars; you must not have played TLAD...... You my friend are officially the village idiot. Congrats.
  17. Joe King maybe you need to watch this video..... then you will understand what Rockstar is trying to straight from the man himself.
  18. I shit on any FPS besides Far Cry.
  19. nothing wrong with that. if youre a hardcore san andreas fan, you had good reason to be pissed off when gta iv came out. i thought iv sucked but yeah i wouldnt post something like this. although i agree with most of it, i would present the points in a reasonable manner. If you thought IV sucked. Just stop playing the GTA'S because you arn't gonna like them from here on out. no, the series can still redeem itself. so long as rockstar stop implementing stupid things like bowling with roman and only make totally awesome things. What do you mean "the series can redeem itself" the series is better then ever. what do you want GTA to become another Saints Row? Im getting tired of you San Andreas fanboys. All SA had was a bigger map and more things to do. GTA IV had better graphics, physics, story, Shooting and COVER SYSTEM. San Andreas was the third game for the last generation of consoles so they had experiance with it. GTA IV was Rockstars first attempt with the next gen consoles besides table tennis. So dont be a tard and use your brain. GTA IV did not suck and if you think it did you are not old enough to play GTA. i guess you werent even born when san andreas came out. prefering a classic over a newer game is not something an antivet would say. every part of gta iv other than graphics was heavily downgraded from san andreas. dont say the series is better than ever. "more things to do" is the biggest understatment ever. im not going to waste forum space as i could make a massive indepth comparrason. you are blinded by IVs graphics. No I am not blinded by IV's graphics. All the gameeplay aspects besides melee combat were greatly improved in IV. San Andreas is a great game. A fantasstic game but for me it's not better then IV and im sure alot of people here will agree with me.
  20. Bronson

    Halo Series

    I never liked the Halo series. Maybe its because i never owned a xbox but to me it just looked like another overrated, generic FPS.
  21. nothing wrong with that. if youre a hardcore san andreas fan, you had good reason to be pissed off when gta iv came out. i thought iv sucked but yeah i wouldnt post something like this. although i agree with most of it, i would present the points in a reasonable manner. If you thought IV sucked. Just stop playing the GTA'S because you arn't gonna like them from here on out. no, the series can still redeem itself. so long as rockstar stop implementing stupid things like bowling with roman and only make totally awesome things. What do you mean "the series can redeem itself" the series is better then ever. what do you want GTA to become another Saints Row? Im getting tired of you San Andreas fanboys. All SA had was a bigger map and more things to do. GTA IV had better graphics, physics, story, Shooting and COVER SYSTEM. San Andreas was the third game for the last generation of consoles so they had experiance with it. GTA IV was Rockstars first attempt with the next gen consoles besides table tennis. So dont be a tard and use your brain. GTA IV did not suck and if you think it did you are not old enough to play GTA.
  22. nothing wrong with that. if youre a hardcore san andreas fan, you had good reason to be pissed off when gta iv came out. i thought iv sucked but yeah i wouldnt post something like this. although i agree with most of it, i would present the points in a reasonable manner. If you thought IV sucked. Just stop playing the GTA'S because you arn't gonna like them from here on out.