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Everything posted by Barrybran

  1. :fap: I'm loving the guy at the back.
  2. "Ian" is trending as a popular name for homosexuals in Australia right now.
  3. Good thing I'm not English because I can choose a side. Go Germany! I'm tipping them to win too.
  4. Yeah that last one is sweet. I hope that trends well. It deserves to.
  5. I hope it doesn't smell like an Australian safety meeting. "Tastes like beer. Smells like sweaty, middle-aged men."
  6. I thought the winner of this game was going to take it all. This confirms it.
  7. Sometimes gonna die in Brazil tonight.
  8. Yeah Kuz. LeBron James hit a home run in the third period of the Superbowl.
  9. As much as I don't see the point of baseball games being played until the 15th, 16th, 17th... inning (and I love baseball), soccer is a game that could benefit from continuing to play extra time until there's a result. Fatigue = mistakes = results. The best will stay on their A-game and fight through fatigue.
  10. I'm not sure you'll get either Dup. I'm thinking Germany v Argentina at this point.
  11. Yet another reason to have custom paint jobs - to create your own likenesses. Race cars, Dukes of Hazzard, you name it. We need custom designs.
  12. I'll have to check out that monster truck. It looks like a decent pack from first impression.
  13. Peter Perfect. I like your style Ginny.
  14. The sad part is I have a feeling the heists will be disappointing anyway. Random fucking around is what's made this game what it is.
  15. Kev, you might want to quit while you're behind mate.
  16. Otiz, you should do a series of postcards with you flipping the bird in front of San Andreas landmarks with the caption "fuck you, I'm on holiday."
  17. Not to mention sporting two different teams' gear from the same sport.
  18. I'm not a pothead and even I understand the opportunity cost of this situation. Looks like they got their priorities right.
  19. I've been getting hyped up about Argentina every world cup since 98. Could be worse. You could be an England fan. Just substitute 98 with 66.
  20. "Cleaning the monkey's crack" sounds as conspicuous as a Dirty Jackal.