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Everything posted by narcolepsy

  1. Only watched the first season, at risk of alienating massacre: I shipped Tate and Violet. I've been meaning to watch Asylum and now Coven but haven't got around to watching it. Tate is probably one of the best characters ever IMO.
  2. This is why I don't bother with official online expansions for GTA IV was Crap, V has this "bad sport" shit. back to SA:MP for me
  3. When you aren't smoking weed anymore and you don't roll your own cigs you miss out on so much!
  4. As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were there going to St. Ives?
  5. We got a letter from the council! ! the snot episode is great when the bald guy starts throwing bricks about
  6. I'm excited at the prospect of North Yankton being in the game and explorable (through modding of course) when the game inevitably comes to PC.
  7. Hardly confirmation, a person who buys cash still has an advantage at every level.
  8. I had to shave mine. Felt depressed as fuck. Hit it yet? If so... niccccccccce
  9. my main problems: Games too short Games too easy Missions are fun as heck, (not san andreas tier, but fun) but there aint enough of them Blaine county might be one of my favourite settings ever in grand theft auto game though. I hope somebody can port that to San Andreas.
  10. I have 361 hours put into San Andreas, and that's just what was tracked on PC by Xfire (I made the mistake of stopping X Fire booting on startup), but It wouldn't be a stretch to suggest I put a minimum of 1000 hrs into the PC version alone, and I had the PS2 version for like 2-3 years before I got San Andreas for PC. I'll get bored of Five fairly soon but it isn't a stretch to say its a game you could get bored of.
  11. Is there any difference in taste?
  12. I was kinda pissed it didn't show what happened to the remaining people after I wanted to see Flynn on his 18th birthday at denny's having a huge pile of bacon and eggs, to which he then arranges to say "18" or maybe just a huge stack of pancakes at ihop
  13. I like to think ending c is Canon. Not a big fan of
  14. And some of those missions have lasted me almost an hour. how the hell? Getting the boiler suit took you and hour?
  15. You never play free roam on a non-spawn server on SAMP when some douchy 13 year old script kiddy with mod s0beit shows up? Here's what happens, you're playing fairly, when out of nowhere... HOLY FUCK, HUNTER AND 4 BILLION ROCKETS and you're dead. these people never go for modding cars or that shit, always something they can be as cheap as possible with.
  16. Every company ever that does this shit claims it wont "unbalance the game". brb combat arms brb latest runescape update that is ACTIVELY real world trading. brb diablo 3
  17. I was talking more about the boiler suit and mask missions where you just go somewhere and buy something. Getting the bugstars van at least, the sub etc takes a little bit longer.
  18. Story IS very short. 69 missions, and at least 3 of them are "go here and buy something, boom end of mission" 2 minute long things