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Everything posted by narcolepsy

  1. [found it on an old hard drive I'm sorting through, think 'bino made this years ago Good thing that isn't what I requested How careless of me.
  2. [found it on an old hard drive I'm sorting through, think 'bino made this years ago
  3. narcolepsy


    That's not too bad then, major content you don't have to pay for, pretty sustainable.
  4. narcolepsy


    (posted it in the wrong thread!!!, shouldn't have x posted sox!!!" That was expected. It's a major MMO that's going to try and compete with WoW. They'll realize soon enough, though, that only WoW can require a subscription and still give people their money's worth. They'll go free-to-play, just like every other MMO has. Depends on the game really, if its good I think it'd be able to sustain a good amount of subscribers, TOR was crap and couldn't so they went free to play. Is the development model for TES out yet? I'm curious if its going to be a rolling release of updates like Runescape has or if its going to be expansion packs like WoW.
  5. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    First things first,Microsoft aren't my "friend" (I barely even use Windows anymore, I reboot and use Windows 7 to play the few games that I haven't gotten to work on Linux) if I do buy a console it probably would be a PS4. But I really doubt I'm going to bother with this generation of consoles though, so just getting that out of the way. I don't think it's a matter of "buddy buddy" more a matter of "cough up and we'll put it on your console first" it's an effective business practice and Microsoft made way more than what they invested into paying for DLC from GTA IV so this generation they are probably going to go all out with buying limited exclusivity on games. I think the gamers win there, so long as you bought the console that's getting it of course. Neither of your links are working either, but in regards to EA, they've thoroughly shat the bed with gamers, they aren't doing as well as they were and I don't expect them to last very long before they either go under or get bought and the focus changed there. I don't think a lot of people are going to bother with any game that uses this lame always online DRM, I bought SimCity because 4000 is probably top 10 on a list of best games ever made and returned it through Amazon as soon as I could. They've put a real shitty taste in every bodies mouth and I along with a lot of people won't be buying it. And Fee for TES (MMORPG games)? This isn't a new development by a long shot, you pay for expanding content, I play Runescape and pay £6 monthly and get new content pretty much every week. World of Warcraft is the same just with all the major content coming out in expansions and bug fixes being regular and free. This dates back years and it's not a business model I disagree with (neither will a lot of people here, Cuda, Massy, Marcus all play/ed WoW). Ryse is complete and utter garbage and if you couldn't figure that out from the trailer and go ahead and buy it you've got issues.
  6. narcolepsy


    It isn't a "short term memory" It's confidence that a company isn't going to repeat mistakes. They've backtracked on mistakes and frankly I think that's better than Sony who if you were to look just at OtherOS and how people never received anything as reimbursement for the removal seem to be a less consumer friendly company. I'd sold my Xbox shortly before then and sold my PS3 after I mistakenly updated it and didn't realize I couldn't get OtherOS (I used it) You seem to have this idea that Sony are out to help consumers and they're really not.
  7. narcolepsy


    You are remembering that wrong. Almost everybody who bought a PS3 was ranting and raving about the blu ray functionality and What the FUCK? Mad props about Kinect 2? Nobody likes Kinect!!! It's part of the reason people are still pissy about the Xbox One. Are you just making stuff up? And you know what I meant, pointing out a mix up like that doesn't dispute the fact that Sony were probably about to nickle and dime you until Microsoft's announcement went over like a fart in church.
  8. narcolepsy


    Well you already said that you were buying an Xbox One in the Xbox Article. So you pretty much lied there. But don't worry, because you sound like a lot of "full of shit" people on the web right now ( and for the past 6 months ), trying to make out that you're neutral ( hedging your bets ). And I'm going to hazard a guess that you were real quiet during ( and just after ) E3 this year. But now you're full of "Shitbox Patriotism" again. Just remember that you are giving money to some real evil assholes at Microsoft ( with their archaic business practices ). These guys are trying to bring down the level of quality game development by churning out crap. Trying to force "DRM" and "Always Online" down your throat, so that you're pretty much just renting the game you paid full price for. And what's that? You don't have that anymore? Well you can thank Sony for that/ because they stuck too their guns . And remember that with the old policy they wanted to introduce ( Always Online/ DRM ), they can restrict your access to any game you have purchased, whenever they want. They can take the Servers down for your game whenever they please, so that if you want to come back and play the game again ( say in a year or two ), you can't . So you're pretty much just renting your games ( you don't own shit ). And I reckon if Microsoft could they would charge you $60-$120 initially for the game ( depending on what part of the world you live ), and then a fee of ( say ) $20 a month, and extra fees for DLC, and then after that they would install micro-transactions for in-game items......... But you would like that wouldn't you, you blind sheepish M$ Fanboy. It's idiots like you that throw your money at Microsoft, and allow them to think they can get away with this ( because their fans are fucking idiots ), that brings gaming down into a mediocre, stagnant state. Which luckily hasn't happened yet because Sony and the PlayStation Brand is still around. Well good luck casual gamer with your shitty excuse for a game console. I'll be playing real next-gen games on the PS4. "thank you ps4 merchant, you are my greatest ally" I loved the whole "And I reckon if Microsoft could they would charge you $60-$120 initially for the game..." spiel, Sony is a business and Sony would do that just as fast if they could. Fuck, I'd hazard a guess at they were about to announce policies similar to Sony's but then pulled them before announcement when they saw how Microsoft's shipment of fail was about to go down. I was having flashbacks at the "M$" it's like I'm back in the 90's. Nostalgia!
  9. Finally, an episode that isn't just FILLER FILLER FILLER until the last five minutes.
  10. Well I want my like as soon as your quota is refilled, you damn thievin' ape
  11. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    I'm not a fan of the overly fizzy nature of Coca Cola, so when it comes to Cola I like RC or Pepsi, but in general I think Cola kinda sucks and prefer Lemonade.
  12. If it isn't cooked on one of these (or the oven equivalent) it isn't grilled.
  13. I too am hoping for some good country. Nothing better to listen to while in your tractor trying to escape a 5 star wanted level. that's where your driving skills come into play. I too am hoping for some good country. Nothing better to listen to while in your tractor trying to escape a 5 star wanted level. that's where your driving skills come into play. I disagree. If their aint any Hank Williams Jr on, my tractor getaway plan comes apart at the seams.
  14. Only thing even resembling an EDM station is a bit poor. Country is also a little lacking but that is a solid line up of Rap and the other stations look good. The "everything else" column has a lot of good music. Awesome musical lineup.
  15. That image (the one printed to the disc) has been floating around for a while and anybody could print it to a disk. Regardless it certainly isn't a review disc (the ones sent out to magazines) that are generally plain white labelled type things.
  16. IV's was 0:00 thru 0:18 (and maybe further if your disk drive was a old pos) of this. Nothing too special.
  17. EVERYBODY IN THE GAME DIES, THERES A FUCKING NUKE!!! Just resources (audio etc) at first but there may be a chance. Though I've never heard of games preloaded on steam being cracked. (dont take my word on it though, it might have happened) Well my uncle used to get a shit load of games early but I have no idea how he did it, mostly for 360 though. Employees of retailers break street date all the time on physical copies, those physical copies then get ripped, cracked or w/e needs doing and uploaded to trackers. It's why developers try to send games as late as possible these days. Sounded like a "load screen" beat to me. Very repetitive, similar to the _______ connection or w/e it was called from GTA IV that wa son load screens.
  18. EVERYBODY IN THE GAME DIES, THERES A FUCKING NUKE!!! Just resources (audio etc) at first but there may be a chance. Though I've never heard of games preloaded on steam being cracked. (dont take my word on it though, it might have happened)
  19. I've heard there getting pretty far into this and theirs more than just cutscene audio...