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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/11 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    You have a cat?
  2. 1 point
    as soon as the fucking playstation store releases honest hearts, i'll be all over this topic, with pictures as well...
  3. 1 point
    Nice color, although I prefer my Challengers to fully stock, and white (Fucking Vanishing Point, bitches. Go watch it.).
  4. 1 point
    that would be pretty tits
  5. 1 point
    I rather like tight assholes. Oh, wait, you said uptight... Uptight. Yeah...
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Synch, much appreciated. My final hand-in of my second year, which is a human anatomy hand-in: Turnaround of the model: Now I can put some serious time into L.A.Noire!
  7. 1 point
    Pretty easy if you are Level 30 and geared up.The look and feel is a nice change. Got the first two achievements already. I had no idea it would be this interesting. (Will be boring for some of you, it's that easy.) Story wise, I have been exhausting every speech option with main characters. It's really a total overload of history. Just been exploring, trying not to go too fast. Found what seems like every location on the map already. If I hadn't of shut it off, feels like I could have finished it. Got to mind work tomorrow. That sucks man. Weird it goes to black. Guess you've already tried everything? My 360 hard drive is almost empty except for Fallout 3, GTA:IV and Fallout New Vegas. I noticed a rather long load time, but it was before the part you showed. Just going in the door to meet the caravan, took like 3 minutes. I just didn't touch it an waited. Other than that I thought it was strange because it actually seems to flow better than regular New Vegas, at least on the strip anyway. Can you try re-down-loading it?
  8. 1 point
    Thanks man. That's the kind of motivation I needed to hear. The last DLC put me off because of the bugs which never got fixed. This file, I didn't even finish the factions, and am neutral with both Caesar as well as NCR. Didn't do Dead Money yet on this file, but was surprised to see that Honest Hearts is already up on XBoxLive. Downloading only took a few minutes. So I guess I'll see what's up. From a regular current save my girl awoke in Novac room to read this: The map directs you straight to the Northern Passage. Happy Trails guys, enjoy the DLC.
  9. 1 point
    I'm not hyped up about the DLC. Will get to it when I can. Real life has been sweet, haven't been gaming at all. Will probably check it out tomorrow if I can. Won't be doing L.A. Noire at all as I don't do cops.
  10. 1 point
    Looks cool. So, May 17th, and then the next in June. Was that girl the one who voices Veronica? [Felicia Day] Or was it Jessica Chobot....I couldn't tell because the narrator who is usually IGN's Jess, says "I voice...." It sure sounds like Veronica though....
  11. 1 point
    I have this image appearing under the explore game marketplace, Fallout, and then under extras, it is still the main image listed for Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer (HD). It's also, same extras section, under Fallout: New Vegas Teaser Trailer (HD).
  12. -1 points
  13. -1 points
    Hi I'm NCP, also known as NCP1315 and Robin. Joined the gta-sanandreas.com forums a couple years back and kept on joining the newer sites, I kinda got a life now so I'm not really active. I travel the world a lot, often not to the holiday destinations, but in a month I'm going to Aruba for a year so yay!
  14. -1 points
    I love diseased pigeons, they're so cute and cuddly. Also tasty. Aww, we have the same eyes. Please I tapped that bitch months ago.
  15. -1 points
    If you want my money, the African children have it all... go and beat them up and get it, and while you're at it enslave them and ship them thousands of miles to work in my fields please. It's the most politically correct thing to do.