Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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We used to have a thread about the Walking Dead, but I cannot locate it and I will be damned if I am going back to the old site to retrieve it.

Anyway, the Walking Dead is zombie show on AMC that has special effects as gruesome as some of the actors "acting". Regardless, it's entertaining and mindnumbing at the same time. The new season started last night and it was typical Walking Dead episode - drawn out and suspenseful. Someone ought to bitch slap the director for his pacing.

Anyway, I know a few people here watched the show last season and may or may not have watched it last night. If you missed it, it will be on all week and all month as AMC is whoring the hell out of Halloween with Fright Fest or whatever the fuck it's called.

I'll post my review of last night's episode in a bit. Chime in if you saw last night's episode.

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Saw it.

I almost came when Carl got shot. I hate that kid, possibly even more than I do in the comics. I was disappointed, though, when I thought the black guy was going to get killed, but didn't. There are two awesome black people in the comics, they need to hurry up and get to them and quit wasting time with this obvious redshirt.

But, of course, they've already fucked up the cool black guy's story, because Sophia's mom is a fifty-year-old lesbian lookalike instead of a hot 30-something blonde. She was half his story in the comics.

But beyond the infuriating differences from the comics, it's a good show, and last night's episode was my favorite so far.

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Here is my perspective:

First let me say, I like the Walking Dead. It's good for a zombie TV show. The makeup is amazing, the acting is tolerable. I try to keep an open mind when watching the show - I really liked the first few episodes, but I hated the last few episodes.

Episode was kind of lazy. It was an hour and a half that could have been shortened to an hour easy. The opening, with Rick's monologue to someone who obviously isn't listening was useless and overdramatic. He narrated the whole fucking story, only omitting the part about what the dicknose at the CDC told him right before the place exploded. Thanks, Rick - I'm sure whatever the BIG SECRET is - is a total letdown.

The episode had some good parts, there was a lot of suspense in the "car graveyard", I liked the idea of the roaming herd of zombies. I also liked the zombies in the church a lot - it didn't make sense they were still sitting in the pews, but it was pretty awesome nonetheless. Those were really the only strong points.

I wanted to know what the buttons on the corpse in the tent said. Did anyone else notice the nice "How about a nice cup of shut the hell up?" sign in the camper? I want one.

A LOT of time was wasted with the searching for the girl deal - I hope she ends up being a zombie. Little kid zombies are the freakiest. She was an idiot for running so deep in the woods. Rick was an idiot for not calling out to her to strategize her escape as he was running along side her and dispatching the zombies sooner. She was also an idiot for leaving the dam or whatever, but it should have never come to that.

The show is focusing too much on this family atmosphere when the characters focus should be survival. A lot of shit doesn't make sense. Before entering the car graveyard, Daryl went ahead and scouted it out - Glen mentioned the other way, but they didn't have enough gas. They're sitting outside a car graveyard with cars full of gas.They end up siphoning gas from the cars eventually, but they could have just done that to begin with. They didn't have to get trapped in the middle of all those broken down cars. What if the radiator pipe were to break? D'oh, it did again. It's the end of the world, go to a nice Winnebago Dealership and get a brand new ride.

If I was in that group, I would have found a nice truck that was in that car graveyard and rode the fuck out. Shane's got the right idea, but again, big mistake making an announcement. I would have just been GONE.

The part with the kid and the deer was equally dumb. Whoever shot the deer had to see the damn kid with the red jacket standing a yard and a half directly behind him, especially since it was a direct shot through the deer and the kid. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

All that said, I am looking forward to next week's episode where they answer all the questions from last season like what happened to Merle? When is Shane REALLY going to die? Did the guy from the CDC come out of the closet to Rick in the finale?

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Great way to kick off a new season. Lets hope the rest will be as good. I felt that last year, it started off well, but then became a little boring and action-less towards the end - Until the last minute escape that is.

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Saw it.

I almost came when Carl got shot. I hate that kid, possibly even more than I do in the comics. I was disappointed, though, when I thought the black guy was going to get killed, but didn't. There are two awesome black people in the comics, they need to hurry up and get to them and quit wasting time with this obvious redshirt.

But, of course, they've already fucked up the cool black guy's story, because Sophia's mom is a fifty-year-old lesbian lookalike instead of a hot 30-something blonde. She was half his story in the comics.

But beyond the infuriating differences from the comics, it's a good show, and last night's episode was my favorite so far.

I can't wait for:


Hope they don't fuck this up, it should be amazingly badass.

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I love zombie shit. Have since I was a kid. Went out of my way to see most of the bigger name zombie movies. Day of the dead is stll on of my favs.

So yah I love this fuckin show. I dont pay too much attention to slight plot holes. I felt it could have been shorter i agree but they obviously make it longer so they can get more commercials in.

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I can't wait for:


Fuck yeah. That girl's wife material. Here's hoping they get someone hot to play her.

What's that vampire show on HBO? True Blood, I think? The black chick from that.

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AMC is going to fuck up the show before Carl ever does.

It seems to be picking up though. I hope Daryl kicks more ass.

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I thoroughly enjoyed it. Much more interesting than the expected ending would have been.

I don't mind that they've strayed from the comics that much, but they'd better not fuck up the story with the Governor and the prison. Danny Trejo as the Governor or gtfo.

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I can't wait for:


Fuck yeah. That girl's wife material. Here's hoping they get someone hot to play her.

What's that vampire show on HBO? True Blood, I think? The black chick from that.

I don't watch this, but I watch true blood. That woman is Tara


I love true blood, great show.

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I can't wait for:

Fuck yeah. That girl's wife material. Here's hoping they get someone hot to play her.

What's that vampire show on HBO? True Blood, I think? The black chick from that.

I don't watch this, but I watch true blood. That woman is Tara


I love true blood, great show.

Id fuck her so hard

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Yeah i agree all round. I was pleased to see that they did something less expected with the girl. Hopefully the second half will be more action packed.

To be honest, i thought between the first episode and the seventh was a very poor, dragged out narrative. It felt like they didn't have the time or budget to push it further, so decided to save the good parts for the important shows and padded the rest with un-interesting events.

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