
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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That's why you watermark the shit out of things. And not the hilariously obvious ways some people do where it looks like a designer handbag pattern overlayed over the image to a point you can't see what the hell the image is. Little subtle ones scattered around that only you know where they are unless someone REALLY looks for them... or has a higher contrast/lighter screen...



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Firstly and foremost, This isn't my main map, and i will still be working on that based purely on visuals not leaks. But i decided however, to create a version of the leaked map to see how our own findings match up to it, as well as to make a clean version to see properly the landmass and water without all the mess of land territory zones etc.


So, in theory, this is how much of the map we have seen from the trailers and screenshots, not including the odd shots which haven't been established (town, etc.)


Full Size: https://i.imgur.com/12t26XA.jpg


And this is the map's landmass as a whole...



Full Size: https://i.imgur.com/M9THLXi.jpg




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Think we can assume the fake map is real now since there's a sign for Annesburg in the trailer, plus many others probably. Blackwater looks much bigger now, weird how 12 years later it's shrunk so much.


At the 1:15 mark the sign on the right looks to say Valentine, which is also on the map in square L9.


Van Horn Inn apartments at 1:52. - J17 on the map.

Edited by ViceMan
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There's also a place called Adler ranch and one of the women is called Sadie Adler, so perhaps that's her family's ranch. The preview mentions New Hanover which doesn't appear to be on there though, might be the Cumberland Forest part.

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It'll be interesting to see what the city ends up being called, we already have Valentine and Annesburg confirmed from the map so those two obviously didn't get changed from the early drafts. Seems odd for Rockstar to choose a city from another game as a placeholder name though, but I guess we've not seen any rough map drafts for previous games so it could be a common theme that we haven't been privy to up until now. If it is New Bordeaux I wonder what Mafia references they'll festoon it with.

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I think it was a coincidence that they addressed over the last delay. May have been conceptualized before the developers of Mafia announced that was the setting of their game... Something still seems off about that map. It seems kind of small once you subtract all the area that's just water... Maybe small islands and ship wrecks will be added later, with an underwater aspect similar to 3? If there's all that water and no naval shit at all I'll be irritated.

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I think it was about the same size as the first Redemption map, so yeah by today's standards it could be considered small. However it's all about how that space is utilised, R* are always pretty good with fleshing out landscapes so they're just right, don't forget this area is a lot more mountainous than 'demption which also increases the size - or at least the feeling of size... also it's not as if we'll be racing across the map in a Lazer in two minutes anyway (i'm still worried however we might find a flyable Deluxo in a secluded cave, unlockable for the low low price of £50.) Maybe R* will add in the entire original Redemption map, not just West Elizabeth.

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6 hours ago, ViceMan said:

(i'm still worried however we might find a flyable Deluxo in a secluded cave, unlockable for the low low price of £50.)


I wouldn't go that far but I'm sure there will be an easter egg of some sort for that. :sorcerer:


RE: map size... A smaller map also means more disc space for other things such as the interactions with NPCs, environment details, etc. A benefit to RDR is that there is a lot less going on at any given time so they can add more stuff. GTA has a million things that can happen between every pedestrian, the vehicles they are driving, props, etc. RDR has like 10 people around you tops, a couple horses, a few wild animals, and some lanterns. I'm fine with the map we've seen as long as it means more details getting packed into the game.

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a larger map doesn't mean a better game, or more to do... i've played plenty of larger maps that just don't have enough interesting stuff happening to justify the wasted space... like fitty said, they're gonna want to use that disc space to flesh out other parts of the game, and make it more lived in... this game will be reaching the peak of this gen as far as content goes, we're near the end of this generation, and just like GTAV did to lastgen, it will push every ounce it has... and just like V, i expect it to really utilize all the disc space available, and if that means a smaller map than GTAV, then so be it... it'll feel bigger on horseback anyways lol...


also, yes, i expect a few easter eggs here and there, maybe a mechanical spider at the bottom of a lake lol...

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I thought we'd all given up mapping once we knew that map was the real deal, kinda takes the fun out of it. But i'd still like to see some really in depth analysis of frame by frame panoramas with every knoll and hooker's tit outlined in colour-coded profile so we can cross reference them to build up a fully fleshed out understanding of the world.


I haven't watched the gameplay trailer since it came out, but it had lots of juicy shots in it that are ripe for analysis.

Edited by ViceMan

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Yeah i did give up. Saw this new trailer and decided it was a more of a "match the screencap to the leaked map" job from here on out. But i already started a clean leaked map remake, so i may as well continue using it.


So Saint Denis i'm certain is the official name for New Bordeaux, because of the way it was explained and the composition of the town map which was from this image. The rail lines also match up with the leaked map to the left of the town/city.



And here is some facts which helps plot another location on the map.


You see the sign on the church? says "Valentines Church"

We've seen this town in many shots from previous trailers and screenshots too.




And i'm sure i've pinpointed one of the waterfalls on the map named "Cumberland Fall".






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I think this might actually be Little Creek!


The topography looks accurate, and the landkmarks match up. Even the orange dirt path can be seen just below he arrow on the left. Not only that, the minimap shows where North is, and it's exactly right!


This is the clearest shot i could get of the building, and it looks to me like a ranch for sure.


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Game looks pretty sweet.... I think they are delaying this again tho... too many games comming out this fall, and red dead, with its sprawling natural landscapes is a better spring time game anyway..:

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This is the best match i can find for the Rail bridge and waterfall. Brandywine Drop is very similar but the rail bridge doesn't match up as well. I did think it was that at first and the big mountain in the background could have been the Loft...




My aim now is to create a visualisation of each landmark and location, so it's easier to understand where all the stuff in the trailers and screenshots are.


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Lookin' good, normally I like to have a go at that sort of stuff myself but you'll have done it all before I can be bothered to look at the screencaps.

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