
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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Well You could have a look at some stuff and i'll leave you to it if you want?


I'm done for today.  How about that big steaming/smokey village that looks like an industrial area? Could be on the east side of the map, but i havent looked into details yet.

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1 hour ago, DuPz0r said:

How about that big steaming/smokey village that looks like an industrial area? Could be on the east side of the map, but i havent looked into details yet.


Yep, reckon it's Annesburg myself, the way the coast juts outwards to the south matches up with the map pretty well and that large building I think is the same one seen in the third trailer with Arthur beating a guy up in front of it at around 1:30 - something mining and coal company, but there's a lot of lumber outside suggesting it's a sawmill.


My question is - where does that desert fit into our map? Is it some new area we haven't seen yet?

Edited by ViceMan

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So we finally have a location in the Scarlett Meadows region!



And Van Horn Trading Post




Also, Viceman you was right, that is Annesburg.



Updated the map to reflect all the new finds.


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Yeah Dup I was doing exactly that last night, comparing those two buildings, even matched up the Confederate cripple guy to the other shot like you did. Can't be arsed to actually open up editing software to note it all down visually though.


Also note the lighthouse in that Annesburg pic, is that Tallulah Jetty or possibly the prison island? Could even be Copperhead Landing.

Edited by ViceMan
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I think that desert is going to look a bit odd stuck in amongst all the other terrain, in the first Redmption it worked because it was the entire southern portion of the map and separated by a river, even then the terrain north of the river sorta transitioned into an arid landscape around Gaptooth Ridge. But how the hell are they going to have a small isolated patch of desert when the land around it is all temperate or swampland? You can't go from one biome to another in such a small distance.

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I don't think the Heartlands is that "small", though. It's about as big as New Austin and Rio Bravo from the old game put together (looking at the mashup old+new leaked map). The desert portion alone might be small but I could see it fitting in. A good chunk of what we've seen of the Heartlands is the north, west, and east ends. There always seems to be hills blocking these areas off from the south/central part. Using the leaked map you see Horseshoe Overlook as massive cliffs and we know from the first trailer there are pretty big [grassy] hills south of the Kerosene/Tar and oil fields. I could see the desert being squeezed in there east/southeast of Horseshoe. Where the leaked map has "Larned Sod" marked is north of where I think it is. Dewberry Creek is east of where I think it is.


Side note: Google informs me that "Larned" is a real place in Kansas (basically north of Texas). No idea if this will be related in some way.



edit: here's a pic...




Also, if we can flesh out these villages enough we could make a "tour" and show off these areas (BS some details based on what we've seen). I'm sure Rockstar will beat us to the punch, though, by the time we get enough info.

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I was thinking the same thing with regards to the desert situation. We did see in one of the early trailers with the gang riding across the heartlands, it was a much browner landscape compared to what we see in this gameplay trailer. What if some areas become drought like as the story progresses or vise versa.






Either that or the island with the Spanish/south American locations is all desert, and could be much bigger than it looks.

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Seasonal variations in landscape would be nice, but even then I don't think that would be enough to form a proper desert. I'm looking at the background in that desert pic to try and place it somewhere.

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Decided to go back and look at old trailers, now that i have a better understanding of the geography. I remember thinking is this Little Creek or Mossy Flats. Now that i feel we've seen these places, i don't think it's either. I think we're looking at the creek leading to Strawberry in Big Valley. Thoughts?






I made this sign a little more legible.




So I've been putting this together, anyone want a shot at guessing where about it is on the map?

Click link for larger version.




I did see people saying it was broken tree on Twitter. But the positions of the background geography has thrown me off. 

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That's the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw that pic. Great Plains with Blackwater off to the right. That bit of mountain above the Blackwater church would be Horseshoe Overlook.


I'd like to note how nonchalant they revealed Blackwater being in RDR2. I feel like it was supposed to be a surprise for fans but the leaked map kind of ruined it.



RE: Big Valley... I still think that's Little Creek. Just my opinion.

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I agree it does look like Great Plains/Broken Tree area, and it's more than likely right. But now i see the background landmarks it's thrown me off in terms of orientation. I felt as if those two iconic heartland rocks were facing West to East. Now it looks more like South to North based on this image...


That's why i started doubting my initial guess at West Elizebeth, and started thinking it was more to the west.


So Fitty, you think it's showing Little Creek from the West facing East with Hanging Dog Ranch behind the tree's on left? That's definitely a plausable concept.

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I've been wondering about the two nubbin rocks, whether they are the same two we saw in the first trailer or not.






Perhaps they are beta versions but in the first trailer the right one doesn't have the fingers on it, camera angle?... definitely shows how far the game has come if they are the same.

Edited by ViceMan

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yeah i think they made them slightly bigger even. They seem to dominate the landscape in the new shot, whereas they seemed smaller when it was all dry and dusty. Might just be the camera and lens width but it sure looks different.

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The one on the left looks different too - its left flank is more sloped in the newer pics, like it has crumbled away a bit. Doesn't have the same stepped profile. They've gotta be the same though as they are so similar in shape, can't have two sets of near identical rocks in the world.

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And we all know how R* dont reuse assets like that. This isnt Just Cause.


You got me curious, so i decided to go and analyse the rocks a bit, and I've finally got my bearings straight.


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I would laugh if the map somehow turned out to be fake after all this effort, I know it's not possible at this point...

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Yeah i'd laugh too. But we did the same thing with GTA V until we finally got some map details just before launch, and that turned out pretty accurate.


I still think we would have been pretty accurate with our own map if the leaked one didnt exist. It's just aided us along the way this time. I wont lie, the minimap in the gameplay trailer has been a massive help in determining the placement of towns and landmarks on my map. Even if we do have a leak to match it up with.

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I'm still hoping that desert is in some so far unseen portion of the map, don't know where that would be though because to get down to Mexico way again you'd need to travel across Flat Iron lake bypassing Hennigan's Stead.

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I'm wondering if that Mexico area is for a very short part of the story. Sort of like going to Liberty City in GTASA or North Yankton in GTAV. Hell, maybe Javier Escuella will be playable pre-gang era and we see his upbringing or something.

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