
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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Here's my Guarma Island map so far, based on similar if not the same triangulation method you're using Fitty, apart from your amazing grid work, which I did not do! Glad they look similar to some extent, It means we can't both be wrong! lol


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Guarma Map Update v0.40

- Added terrain data, based on mountain landmark triangulation.

- Started tagging landmarks (using my own nicknames since there is and probably will never be any information for that).


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Guarma Map Update v0.50

- Added the smaller Island to the Southwest

- Tagged many landmarks (using my own nicknames).

- Added a legend

- Added visual context for the mountains

- Unified all the text & font



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Thanks to WAX6428 for finding this location!

I've been closed minded enough to be searching as Marston for the most part, and would never have found this most likely.


#14 In the cabin of the sunken boat, Van Horn Credit to WAX6428 




Here's the screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/yw8LAX6


Know of any others? Fancy helping me find the rest? Thanks.


So, to summarise there's:

8 Newspaper Cheat Codes

27 Found Locations

2 Unknown Locations?


These many locations in each State: 

Ambarino 7
Lemoyne 5 
New Hanover 6 
West Elizabeth 3 
New Austin 6


#26 You want something new

#32 You want freedom


So close, only 2 more remaining!



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#27 Dilapidated House, On the East side of Flat Iron Lake, Scarlett Meadows - Credit to Lumpybad






Here's the screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/yw8LAX6


Know of any others? Fancy helping me find the rest? Thanks.


So, to summarise there's:

8 Newspaper Cheat Codes

28 Found Locations

1 Unknown Location


These many locations in each State: 

Ambarino 7
Lemoyne 6 
New Hanover 6 
West Elizabeth 3 
New Austin 6


#32 You want freedom


So so close, only 1 more remaining!



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So one of my Exploring Beyond Subscribers contacted me with something cool this week, that I wanted to share with you guys. He found an Antique Brass Compass on the Grand Korrigan. This isn't the same as the Old Brass Compass found in the time travaller's homestead. And it seems as if it was meant to be used for crafting. I'll let the video do the talking...



What do you think then? Is this something left over from deleted content? Could there have been more to that mission and they just forgot to remove it after cutting it down?

I can't believe we're still finding new things in the game a whole year after tjhe game came out! Crazy lol

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So I finally have an estimate meassurement for Guarma! Thanks to ivarblaauw & TreeFitty for consultation in this process!




The black lines were the furthest edge of the map. But due to map glitching and disappearing in those areas, I had to find the next nearest spots with the maximum measurement. The Yellow & Red lines represent those spots.

Using the co-ordinates we were able to determine the unit measurements & volume. Arthur's casual steps are approximately 1 unit, which equals to 1 foot.



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Might as well add my findings here....

Southeast corner of mainland is approximately 12507.65, -15994.22 (couldn't get to the actual corner, waypoint teleport wouldn't go any further)



Northwest corner of mainland is approximately -12195.19, 8584.709 (overshot to compensate for previous)



That gives an approximate overall distance of 24500 each way. If that's in feet, then it's 4.6 miles each way or around 21.5 square miles for the mainland US/Mexico.



Tried with the other corners and similar numbers. Turns out the waypoint teleport wall is along the southern edge. Managed to get better measurments of the east and west coasts which were 12753.33 and -11712.2 respectively = 24465.53. Note that's at the water line. The top of the cliffs is set in further.


Top of cliffs (approx):

North = 8000

East = 12600

West = -11585

South = -16400 ???

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After days of piecing together map images of RDR2, I can finally show the world this 6500x6500 pixel image of the entire map in satallite with the outskirt or outter map geography too. I didn't add the blurry non-solid map area since this took long enough to put together. And we only really want to see the solid parts anyway right?


Click the image for large versions, download that image for highest resolution & quality.









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A year later and got the coordinate system down...


The map is split into grid tiles that are 512x512. You can see them while under the map and looking a distance away (the edges of the low-poly grids disappear when you get close). The entire map is 48x48 of those tiles = 24576 each side.




We figured the coordinate system is actually in meters (or very close to it, see below) so that gives a total area of the entire Red Dead Redemption 2 map as 604 sqkm or 233 sqmiles.





This is edge to edge but the actual edges are under water so that takes away some of the area. Still quite a huge map.



  • North 8192
  • East 12800
  • South -16384
  • West -11776




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