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1 hour ago, TreeFitty said:

Wait... so the game is only in early stages and relying on kickstarter? This should be fun to watch. Especially if RDR2 gets confirmed for PC (which as we all expect won't be for a good year after the console release).


*reads more* Okay so they have people with experience and are making RDR+Minecraft. Good luck to them. Maybe it'll be a hit or maybe the niche will be too small to keep up.


yea its a sink or swim kind of deal... they got some good early publicity, but if the game is meh, it'll get trashed by this ungrateful community... but i think it has a chance since rockstar NEVER releases a PC version with the release of the console one... so it'll be there for anyone willing to give it a chance...


tbh, if the online system holds up, it sounds funner than whatever cash grab freeroam idea rockstar is cooking up... hell, perhaps this game could be what has been keeping R* quiet lately, trying to scramble to make their online component better than they originally thought would make money... lol the life of the gaming industry, i'd love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting :lol:... 

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*Rockstar offices, 1pm sharp*

Dan Houser is sitting at the head of a table, his mouth grimaced, a cigar clamped rigidly within his furled lips. He gets up and rifles through some papers agitatedly, his back to the full length window looking out over Broadway below giving him a silhouetted and menacing demeanour. Hunched over the table, smoke emanating periodically from his cigar in synchronicity as he exhales deeply through his nose, he shakes his head and drops the papers to the desk, then looks scornfully at the executives assembled before him. Several bow their heads in either a gesture of reverance or shame, Houser looks towards the man sitting closest to him on his left, wincing and barely stopping himself from biting through the cigar. The man, paralysed with fear, is unable to avert his gaze from Houser, his sheepish, pleading eyes peering up at him from behind his thick rimmed glasses.


Houser turns his attention to the group.

  "So, who's responsible for this... this fuck up? Who is gonna be held accountable for these lost millions?"

A man in a dull grey suit covering a damp, sweaty shirt nervously raises his hand.

  "Sir, we had no idea such a thing was going to happen, there was no indication of any imminent danger. All the trends showed we were going to have free reign over this market."

Houser looks at him intently, saying nothing.

  "This, this game... if you can even call it that came out of the blue, we were completely unprepared for it...we had no..."

Houser raises his hand.

  "Ok, i've heard enough... you call yourselves executives? How could you let this unknown company crawl out of the woodwork and produce something so dangerous? You fucked up bad with Far Cry 5, and now this? What the fuck am I paying you for? You're meant to predict this, prevent this, but no... you fucks... you couldn't predict Online would be so successful, I should've seen that as a warning sign."

Houser turns to the window, fully silhouetted now.

  "And now, now there's only one thing left to do..."


*Red Dead 2 release day*

"Log in to RDOnline over the next week and claim your $300,000 in gold bullion, plus a limited edition pink ten gallon hat with ostritch feather sticking from it."

Edited by ViceMan
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Well I wasn't expecting that! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Not too disappointed as this always happens anyway, but admittedly the screenshots do look fucking amazing.

Edited by shabbagaz

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"Due to the immense and unprecedented success of GTA Online all forthcoming titles have been postponed indefinitely while we brief our marketing team on the best possible way to implement shark cards into every facet of the online gaming community while removing legitimately earned money from players and retroactively slashing job payouts to make the game 'more competitive'. Fuck you for your time and money - R* Games."

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I'm thinking about a "it's definitely delayed again " news post or just shove out a bunch of tweets explaining the reasons.



  • newer LAN coming this fall
  • we're well beyond Rockstar's normal 6 month marketing scheme if they want to release this year derp already spring 2018 but that might turn into summer anyway...
  • ... I had another reason but forget at the moment...
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The actual game is finished, they're just working diligently to remove mission payouts and replace them with prompts to buy in-game currency for story mode. You'll need it to buy the tier 2 currency prompts, which allow you to buy the special currency needed to unlock online mode and its third currency type.

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they're still trying to figure out what the gold pieces you earn from online missions break down to when you go to buy stuff in shops... you have to ride to the national bank, convert the gold into coins and paper, then pay the bank a hefty tax for converting it... then use that money for buying goods and clothes... but since each town has it's own set of currency, you have to convert your newly owned coins for currency that the town reflects, so you go to their local bank and convert the national money, for another hefty tax of course... then by the time you sit down at the tavern, your 10 ounces of gold buys you a warm, watered down ale...


my sources also tell me that you can't grind gang hideouts anymore... every time you play them, the payout cuts in half until you can only earn a fraction of a gold piece... they're also working on a sort of survival mode where you have to eat and drink water to live... but there's no animals online so you have to go to a store to buy food... and the water isn't clean, you have to buy fresh water from a local town well... if you thought you could boil water to detoxify it, you're wrong, apparently your character was traumatized when he was younger by seeing his favorite birdie fly into a forest fire, and now has a fear of fire... so no campsites for you... 


when you ride into a town, you'll have to dock your horse at the stables, for a modest price of course... if you want to ride a horse around town, you can rent one at the local livery, for a modest fee of course... and like any parking meter or owning property in GTAO, you pay the handler of that horse a fee every hour you use it... plan on walking instead? sorry, but there's a walking tax in towns... gotta pay for the sidewalks somehow...


wanna make some quick cash playing poker? well, there's a $500 buy in fee, in which if you manage to play thru the 5 hours without getting dropped or losing your money, you can make out with $645... it might of said $750 when you won, but you also have to pay the dealer for his time... be careful buying drinks while gambling, that's where they get you with the marked up watered town piss they call beer...




these are just a few of the things i've heard they're working on at the moment for online... so i guess we can expect another delay... but i don't mind, i want the game to be a finished product... i want to feel ripped off at every turn, otherwise it just wouldn't feel like a rockstar game... take your time, make it right...





on a lighter note, what fitty said... they are well past their marketing window for information regarding a game coming out in spring... hence the LA noire debacle, a scheme to keep their fanboys distracted with updates and information for that, while they drop the bomb of yet another delay in the midst of a huge LAN PR roll out...


also, $10 says the new cards will be called bull cards... which is funny since the wild west didn't have credit cards...

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Exactly :lol:


They think after last time on twitter they can generate the same hype twice... Questionable. I'm looking forward to a trailer, if it's any less i will be disappointed. 


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i hope it's more of an information dump... tell us about the game, give us a page or two of info to comb thru, and a few new screens... i love how they waited until the very last day of summer, to make their "more info in the summer" post that has no info in it :lol:...

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Yup, kinda what i'm anticipating; "The news is there is no news, goodnight."

Edited by ViceMan

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