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Dear Rockstar Support...

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I recently found I had a few issues with my Online account...


Dear Rockstar Support,


I have just noticed the following things missing for my Online account:


- The ability to purchase my personalised licence plate

- The ability to get the Collector's Edition cars for free from the car dealer

- My musket


Please rectify this in due course and let me know when it has been done.


With love,




A few days later, I got the following response...



Hello Ginginho,


We have proceeded with reimbursing the missing levels to character slot 1, as well as a cash accommodation to the account which will show up in your shared back to re-purchase missing Pegasus vehicles.  Please let us know if you have received these funds and still require support


Kind Regards,

Rockstar Support



I checked my account.  They gave me $1,000,000 but I still can not access any of the things I asked for...  not sure if that's a positive result or not...


What have your experiences with Rockstar Support been like? 




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Yet my dukes and stallion go missing and they basically told me I was a lier lol. I was also told you could operate the roof on the convertible stallion. You can't so I don't think they have any idea what game there're talking about sometimes...

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I'm not sure if its a win either. "Here's a million dollars. Its not real and you can't access your shit but its impressive nonetheless. Keep playing our game."

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I got my musket back and I found out through someone else that you need to apply the number plate to each car individually via the iFruit app...  so I kept on at them regarding my lost CE stuff...


They gave me another $500k after making me jump through a couple of hoops and discovering that the problem lies with them...


Does anyone who bought the CE edition and converted their game data to PS4 still get the Hotknife, Khamelion and RS Carbon free??  Did you get your free garages in single player?

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I only got the Special Edition, but I did not get the garages free, when I upgraded to PS4.


Also, that license plate thing is shitty, since iFruit continues to think that I only have two fucking cars. <_<

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Agree totally about the licence plates - I could only change it when I was playing online at the time as well which was a nuisance.  


I might stick to pirating for now - Black Flag is so much fun...

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i have to pay for the CE vehicles now after jumping to newgen... am i not suppose to? because, everyone can buy them now... perhaps i should complain for a cool $500K...


the good thing tho is all the plates appear in the store if you buy it for one, all the ones you spent $100K on... but my complaints are my original isn't an option (ITSBONES), and the plates disappear if you turn off the system... why aren't they there at all times??

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No, you aren't supposed to... all the CE privileges were supposed to go with you to your new console... I'm only chasing them up on it because I paid extra for that shit so I want it back...  I didn't ask for any money and I would give it back for my shit back... 


Oh, is that the case with the plates??  I only have my original one so didn't know about the new ones...

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Dear Rockstar,


I can request a helicopter pickup if I need a ride, and a helicopter flies to my location and lands. So, for personal vehicles, why do I have to drive to the nearest helipad to access my own helicopters? I'd like it to be delivered to me when I call it in, anywhere (as long as it can land safely). And have a helipad on the roof of any apartment with a 10-car garage. need a runway, so they only spawn at an airstrip, it makes sense. However, helicopters should be delivered to your location.


Same complaint, same principle for special vehicles on land and in water, called in through Pegasus. You got rid of the mechanic but I can call in a vehicle and have it delivered close by (sort of, most of the time). So special vehicles like tanks should be delivered nearby, rather than having to chase them down at the nearest spawn point.



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Personally, I think planes should also be delivered anywhere with ample space to spawn them. Just to weed out the people who shouldn't be flying to begin with.

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honestly I've never had problems like that with their support. i recently deleted my character and ask for the money back for the yacht and apartments i had (yes you can do that) and they gave me 14.5 million. although i think it was treated as if my character was lost because the gave me rp also. I've seen a lot of improvement in the support system, not just based off that but over time its gotten better

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