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On 24/06/2016 at 8:27 PM, bOnEs said:

i made an ammo assembly line... better stock up on fertilizer if you have the same idea, seems like every ammo type requires it :rolleyes:...


OK so NOW i can delete unwanted quote boxes. That was weird. ( *doesn't explain what I am talking about to people who can't see hidden posts ) 


So, assembly lines. I was wanting to fuck around a bit with this. But I wanted a walk-though on how they work before I start so I don't waste shit. Having 5 active characters, none of them really have a lot of supplies to spare. That is why I don't build a lot. I haven't even made a battle arena yet with the last workshop DLC. 


Any of you watch a good video or did you just start fucking around? I could just search for one; but I was hoping one of you may have found a good video. There are too many cunts on youtube and I don't feel like picking through the horse shit. 



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4 hours ago, DiO said:


OK so NOW i can delete unwanted quote boxes. That was weird. ( *doesn't explain what I am talking about to people who can't see hidden posts ) 


So, assembly lines. I was wanting to fuck around a bit with this. But I wanted a walk-though on how they work before I start so I don't waste shit. Having 5 active characters, none of them really have a lot of supplies to spare. That is why I don't build a lot. I haven't even made a battle arena yet with the last workshop DLC. 


Any of you watch a good video or did you just start fucking around? I could just search for one; but I was hoping one of you may have found a good video. There are too many cunts on youtube and I don't feel like picking through the horse shit. 




I've watched a couple but they were mainly just videos generally showing how the conveyor belts work, how to hook them up etc rather than going into massive detail.  It was all I really needed to know before I properly experiment - got a few ideas in mind.

5 hours ago, bOnEs said:

i didn't take a snap but i put some initial work into it, this is gonna be super cool!! B) i decided against making it a museum dedicated to me and my findings... instead it will just focus on the cool stuff found out there... i'm building scenes, similar to what museums do, and i'm calling it "Home Plate Museum" :)... i'll snap off a screenshot before crew night and share it so you can get an idea of what it's gonna look like...


it's gonna be awesome to see the final product, i'll have to do a video walkthrough!


I was originally intending to build some sort of castle, but it's turning out to be more like a large mansion!  Was intending on a museum-like room myself within the mansion with all my power armour and various other bits and pieces on display along with making good use of those new posters.

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yea those propaganda posters that light up are fucking awesome looking! i got a couple of them around my silver shroud section B)... as promised, here's the home plate museum... and i'm only really just getting started, i got a lot left to fill ;)... but i like the mood i'm setting for it, i'll be illuminating objects...




kinda wish i could send a follower here, it'd be awesome to have a robot curator :)...

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I haven't touched this game since well before Contraptions came out. Whoops.


Honestly, I might not bother. With the last real DLC not coming until August, and mods indefinitely delayed, I'd just be decorating houses. Like a post-apocalyptic Sims.

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What, there's only going to be 6 DLC packs? I thought there'd be at least 8-10 since most of them are - like Massy said - the stuff packs you used to get for the Sims that just added furniture and other decor to the game with no real content included.


With my news reporter's hat on you know what this means... that a new Elder Scrolls release is literally just around the corner, i'd expect it to drop just before christmas. If it doesn't it surely means the game has been cancelled and fans should give up all hope of ever seeing it released and may as well kill themselves, because that sounds logical right?*


*This seems to be the general trend of most "news" articles I read regarding either Red Dead or ES; if we don't receive any info about an imminent release then it means they must've been cancelled - PERMANENTLY CANCELLED!


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It's a trend they started with Skyrim. Two meaningful DLCs, and some fluff. I won't ever expect anything as good as Obsidian's continuous four-DLC story again. That masterpiece was one time only.


I really enjoyed the workshop mode, but I never would have been into it, had I known it would lead to lazy DLC with no real content. Cosmetic fluff that drains my painstakingly-acquired resources, with no story content? Sounds an awful lot like GTAO, to me. Expect TES VI to have its own workshop mode. 


At this point, TESO has more meaningful DLC. Might be time for me to give that a shot, honestly, despite the lore rape.

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I do wish the super-needy Commonweatlh settlements would go 'on hold' whenever I'm in Far Harbor. I've been completely immersed in the story and have therefore ignored calls for help in favour of crawling through the fog...I finally went back to the Commonwealth yesterday to look at Contraptions DLC toys, answered a call to help defend the reasonably-well fortified Abernathy Farm, and was rather crestfallen to find Joe Abernathy and Maisie the cat quite deceased upon arrival. I tried reloading an earlier save, before the current 'attack', but they were still sprawled dead on the who knows when it happened. I mean, Joe is one thing, but the cat? Why'd they kill the poor kitty? :( It made me very sad.

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Yeah I had quite a few help requests while in Far Harbour, didn't answer any of them so the commonwealth could've been overthrown by supermutants long ago.

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i only answer cries at sanctuary and starlight drive in... but now i gotta help out longfellow if he ever gets in trouble... as for the rest of my settlements?? i'm certain they're all dead :lol:...

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13 hours ago, ViceMan said:

Yeah I had quite a few help requests while in Far Harbour,
didn't answer any of them so the commonwealth could've been overthrown by supermutants long ago.

I always get them, but all my settlements are over-fortified with weaponry 

so I get these messages that I successfully defended whichever settlement. :wacko:

It's a pretty full time job defending the 4 settlements in Far Harbor.
The invasions seem much more intense so I keep my people heavily armed and walled in.
The Visitor's Center seems to get hit the most and hardest....even with concrete walling.
Dalton, Echo, and Longfellow get mainly lame trappers.
i don't know what the Reptilian attraction is to Tato crops....meh.

Maybe it's all the psycho Santiago Avida art on the walls.

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My settlements seem to defend themselves more often than not without me. Some of them take damage here and there. I do think a high defense rating helps them from taking damage. 


Walls probably don't actually do anything for defense unless your actually there to have the enemies funnel toward your traps/guns. Otherwise in your absence I'd bet it just calculates the chance of a settler dying based on the defense rating. 


I've been just wandering around the commonwealth for the first time just entering every building and killing fucks. It seems I level up just as fast or faster doing this over radiant quests. Probably because I don't take time to travel around to pick up and drop off the quest. 


Also, I know I've been blabbing about this for a bit, but it's harder to sneak in far harbour for some reason. Maybe because it's more open and all you have to hide behind are trees. 

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10 hours ago, DiO said:

Also, I know I've been blabbing about this for a bit, but it's harder to sneak in far harbour for some reason. Maybe because it's more open and all you have to hide behind are trees. 


Super Mutants never see me in Far Harbor, so maybe it's your skill / perk settings.

I get spotted by the giant animals and dogs mostly, but my sneak is maxed.
A grenade pocketed for every Trapper.


If it helps, there are a lot of Legendary cloaking apparel in Far Harbor  I noticed. Might try killing more legendaries.

I just found the 2nd official Pirate Hat in Far Harbor, and it is well hidden.
Not the Sea Captain, Coast Guard, or reward hats, it's actually named Pirate Hat.



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Ha yeah I found one of those.


I'm starting to love the buzzblade. A legendary mr handy was after me. All I did was run backwards and hold down the trigger. The fucker kept getting hit by the blade but never initiated his own melee attack. He was essentially dying while chasing after me. It was pretty hilarious. He eventually lost his melee arms and started using his flamer. I was fucked then and had to run away and use a rifle. But it was pretty funny. 



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...a pirate hat?!?! how the fuck did i miss that!! :o... also, i heard there's a vault too and i missed that... lol there's still a lot of far harbor left for me to explore... i'm gonna have to head back that way in the next couple of days and do some more exploring...

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1 hour ago, bOnEs said:

...a pirate hat?!?! how the fuck did i miss that!! :o... also, i heard there's a vault too and i missed that... 


Well, no idea how you could miss that (118) because Pearl, a handy like Codsworth is hanging around when you first get to Far Harbor.

She asks you to follow her up to the massive structure up the hill, past the trappers.

Hint, take a Ghoul Shotgun.....for before entering the Vault.


The actual mission will allow campy dialog like in the Shadow crap. Dramatic voice.

For me, it was all about looting and meeting Santiago, the artist who has decorated all of my settlements.


This is where I found the first Pirate Hat with the other relics.

The second is well hidden on the Azalea.

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i didn't follow pearl, i said i'd meet her there later and forgot about it lol... i don't have a ghoul shotgun i don't think... but i have a bleeding one, it works pretty well on all enemies... but yea, i gotta get that pirate hat... i also saw a plane icon on the map i never visited... needless to say, there's a lot of exploring left in far harbor for me, even tho i am all done with the story...

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3 hours ago, bOnEs said:

i didn't follow pearl, i said i'd meet her there later and forgot about it lol... i don't have a ghoul shotgun i don't think... but i have a bleeding one, it works pretty well on all enemies... but yea, i gotta get that pirate hat... i also saw a plane icon on the map i never visited... needless to say, there's a lot of exploring left in far harbor for me, even tho i am all done with the story...


I've explored everything on the Island like 20 times over, and collected like 230 Legendary Weapons, mostly all related to the Island.

The best ones are for fighting the Shipwrecker and Fog Crawlers like Hunters Explosive Shotgun, Hunters Quad Missile Launchers, etc.

The Ghoul Explosive Shotgun is great for taking out the Charred at the legs, rendering them immobile. 

Yeah that airplane icon is Massacre's boy Erickson. If you collected the Vim Refresh Power Armor, and ultimately met Grun,

Erickson is the one speaking on the terminals about locking Grun inside. The Vim Factory has shit tons of bones for making oil.

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20 hours ago, Synch said:


Well, no idea how you could miss that (118) because Pearl, a handy like Codsworth is hanging around when you first get to Far Harbor.

She asks you to follow her up to the massive structure up the hill, past the trappers.

Hint, take a Ghoul Shotgun.....for before entering the Vault.


The actual mission will allow campy dialog like in the Shadow crap. Dramatic voice.

For me, it was all about looting and meeting Santiago, the artist who has decorated all of my settlements.


This is where I found the first Pirate Hat with the other relics.

The second is well hidden on the Azalea.


Have to say I didn't know about that.... and I can't actually remember ever meeting Pearl!  Where about on the map is the vault located? (think I must've just 'dismissed' it as a 'nothing' event).

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*doesn't know where the spoiler tag things are.


Hmm, will this work. 


The pearl is......



Pearl should be lurking around the main city of Far Harbour and she talks to you and asks if you are the police or some shit. Then you follow her to the hotel where the vault is below that.





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On 7/8/2016 at 8:35 AM, shabbagaz said:


Have to say I didn't know about that.... and I can't actually remember ever meeting Pearl!  Where about on the map is the vault located? (think I must've just 'dismissed' it as a 'nothing' event).



Northwest of Far Harbor, the massive hotel is easy to see. Follow the coastline, and a winding road up.

Also if you have the Visitor's Center Settlement, you can see if from behind your house.

Pearl should not disappear. If you never saw her, she's in Far Harbor, if you told her to wait, she's right outside where the first fog attack was.
Well, I guess if the dialog option is there to say you won't help, maybe she just goes back home.
The good thing about her is that she runs a barter shop, always handy for bits and pieces.

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Completed Far Harbor and got all the trophies, that whole storyline was really enjoyable. I'll probably go back and try a couple of the other ending options just to see what happens, and there are two locations I haven't been to yet; but it might be time to go back to the Commonwealth for a while. 

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Ha, I was just in an underground location and looting bodies as usual, and when I collect the clothing, it strips the torso, head and arms bare but leaves pants visible on the dismembered legs. :lol: 

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