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Swimming did irradiate you, in 3. It didn't in New Vegas because most water sources were clean.

Now that I think about it, how were Lakelurks a thing in New Vegas, when Lake Mead and the Colorado River weren't irradiated?

I'm guessing it's because Bethesda introduced Mirelurks and Obsidian thought they were cool and adapted them. Or maybe they come from Big Empty? That's how they explained most of the creatures in NV. Either way I liked Mirelurks so I'm not too bothered.


More to the point how would the water sources not be irradiated, I mean House shot down most of the missiles but not all of them.

It'd been 200 years and Vegas didn't get hit all that hard. California was pummeled but in 1 and 2 only certain areas are radioactive, and that was much sooner after the bombs dropped.*


*I'm using Fallout radiation logic, not real world as I have no idea about that sort of thing. 

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I got to about level 32 and found suddenly everything started getting easier (I think I'm about level 41 now).  Collecting the perk to find extra ammo helped me a lot.


My character is based around sneak with my 4 main weapons all being unique, modded to the max and silenced.  I use  a 10mm pistol, an Automatic Shotgun, a Missile Launcher and a Sniper Rifle.


My biggest problem is armour.  Just building up my skill set to allow me to start modding it, but for now I'm just using unique armour that comes with perks. 


Pretty much done next to no missions or storyline and just been roaming.  Done a little bit of settlement building, but just my own place to store my magazines, spare weapons, armour and all my power armour.

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150 hours in and I finally reached level 50!

And Bloodbugs still kick my ass..Fuckin assholes

Lol, i'm on my third character by now. Got to 50+ with my first and 60 with my second. This guy is gonna be a right arse to everyone, be a sort of raider (who all the other raiders attack) and eventually join the Brotherhood. I'm not going anywhere near Preston Garvey either, as soon as that guy leaves the Museum of Freedom he can fuck right off out of it.


At this point I think i've done most of the quests in my first two playthroughs, seen a couple of different endings:


Think I prefer the Institute ending for the sheer nostalgia factor (not that I ever played FO3 mind you.)

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I'm finding I have an abundance of mostly everything. I do buy ammo for my favourite weapons occasionally..44 for my colt called lucky punk and my combat shotgun called boom stick. And I did need to scrap a bunch of toilets I had in my dining room coz I ran out of ceramic.

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It's annoying when I make a trip to the shop to buy duct tape or other needed bits only to get home, craft one thing then find i'm low on something else. Settlement vendors never sell the right shit either, only stuff I don't need.

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Brilliant game. I care so much less about the fate of my son than I do about traveling and witnessing the Commonwealth in its entirety. Not that the story's bad: judging from what I've bitten off, this is the best storyline of the series. I've never been too invested in the main Fallout conflicts until now.

*lip quivers* I will never have the time to fully enjoy this game. Life is futile. :(

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You should know Q it's not the size that counts, it's what you can do with it. A set of those fully painted - that would probably be worth a bit.

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You should know Q it's not the size that counts, it's what you can do with it. A set of those fully painted - that would probably be worth a bit.

yeah,but I'm not much of a painter....

these aren't done.. but....

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You should know Q it's not the size that counts, it's what you can do with it. A set of those fully painted - that would probably be worth a bit.

yeah,but I'm not much of a painter....

these aren't done.. but.... meh.attachicon.gifimage.jpg


Send them to me and I'll give them a decent paint job. Doubt I'll return them, but they'll look nice. 

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That is awesome.

Why are they orange?

the are orange because I printed them with red PLA and put one coat of yellow as a primer, so it soaked in, I have painted the faces yet.

speaking of fallout, Ive been treed by two death claws and can't esccape their rath :(

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I'd say appart from the faces not bad for my first time painting anything ever...




... actually they're pretty bad. but I still like em...

I've never had so many friends!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. They look like clowns. Fuck man, I'm serious. Ship them to Australia and I'll do a proper job. I've detailed much smaller figures. 


I must apologise. I know how much you guys cared about my Fallout commentary (If I say it enough it might become true) but I've been distracted by my annual KoToR play through. I could provide updates on that, if anyone is interested. I've accepted the Ebon Hawk will remain infested by Gizka, as I don't have the heart to poison them. Nothing like discussing war crimes with Canderous while a cute lizard thing hops about. 

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. They look like clowns. Fuck man, I'm serious. Ship them to Australia and I'll do a proper job. I've detailed much smaller figures. 


I must apologise. I know how much you guys cared about my Fallout commentary (If I say it enough it might become true) but I've been distracted by my annual KoToR play through. I could provide updates on that, if anyone is interested. I've accepted the Ebon Hawk will remain infested by Gizka, as I don't have the heart to poison them. Nothing like discussing war crimes with Canderous while a cute lizard thing hops about.

I'll print out a fresh batch, using white...

send me your address and a nude.

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Only thing stopping me sending you my address is what I fear you'd do with it. My dogs are very sensitive, and seeing your impression of goatse may ruin them. 

I'll happily send nudes, though. You into pale, skinny guys? I have chest hair, if it helps. 

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And thus romance blossom'd across the oceans. Life finds a way... Anywho, KOTOR eh? The hours I sunk into that as a teen, yes indeedy.

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If I'd spent as much time doing something productive, instead of sinking hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into KoToR and KoToR II I may have made something of my life. On the otherhand I'm pretty happy being seen as a failure. I'm fucking Revan. No one could reach those heights. 

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