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Me too, this is a nice break from listening to GTA radio stations... :lol:


After hearing track 8, "Crawl Out Through the Fallout" by Sheldon Allman, I had to look it sounds like it's from the right era, but the lyrics made me wonder if was a modern song, written and recorded in ye olde style just for the game...but fun fact, it's a real song from the 1960s. (Y)


Sheldon Allman (June 8, 1924 – January 22, 2002) was a Jewish American-born Canadian raised actor, singer, and songwriter.

In 1960, Allman released Folk Songs for the 21st Century, an album of novelty songs all revolving around science-fiction themes. The tongue-in-cheek material, which Allman wrote and arranged himself, included titles such as "Crawl Out Through The Fallout" and "Radioactive Mama." [1]

Radioactive Mama is the first song...holy tongue-in-cheek, love this shit.

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Have to admit I absolutely love the music, even though it's not the type I normally listen to in the car/on my mobile.  Sets the tone perfectly.  'The Wanderer' is my personal favourite though!



Onto other things, I've now built a perimeter fence all around Sanctuary - only way in or out is through a couple of gates.  Also a couple of turrets for good measure but could do with a couple more.


Started work on a new building which I'm building gradually as and when I get more materials - not used a pre-fab this time, building it from scratch.  Going to try and build it multi-story.


Found quite a few useful bits and pieces out and about including a few fusion power cores which will obviously be very handy (some were at the same location which I managed to clear of raiders).

Edited by shabbagaz
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I don't really care for the sound track, sans the songs that were already included in fallout 3.

I mean, they are ok but I actually think that WGN's Manhatten series does a better job picking nuclear themed songs from the 1950s.. 60s were too different from fallouts 1950s asthetic... Imo

Might enjoy the radio more if I didn't have to listen to that dj... Not sure what Bethesda was thinking there

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Can't seem to make power happen right, got a generator going to a switch on the wall with a light next to it which works along with one light in the house, but nothing else works.

I think I found my base by a crashed plane tho.

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Can't seem to make power happen right, got a generator going to a switch on the wall with a light next to it which works along with one light in the house, but nothing else works.

I think I found my base by a crashed plane tho.

Switches only work for a certain distance. Throw another one in a spot where the lights don't work, and run a wire to it.

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My Sanctuary home has a ceiling fan and the switch works...but I put in a floor lamp in the same room with a second switch, and it doesn't work at all. It's the standing floor lamp with the curved arm, it shows 'activate lamp' when you look at it but it won't turn on; it might not need a switch but in that case I'm not sure which connector it needs to get power.  I did get multiple hanging light bulbs working in the workstation house, also with switches. I've also got a couple of windmills built but can't get them connected to a generator either, it glows white when I try to connect the wire but the connection doesn't stick. Any tips are welcome.



On the subject of soundtrack, although it's nice to hear the old familiar tracks from previous games, I'm curious as to why they didn't curate a brand new playlist for this game, there certainly isn't a lack of material to choose from.

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ya im going to have to look at how to do the power thing. my friend had all his generators in one spot and used the pylons or something to distribute all the power around the city. Probably took a fuck load of copper but it looks dope. Got the local leader perks and I'm loving it. Making settlements without it is fucked. I wasn't gonna bother but then I realized this is my "good" character so he would bother. Having a bunch of vendors at Sanctuary is pretty sick, Also I just store everything there and with supply lines it's available at all settlements for crafting. Also, i had to pump a bunch of stats in charisma to get that perk but dam makes quite the different with all the dialogue in the game. Never bothered with it at first but after all my failed persuasion attempts it started to piss me off. 

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Right now I'm concentrating on foraging and want to get Sanctuary to that point too, where all the houses have power and street lights are set up, vendors and supply lines established...I'd like to get them and Tenpines in decent shape before visiting Diamond City.


FYI a steady supply of purified water shows up in the workshop inventory if you put a medium-sized water purifier in the river. I probably have about 30 stockpiled now, comes in handy if stimpaks run low.

Edited by gtagrl
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How do you get people to come? I found me a little hippy community in the edge of town, but all its residents turned to Gouls.. Go some what're food and beds but no peeps

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Build a generator and radio beacon (Resources>Miscellaneous). Make sure you flip the switch so the light on the beacon is green.

Preston gave me a quest to clean it out and build a beacon, though, so you might want to wait a while. He regularly gives me quests to start new settlements.

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I've practically spent the night working on my new 'building' - took a lot of faffing around and it isn't pretty (I suppose you could say it looks like a bomb's hit it! ;) )


Couldn't build any higher unfortunately but this is how it looks at the moment.  Still a lot to do and there'll be a few changes along the way...






Going to have to put a wire fence on the 'balconies' - I fell off quite a few times whilst building!

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Noob question.... does having the radio on while exploring affect your stealth?  



I haven't seen it effecting stealth, and I'm always sneaking.

Then again I don't listen that much, just for the news updates.


To be on the safe side I would go with lights and radio off.

There are Stealth Boys and Armors to go invisible.



One of the first glitches I found was involving the stealth left shoulder.

Not a crafted shadow piece, it's a legendary item found.

In stealth mode the Pip Boy goes white and can't really see anything.

It's no big deal just a small glitch that makes it hard to see.

Change armor or stand up to remedy that weird situation.

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I filled a random house in Sanctuary with strobe lights, mirror balls, and other things of that nature. A single house in my town, holding a rave fueled by Bing Crosby.

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Anyone else getting the gltich where it says (from your pip boy's data tab) you don't have certain resources (beds, defense, food) at a base and your settlers happiness goes down. Then once you go to the settlement to check it, it all comes back and the happiness slowly goes up? The pip boy tries telling me Sanctuary has no beds, meanwhile I know for a fact I've put down over 30.


More or less all my settlements are getting this so i have to travel back to them just to stop the happiness from going down. Its really fucking annoying. I've said fuck it and they can be unhappy. Building this shit and playing quests is enough work to not worry about a fucking gltich. 


Also, I think the max amount of settlers one place can have is 18. So don't worry about making more beds than that. 


ALSO! I made settlers from Sancturary my supply line provisioners for other settlements. Now i can't take them off being provisioners and My Sanctuary is down about 4 people that could have been working on resources. I tried taking one off, and I could. But then I couldn't assign anyone else to work the that supply line. 


Spread out your supply line provisioners so they dont all come from one settlement. I sent all Sanctuary peolple out.  Should have maybe sent 1 or 2, then went to the other settlements and sent people from that settlement TO Sanctuary. 

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Power is pretty straight-forward.


1. Build a generator

2. Build a power pylon and connect it to the generator using wire.

3. Build a power conduit on the ceiling/wall and connect it to the pylon - all nearby electrical appliances will be powered, including lights (certain items require direct connection to a power conduit, pylon, or generator)

5. Create a web of connected power conduits to supply the entire area. Note; your generator must be large enough.

6. Use switches to break circuits and block power to a conduit.

7. Be sure to switch the generator off and on if your lights/TV etc. are not working.


Generator>Pylon>[switch]>Conduit>Nearby lightbulb/TV etc.

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Don't forget to take the fusion cores out of your power armour when you leave it stashed somewhere - I found that out the hard way...  I hope the settlement attacks don't become annoying like GTA:SA's gang attacks...


I'm just doing enough to get the settlements up and running and then moving on... can't be bothered doing all the assigning jobs and building shit while the residents sit around and do fuck all... I still haven't been to Diamond City yet...  


I love the legendary items I've found so far and it's cool that you can upgrade them...  I have had problems with 3rd person view so am basically playing in 1st person which isn't as bad as I thought it would be... 1st person combat is way easier...


I found the radio doesn't affect stealth but then I am so bad at it, it doesn't really matter...  Atom Bomb Baby is a great song to fight to...

Edited by Ginginho
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How do I dress dog meat? Like with the welding goggles


Go to the Trade option with Dogmeat.  Put the item in his inventory, go to that item and you should get the option to "Equip".  Choose that.


One annoying glitch/mistake with that, is that if you make him carry things for you, then use the "Transfer All" option when you want it all back off him, it will also take the stuff you've equipped him with.

Edited by Biker Korben

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I hope the settlement attacks don't become annoying like GTA:SA's gang attacks...

I sometimes see a couple raiders, maybe a super mutant. One was attacked by a deathclaw but there were so many people shooting at it he really didnt take long to die.


Perhaps only about 5 times so far something has attacked. When I am away from the settlements, I havent received any notices that there is an attack or anything. I though I would and would have to fast travel and take care of it, but nope.

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