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Are there axes in Fallout?

You should take a stroll around the area outside Diamond City. Peruse the aisles of a comic shop, perhaps...


On Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this week, Mac made a wisecrack about working on a shotgun/axe combo, which caused a mini-tsunami in my got me's probably asking too much for Fallout (sounds more like a weapon you could make in Borderlands or Mad Max or Saints Row etc) but I was picturing something other than a bayonet add-on...

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I've encountered a glitch where a caravan brahmin is glitched inside the main building of the sanctuary village.

I've saved and reloaded multiple times throughout my progress, and it's still trapped inside a bathroom or something. Looks Pretty funny, i'll post a picture for your amusement later. Hopefully it's nothing game breaking though.

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I've encountered a glitch where a caravan brahmin is glitched inside the main building of the sanctuary village.

I've saved and reloaded multiple times throughout my progress, and it's still trapped inside a bathroom or something. Looks Pretty funny, i'll post a picture for your amusement later. Hopefully it's nothing game breaking though.



that carla trader has never left sanctuary on my file, lol :lol:... i don't even have vendors, but she's always there....

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I don't know what to say...  I am still up in the top corner, slowly making my way south west...  been blown up by booby trapped mole rats...  got really stoned and decided to build up Sanctuary, scavenged the whole area then forgot why I was doing it... I've lost a leg from one of my suits of power armour and I can't find it... have a horrible feeling I might have scrapped it in error...


Now Sanctuary is up and running on the bare minimum, I might relocate to Red Rocket (hehe red rocket, red rocket) and set up a proper fortress...


I haven't advanced the main story very far and I keep finishing quests I didn't even know I started...  good times...

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Well, I pissed her off cause I told her I was gonna rob her. She told me I wasn't gonna do shit and she had a mean look about her so I decide to move onto the next one...

she won't even talk to me anymore :(

Maybe some whiskey and a pack of reds will win her over....

Also, the dude from the diner, well I scored some jet for him and tried to put if in his pocket and I guess he thought I was trying to fondle him.

Had to put him and his skank mother down..

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I made my house and connected it directly to my watch tower. The third floor of my house will be my sniper spot. House is pretty empty and shit. I made a quick video of it below. Not sure if it's embedded or not.

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Level 20


Whoever said a few pages back that there's not much to scav is out of their mind.


After playing since release night about 40 hours straight, sneaking with the dog, taking everything,

and then stashing, re-exploring, and re-stashing. Everything you kill adds XP, everything you craft adds XP,
it wasn't hard to level up without really doing anything. But the dog got under my feet so I switched to the Bot.
After maxing out his companion perk, back to solo sniping and looting.

Built about 5 houses fully loaded with power, defenses, gardens. To get key components out of junk,

I had the Sanctuary streets lined with dozens of generators and structures large and small.

Just lining them up in the street to break them down added XP, but I tore them down for vital components.
Move to the next site (I only have 4 sites right now) and build up.

Tagged copper, adhesives, gears, and antiseptics for making everything including Radaway.


Took a few weird paths unknown from the release trailers, and ended up early on crafting snipers

and shotguns, tactical miniguns and such, but the real wealth is in the scrap. Raid every raider as well.
Favoring the pocketed armors along with strong back perk, but before I favored the shadowed armors for stealth.


A few spoilers I won't mention, but some old friends give you some great stuff in various locations,

if you find them before doing the main story which I have been avoiding. I have lots of the rare weapons

thanks to those missions and killing so many "Legendary" creatures and bad guys.


Once you find the base snipers, combat shotguns, hunting rifles, energy weapons you're home free.
Still love the basically un-modified Calibrated Sniper Rifle. Could've found that thing anywhere. Can't remember.
These people and creatures are blind if you're in stealth mode, simply by sneaking. I should try hard mode I guess.


Now sniping everything has become a job, and the power armor looks nice in the various paint but this game

I'm just not using it that much, just storing it everywhere. Haven't asked the Wiki or anyone for any answers

but have had to figure out the perk chart and basic operations, like how to spin stuff around and connect things.



The only question I have is back to basics, but I think Captain Kirk said it best:  

"Dammit Bones, how do you pick things up like the toys, (Mr.Gutsy Model for example) and place them on my trophy shelves?"  :lol: 

Hope you guys are enjoying the game. Some crazy stuff here.

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man, screw sanctuary, I'm starting my own one man band at the rocket gas station!

also right now I'm playing under the survivor or whatever the hardest level of the game is but I'm having a hard time getting further south than the retirement home :( and my next mission is a little south of that.

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Loving that you get xp for building things. I gained an entire level just building a fence around Sanctuary Hills today. Place is a fortress now.

I've also begun a mutually beneficial partnership with the Brotherhood of Steel. I'm liking them much more than I did in previous games.

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man, screw sanctuary, I'm starting my own one man band at the rocket gas station!




Sanctuary is where you start dude. That's a no-brainer.

Built it up for the XP and side missions. 

My Red Rocket Gas Station is already built up like Megaton.

Filled up the Comic rack there, then moved them all back home.

I need a new Comic rack as I have doubles of most of the comics.


I'm working on Tenpines, near the Boomer, as it gets hit harder than the others.

Abernathy Farm is easier, but the Drive-In is giving me growing problems and the folks need to eat.

The Drive-In is going to be huge, with a dozen sniper nests for lookout.

Already have Flamer defenses set up all around, like 50 of them.

I love watching Raiders and Mutants get fried.  B) 

That shit never gets old.

Loving that you get xp for building things. I gained an entire level just building a fence around Sanctuary Hills today. Place is a fortress now.

I've also begun a mutually beneficial partnership with the Brotherhood of Steel. I'm liking them much more than I did in previous games.


Yeah, didn't want to say that, but the initial meeting and subsequent mission with him, is awesome.

I haven't accepted yet, but will get back to him. That base outfit is also, almost as badass as the Cage Armor.

His special weapon does have its attributes. Can be used well in the right circumstances.

Lots of loot in that mission, and the way that I met the Synths. Over-encumbered again from ArcJet Systems.  :ph34r:

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Just got my T-45 to all c type and put a winterized coating on it, looks great. I was scrounging around in Cambridge when I entered Cambridge polymer labs, and lord was I confused, I wont spoil much but if you come across the place, complete the mission inside and perform the experiment. The reward was fucking fantastic, something that really gives that power armor a boost.  (Y)

Edited by CFO Charles

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I'm nowhere near as advanced in the game as everyone else.  Still enjoying it even though I'm finding it a little frustrating at times (probably my own fault).


Anyway, I see some things are a little more mutated than others!  ^_^



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Me too, massacre. Doing heaps of exploring and side missions ATM. Enjoying the diversity. Jumping from base building to standard RPG stuff to crafting. To making my dog look fucking badass. I'm loving this game.

Edited by Rob
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it took me a while to start following the main story, but once i did, it kind of sucked me right in lol... plus, you guys need to see downtown boston, it looks pretty cool, bethesda really did a nice job on the details with this nextgen endeavor...


i do need to do more on the settlement thing, but i am still holding out hope that i find a cooler place to call home...

also, why can't i send my followers back to the town i got them from? why do they all need to go to one of my settlements? like shouldn't piper be working on the next newspaper and not wasting away in sanctuary?

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You can send them back to their original town. When it asks you where would like them to go just cancel it and they will return to where ever they were at first.

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Well guys, the fallout lamp I was making is finished. Check it out.




I programmed 10 different programs, I scrolled through them in the video.

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some screens...


you can't have my lunchbox!!




scollay square... there was steam rising from the pavement, kinda hard to see in the snap...




damn cool scene out in the commonwealth wasteland...






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finally decided on using the drive-in theater as my base... but i am not ready to declare it home just yet, so i am working on it when i can... there's a couple of bricked-in rooms in the back, i'll use the big one for storage, and the small one for my living quarters... there's a nice sniper/lookout post up top, and just enough room to throw together a multi-leveled structure for my eventual community once i unlock the necessary perks ;)... i don't really like the diner structure in the back of the site, so i'm just gonna strip it for parts and decor...





view from under the structure, looking towards my living quarters...



storage room....



the start of the multi-storied structure...



i have plans to put a skull light display on both the front and back of the projection screen... to bad you can't rename your settlements, because it will no longer be a drive-in theater when i am done with it...

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