
Rockstars GTAO business strategy.

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1. Show you a lot of things you want, but can't have.

1. Talk about how great the high feels how awesome the experience is.

2. Make the stuff you want real expensive, but say "welp, you can save up for it"

2. Charge a lot for some meth you can make for less than 10 quid.

3. After people start figuring out the best way to make money, make it even harder to make money.

3. Go after your competitors to make sure your the only one selling meth. Raise the price.

4. Randomly start giving out huge sums of money, blaming it on mysterious hackers, and not shitty coding,

4. Give about free samples of your meth to the people who want it most, making them want it even more.

5. Parties over, start paying, or you can go years without getting the stuff you enjoyed for a month.

5. Parties over, start oaying, or you can go years without getting the stuff you enjoyed for a month.

Rockstar and take two are no longer my favorite publisher/developer. Reckon i'll have to switch to bethesda,

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1. Show you a lot of things you want, but can't have.

1. Talk about how great the high feels how awesome the experience is.

2. Make the stuff you want real expensive, but say "welp, you can save up for it"

2. Charge a lot for some meth you can make for less than 10 quid.

3. After people start figuring out the best way to make money, make it even harder to make money.

3. Go after your competitors to make sure your the only one selling meth. Raise the price.

4. Randomly start giving out huge sums of money, blaming it on mysterious hackers, and not shitty coding,

4. Give about free samples of your meth to the people who want it most, making them want it even more.

5. Parties over, start paying, or you can go years without getting the stuff you enjoyed for a month.

5. Parties over, start oaying, or you can go years without getting the stuff you enjoyed for a month.

Rockstar and take two are no longer my favorite publisher/developer. Reckon i'll have to switch to bethesda,

Jesus QD, you sound like a 5 year old moaning over spilt milk.

It will take a lot for me to hate R* games or "knock them off my favourite list". It's all down to lack of knowledge, and amateur behavior. These guys have been making single player GTA games over 2 decades, and have mastered the sandbox. But now they've tried to make something ambitious enough, that their own status as a top developer has over-hyped it. Not to mention their advertisement resources.

It's a fun game, which does what you'd expect it to do. The only drawbacks are lack of understanding of what makes an MMO work in its entirety. Rockstar North have just listened to the publishers and tried to give them what they want and then tried to balance that with what the fan wants, which has turned out to be a slow and painstaking process. The money and cashcard thing clearly wouldn't have been R*Norths intentions, and because of that one aspect alone, the whole game has stopped to a standstill because of hackers, and spoilt people wanting more money and items. If the game was completely free to begin with, and cash cards weren't being pushed into our faces, then the game wouldn't have been broke by hackers. And i'm sure we would have seen a lot more content for the game by now.

Heists, Stock Markets and all that stuff would have been available to us, if the team had more time to develop content instead of tackle the problems caused by 1. bad programming to start with, 2. the hackers fucking the game up, and 3. those damn shark cards.

I have faith in Rockstar's goal, that they want to create the biggest and most ambitious GTA game online. They promised to keep adding to it over time, and they need the fans to support and keep playing, or it will flop, and no longer be profitable to keep updating. Then you'll see GTAO turn into GTA IV online (on ps3 anyway), an empty shell of potential which never got any updates. I for one want to keep playing GTAO for years, but i also want new content to keep my playing, just like everyone else. But people these days are just too damn spoilt and demanding. The digital era is full of "i want, i get, right now!" kind of people, which is sad, it makes game development a tough world, and this is why stupid mobile and social gaming is on the rise...

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that pretty much sums up your post...

dupzor hit the nail on the head... for something that's been in beta mode since october 1st, people sure seem to bitch a lot about an online experience that R* didn't even have to give us... they haven't charged us for a single thing yet... so don't complain about the micro-transactions, you don't have to buy anything at all, just play the game and you unlock shit...

dup's right, the digital era is full of complainers and people that don't want to work to earn anything anymore...

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I have to agree with both sides here. I love GTAV and GTAO, but since their releases I've felt like I was playing a slightly broken game, which has never been the case for any other GTA or R* title. I'm gonna keep on coming back and dumping many, many hours into GTAO, but it was a bit more than a let down to see that I can't play what is easily my favorite past time for 24 hours. For me, it's something I've not seen in gaming before.

All that said, R* is still my favorite game maker. Guess I'll go back to GTAV or RDR for the day.


It seems that GTAO is back up and running, so


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I never exploited anything but I was given money. I don't have time to read everyone's post and respond right now, but I will. I know you all feel like I'm being a cry baby but you can't argue that those things didn't happen..rockstar isn't some indie developer. They aren't some innocent. They are a multinational firm making billions of dollars. This is inexcusable, IMO

As to treefitty. I appreciate you not moving it to the asylum, but Why does this belong in the asylum? It's not spam. Surely it's not the popular cool opinion... But, it's not spam...

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I mean, I kinda feel your pain with the money situation. I'm always broke on this game. I don't like death matches and races and I'd rather play with just friends than a lot of asshat strangers. So that severely limits my money making ability. I don't like that they want you to pay for more money. I bought a $10 card that got me $500,000. I bought a nicer apartment and one car(which I painted) and after a couple of missions and restocking ammo, I'm down to $104k. Which won't last me very long at this rate(costs me nearly 50k to restock my ammo). So I do a lot of missions for little pay, but it doesn't make me hate Rockstar. Doesn't make me angry. It just makes me bored. I bought the game more for the single player anyway(which I feel wasn't as good as it should have been).

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I'm in the same boat as Tanner to some degree, I haven't been able to log many hours of gameplay, and didn't even get a chance to receive a random gift to spend on items I could keep post-fix. Earning money does feel like a grind sometimes, especially when I'm in LS Customs and looking at all the mods I can't afford (or haven't unlocked yet). On the other hand, I remember doing the Blueberry betting track exploit in San Andreas until I had so much money there was nothing left to spend it on, never mind the casino. So I can see why R* set GTAO up to find a way to keep the money flowing both ways...charging us for destructive events forces us to 'spend' money so we have a reason to keep earning it, and therefore keep playing the game.

I don't think the system is perfect by any means, but none of the adventures with GTAO so far have been anything dire enough for me to chuck my PS3 in the river and refuse to play anything by R* ever again. And I'm perfectly content in a solo session or only playing with forum peeps anyway. The content creators alone are brilliant and worth it, it brings the sandbox to a whole new level.

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Considering that the missions are dull and repetitive, the clothing and housing options are shit, there is no story whatsoever, and absolutely nothing to make Online more enjoyable than Story Mode, I think shitty mission pay and overpriced cars should be the least of your concerns.

It's just a beta test. Go back to the fun part - Story Mode - and ignore GTAO until it's worth playing.

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Nah, being in a lobby and fucking around with friends is fun as hell. GTAO doesn't need a story. I sure as hell didnt expect one. And its still beta. QD is just mad he isnt rich anymore. Ya money is a grind but if you're going to be playing the game for years you will eventually have all you need. I had 6 moded cars and an apartment with almost 1 million saved up before car duping and give cash. It's fully possible to make enough money over time. No one has a right to bitch about their hack money going away. They sure as hell spent more than they've earned so thats that.

Call it a hackers starter pack

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Well I completely disagree. Call of Duty's miltiplayer has no storyline and they make millions off that every year. its run around and kill each other.

GTA is run around and kill each other, plus a fuck ton more of shenanigans that isnt possible in CoD. It's interacting with other players, shooting the shit, and having fun. I can see why you'd have less fun cause you never use a mic.

If story mode was more fun, then more people on my friends list would be more active there rather than online. but that's not the case. I'll admit it was just as much and the mission were more engaging the first time thought but the story is over. So for me, GTAO is it. Also playing your created missions, and ones friends have made is really awesome. They need to expand the creator. That would be number 1 in my books.

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CoD's multiplayer also has no missions. Or fun. There is no point in GTAO having missions if there is no storyline to connect them. While we're at it, there is no point in having that moronic parent/grandparent character creation if the person you've 'realistically' created doesn't have an actual life or story once they're in-game.

I have no idea where this moronic, deathmatch-based online mentality came from, but it makes every online game suffer. It's the reason public games with randoms aren't any fun.

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ahha I have to agree randoms suck. I never play in public. Also I havent bought a CoD game sing the first modern warfare. I still find it fun, just I guess not as much as others. I was a counter-strike fan. That had no story at all. Just gaming man.

Also, they only time I do death-matches is pretty much IGTA night. Maybe 1 or 2 through the week. I get sick of them quickly. but I like giving feedback on ones created by friends.

The parent thing as just to have people generate a face based on presets. A lot of video games use this method. I figure it has to be easier to develop than a full of facial feature with sliders for nose eyes ect. like skyrim has

Play missions for the sake of gameplay, and co-oping with friends. They are getting a tad stale but the mission creator is going to take care of that. Im not sick of it

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so plug your mic in an join us massacre if you want to have fun... it seems like the peopke that have been complaining don't even play GTAO all that much anyways because they don't like it in the first place... sure there's the tanner's and gtagrl's but the rest of you need to play in a lobby with friends or you'll never fully enjoy what this game has to offer...

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Play missions for the sake of gameplay, and co-oping with friends. They are getting a tad stale but the mission creator is going to take care of that. Im not sick of it

I plan to use the mission creator to work as much story into my missions as possible. I won't be making anything pointless. Even my deathmatches had a basic story, though it was more environmental than text-based.

You fuckers are getting a text wall for every mission briefing.

so plug your mic in an join us massacre if you want to have fun... it seems like the peopke that have been complaining don't even play GTAO all that much anyways because they don't like it in the first place... sure there's the tanner's and gtagrl's but the rest of you need to play in a lobby with friends or you'll never fully enjoy what this game has to offer...

Well, I obviously wouldn't be complaining if I liked it. I hate the entire design for GTAO, but it's never going to be fixed because the majority doesn't care about following an engaging storyline or having motivation behind the shit they're doing. People accept it for what it is and don't take notice of what it could have or should have been. Like I've said before, if GTAO is ever going to be what it should be, it'll be in GTA VI, at the earliest.

Getting a mic isn't going to help anything. I don't socialize.

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Who said it was beta? Also, I didn't say I hated rockstar. I'm actually surprised they fucked up this badly. Driving a fast car is a lot dinner than driving a small one, and jeans cost 3500 dollars... Yep.

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Getting a mic isn't going to help anything. I don't socialize.

I get where you are coming from and agree to a point but this is why me and bones can enjoy it more than you. Because we do. Everyone is different.

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The whole thing feels like beta because it's a free-for-all. I'm enjoying this debate btw.

The thing about a sandbox is there's no wrong way to play in it; but that also makes it hard to program and build because it has to be different things for different people.

If I want to be over here by myself riding the roller coaster, I can. If you want to do nothing but blow up randoms for the fun of hearing them scream in outrage, you can. Someone will always want to hack the game for exploits just to see if they can do it, and it spreads like wildfire until R* figures out how to contain it. Personally, I'd much rather play with a mic and some friends, that's when I've had the most fun and gotten the most in-game rewards as a result (you level up much faster playing even with just one other person).

I love the concept of a content creator, it's a dream come true to have the flexibility of LBP in a GTA world, and the iGTA-member created missions have been some of the most fun ones we've done so far.

However, I completely agree with the desire for more story, more purpose to the chaos. It's one element of the sandbox that could use some finessing, and perhaps when they get more of the functionality working properly, they can find a way to add more story into the design of GTAO. If not, perhaps that'll be for next-gen, and this is just a big learning curve in that regard. This is still more innovative than any other multiplayer experience I've seen so far.

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and jeans cost 3500 dollars... Yep.

Have you ever been to Vegas? Thats not too far off. I held a pair of sunglasses in my hand that were $1200, and tried on a suit that was $2500 on sale.

And I had no idea they were releasing an actual mission creator. I'll be all over that. RIght there with you Mass. Wall of text. GREAT WALL OF TEXT.

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i have never played a perfect game and GTA has always had it's issues... but for me and a lot of other people, it satifies my GTA side... you'll never really get a character story in GTAO because of the freedom of the world... there's nowhere to put an origin story because it probably wouldn't be a good one anyways...

the story is, you're new in town and here to makes some cash and kill anything that gets inthe way... like i said, games like this don't have room for an online story... it's up to you to play the story however you want...

and yes, GTAO is a beta, we've all been beta testers, that's why we're already on patch 1.09, with 1.10 probably not too far away... in an ever-evolving experience, it will always be in beta...

but you'll never satisfy everyone, and i guess GTAO hasn't satisfied QD or massacre... if you're not willing to be sociable in an "online" game then you're never gonna understand just how fucking fun this game really is...

EDIT: didnt you have fun when you and me rode our steel horses across the map, from bar to bar?

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The only thing fun about GTAO is missions and shenanigans..

Races and Deathmatches are weak and boring, and one fuck up in survival just gets everybody pissed at you.

I'm in between dad and Q's opinion... GTAO is fucked.. But it has potential. GTA 6 online will be what is great... Heists should be fun...

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