
GTAO Bugs and Troubleshooting

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Sounds like you're in the minority Gunny (fucking Mexican). I have the same problem as everyone else. You choose your livery, start the race and everyone has Sprunk livery. Only on Sanchez races though.

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There's a bug that lets you access a deserted North Yankton in GTAO.

Get a buddy to set up an Invite Only session. Have him/her wait while you replay the Prologue. Get up to the point where

the vault is looted and the trio make their way outside.Once you're outside, take about twenty steps out.

At ~twenty feet out, have your comrade invite you to their session. When you join, get an air vehicle and proceed to the southeast corner of the map, out into the ocean. If it worked, you'll see some trippy half-rendered mountains in the distance. Fly to 'em and enjoy your vacation.

If you want your friend to come along and have snowball fights and such, have them repeat the process you just went through, but with roles reversed; you'll be inviting them while they replay the Prologue.

Good luck, fuckers.

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sooo I'm online right now, pretty much a full game running (in terms of players) and all of a sudden, ALL players disappeared except me, all with the "xyz left" message.


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sooo I'm online right now, pretty much a full game running (in terms of players) and all of a sudden, ALL players disappeared except me, all with the "xyz left" message.


I believe that is on your end as a result of a moment of patchy connection, instead of just removing you from online it places you in your own lobby and says everyone else left. I may be wrong though.

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no system messages thus far and game keeps on running fine tho... at least apparently. finished car deliveries, started jobs on my own all just fine, just that it's an online singleplayer experience ^^

EDIT: sooo after another mission I'm back in a populated world. weird happening. but fun to play for a few minutes without being tanked by lvl >500 trolls

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okay then... yeah looks like a long streak of being alone. it happened again... lets wait and see what happens to my progress

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Ive had lots of trouble with bookmarked jobs

i always make playlist so i try and have peoples new jobs. i got over 60 booked but my list wasnt coming up in game. i removed some and now have around 55 and it works again. not the first time removing jobs fixed it

so just warning, dont have more than about 55 jobs booked or your list will be fucked.

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is there a reason why I can't bookmark missions anymore?

anyways, not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but every 3 to 4 missions or so I get texts from all my contacts congratulating me on "having it done"... even if I grind the same mission over and over this happens so it's kinda confusing...

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Is it just me or does the whole Xbox Live and Rockstar cloud thing pretty much suck donkey balls? Can't sign int Livand whe I do manage t I get tat he cloud is don and save is unavailable. So what's the point if it won't save progress? And every time I try GTAO, it tells me I'm not signed in. Even though when I power up the console it tells me I' signed in t XBox Live. This is seriously pissing me off.

Now my keyboard is fucking up.

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Is it just me or does the whole Xbox Live and Rockstar cloud thing pretty much suck donkey balls? Can't sign int Livand whe I do manage t I get tat he cloud is don and save is unavailable. So what's the point if it won't save progress? And every time I try GTAO, it tells me I'm not signed in. Even though when I power up the console it tells me I' signed in t XBox Live. This is seriously pissing me off.

Now my keyboard is fucking up.

Yeah that happens to me too , XBox Live is starting to piss me off loads because ive had problems with other games but on GTA im just worried I wont progress

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*grinding Base Invaders, where the main objective is to destroy Lazers*

*destroy final Lazer*

*MISSION FAILED: A Lazer was destroyed*


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You can't officially own any of the business clothes. I bought a suit, then bought another and it had shown that the first clothing I had bought was not ticked. So I bought it again, and guess what, the other suit I was wearing also was not marked with a tick. It also happens with the masks.

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Just had two cars disappear from my garage for absolutely no reason! They were there before but after the game froze (which happens fairly regularly) and I restarted etc, got to my garage and they weren't there.

Tried going into new game sessions but no change.

Tried phoning my mechanic and on the list it says they're both impounded (I haven't even been driving them!) but they aren't at the police impound,

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Did you try calling Mors to see if you can have them replaced? Give that a shot. If it doesn't work, you're fucked. Rockstar will likely never do anything about it.

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Ah! Never thought of that - gave them a ring and thankfully got my cars back but slightly annoying I've had to pay $9k for one of them (least I got it back I suppose).

Very strange how that happened.

Whilst I'm here, another problem. I often have problems with the game 'sticking' - I can be driving along and it'll 'freeze/stick' for a couple of seconds and it fails to 'render' graphics properly for a couple of seconds afterwards. Eventually everything will be ok again.

Is that a problem with the disc (which I can easily replace as I took the disc cover when I originally bought GTA V from Game) or my PS3?

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