
Recruiting members for The Truly Free

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Hello there people of igta.com, I am the newcomer known as Avryne. Having played the Grand Theft Auto series from an early age I have come to love it. The scathing critiscism of American culture, the homages to movies, and the excellent gameplay are what drew me in. Now, after the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, I was elated to have the ability to play with other players. But, it turned out to not be as fun as I had thought it would be, due to a lack of a binding element ingame that brought fans together to play in a co-operative manner. With time, Red Dead Redemption was released, and with it Free-Roam. I fell in love with it, and formed a gang in it. But, with no steady way to have alliances, it lacked the component that I so deeply desired. Then, Max Payne 3 came out, having crews in it. Never played it that often, at least online, due to my preference of roaming over deathmatch activities. Soon after, I learned that Grand Theft Auto V would come out, and with it, crews that carried over.

Well, soon after I decided that I would get a crew together, one for people who are both fans of the series, as well as those who are considered outcasted by society. So, I came up with the idea of the clan The Truly Free, after a quote from Assassin's Creed 3. Now, I have begun to look for members, and came to this site for both that reason while also wanting to become apart of the community. I am looking for mature, open-minded, and fun-loving people for this. But, in reality I know that only crazies and the like will join, so as long as your not sexist/homophobic/rascist, I'll take your acceptance into our group into consideration. If you would like to join, we are open to more members, just contact me for more information. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Well, I'd like to join, but every day you have events planned, I have to beat up a bunch of gay black women. Maybe if you move your schedule around, I could make a couple of the events.

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....I am looking for mature, open-minded, and fun-loving people for this. But, in reality I know that only crazies and the like will join, so as long as your not sexist/homophobic/rascist . . .

Well looks like I'm out of this race.

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we've got a pretty good thing going with the PS3 people here... the xbox crowd is sparse, and i am afraid it's gonna get worse next gen, but if you can get anything organized with members here for multiplayer events then have at it... just don't expect to get any of us to join a clan with another website or anything... we kinda like to roll as an iGTA posse...

not sure you'll ever get daily matches because even with a decent multiplayer crowd on the PS3, we're not playing every day... a lot of us are busy people, so i try to keep the big multiplayer events down to twice a month so we don't get so tired of them, with the occasional meetup at night if anyone is on or interested...

like i said, good luck... i'd love to see the xbox community get one of these things going because we all have a blast on the PS3 side... check out our topics, they're full of photos and memories :D...

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Not really, hope so, I am recruiting from as many sources as I can while focusing on here, due to the more dedicated fanbase but also looking in my friends list of other places. The more the merrier, just want to keep things civil as possible and having a friendly atmosphere. Well, if you want in just add me as a friend on the social club, and I'll let you in after chatting with you a bit. Had to close off open joining, want to make sure only certain people get in.

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so as long as your not sexist/homophobic/rascist,

I'm none of the above, I hate everyone equally, without prejudice or generalizing, It's easier and less time consuming that way. . . can I join. . . 0_o

I am looking for mature, open-minded, and fun-loving people for this.

I'm also looking for  characters out of The King of Fighters, who are brain surgery patients, and also fans of the American indie pop band. No luck so far.

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I hate most people too. Without prejudice.

Dude, you can't hate "most" people without prejudice, because you're still putting the people you do hate into a category/group. Only truly works if no ones gets left out of your hatred. (Y)

As for the first bit, I couldn't guarantee that, plus clans end up being a pain, everyones busy at different times. Also i won't be playing online GTA till V anyway, and even then I'll properly only play with the guys on this forum, if i can be arsed. Different time periods and busy schedules make planning online co-op hard.

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Myeah, don't think it's my cup of tea then. . . . never mind. >_>

O o o oh. Like OMG!!! You're from Michigan, do you know a guy called Bones? You must know Bones cos he lives in Michigan as well. . . wot a small world huh, tell Bones I said hi would yer, nice.

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We want people with thick skin around here. We want to say horrible, offensive things and then laugh about it, because we know that no one is serious. And we certainly don't want to play with a bunch of easily-offended pussies. That's no fun.

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Well, hoping more people of a good temperament will want to join.

And we're of a bad temperament because we have a sense of humor and thick skin? What kind of pathetic, politically correct douchebags are you trying to recruit?

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