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It is said that Microsoft will now showcase its console at a one-off media event in early April - though it is expected that discussion about future tech would be an inevitability if Microsoft engineers and developers attend GDC in March.

[uPDATE: Microsoft partner Ustechs, which has worked with the platform holder on previous media briefings such as the E3 2012 press conference, has registered the domain (as explained on NeoGAF)]

Microsoft has declined to comment on its next-gen plans ever since rumours began two years ago.

Apparently, Microsoft is preparing to reveal their answer to the PS4, which is due out over 2013's holiday season.

Source: http://www.computera...o-ps4-in-april/


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I'm still getting a PS4.

Too soon to come to conclusions, xbox hasn't even showcased what they have yet, and we still have the rest of the year as well as upcoming events in gaming to see what each showcases.


A new domain suggests that Microsoft could be preparing an event to announce its next console. According to WHOIS data, was registered yesterday by U.S. Techs, a company recently rebranded as Eventcore that provides “advanced, customized solutions in the event management industry.”

As sleuths on the NeoGAF forums point out, U.S. Techs also registered event site used to sign up for Microsoft’s press briefing at E3 last year) as well as Microsoft’s 2013 Hosting Summit site, which includes the text “this site is hosted for Microsoft by U.S. Techs” at the bottom.

For now, we can’t be sure what exactly is or what it might be used for, but hot on the heels of Sony’s dedicated conference to reveal the PlayStation 4 this week, this could be an indicator that Microsoft is getting ready to hold its own event to announce the new Xbox soon. According to reports from CVG and The Verge, industry sources suggest that April is currently the most likely time frame.

A Microsoft spokesperson provided IGN with the following statement:

“Microsoft often acquires various domain names as part of its ongoing business strategy, but beyond that we have no comment.”

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Oh wow, links and such. Thank you for posting such a thoughtful topic.

that's all you got?? no source? no news article? no picture?

Well, bOnEs bitched out jobo for making a shoddy XBox topic, so I took it upon myself to revamp it and make it a suitable and informative one.

That's the last time I do the boards a favor. :rolleyes:

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Suppose you all find in April that the new Xbox's stats surpass the PS4's? Would you still buy a PlayStation for the sake of your own arbitrary brand loyalty? -_-

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Suppose you all find in April that the new Xbox's stats surpass the PS4's? Would you still buy a PlayStation for the sake of your own arbitrary brand loyalty? -_-

Yes, yes I would.

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i don't care what the specs are, i buy systems for games and xbox has nothing of interest to me as far as exclusives... alan wake, fable and metro 2033 are really the only games i would like to play on the xbox, and i am not really itching to play them either...

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I'm convinced the PS4 is the console for me. I own a Vita too, so hopefully i'll benefit from that. I am however intrigued to see if Microsoft will out perform compared to Sony's event, now they have the upper hand.

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i don't care what the specs are, i buy systems for games and xbox has nothing of interest to me as far as exclusives... alan wake, fable and metro 2033 are really the only games i would like to play on the xbox, and i am not really itching to play them either...

I knew someone would say this. Thankyou for saving me 78 characters. Add Forza to your list.

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I don't understand brand loyalty, it's a pointless self-limitation! Sony and Microsoft are businesses trying to take your (mothers) hard earned money. Therefore, I'm going to get the one that I think is the best, based on statistics, evidence and arguments such as specifications, features, exclusive games and social influences.

Thus, I'll wait to see what Microsoft has to offer and avoid making an irrational decision.

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April seems so far away... Im kinda more excited to find out about the next xbox than the ps3....

Im not sure which one im gonna buy first though

I liked infamous, and i didnt really love any xbox excluse except gears of war, which is now multiplatform

I kinda wanted to just get a pc this generation... But pc games arent really coming back

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i don't care what the specs are, i buy systems for games and xbox has nothing of interest to me as far as exclusives... alan wake, fable and metro 2033 are really the only games i would like to play on the xbox, and i am not really itching to play them either...

I knew someone would say this. Thankyou for saving me 78 characters. Add Forza to your list.

racing games are boring... GTA race is fun in bunches, but a standard racing game is boring to me...

i hope the xbox720 (please don't call it that microsoft) is a quality system though, both companies need each other to be good to be successful...

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i don't care what the specs are, i buy systems for games and xbox has nothing of interest to me as far as exclusives... alan wake, fable and metro 2033 are really the only games i would like to play on the xbox, and i am not really itching to play them either...

I knew someone would say this. Thankyou for saving me 78 characters. Add Forza to your list.

racing games are boring... GTA race is fun in bunches, but a standard racing game is boring to me...

i hope the xbox720 (please don't call it that microsoft) is a quality system though, both companies need each other to be good to be successful...

I agree entirely. Both companies need to be successful so that they can push each other to the limits, this benefits us as consumers.

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I don't understand brand loyalty, it's a pointless self-limitation! Sony and Microsoft are businesses trying to take your (mothers) hard earned money. Therefore, I'm going to get the one that I think is the best, based on statistics, evidence and arguments such as specifications, features, exclusive games and social influences.

Thus, I'll wait to see what Microsoft has to offer and avoid making an irrational decision.

I knew someone would say this. Thank you for saving me 422 characters.

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Anyway, I doubt the specs of each console will differ so greatly that one will clearly be superior to the other. And personally I don't really care about the exclusive games, as they are good but nothing really special (imo).

The features they offer will probably be quite similar as well, as within the last 7-9 years they have probably picked up on what their console was missing, incorporating them into their new consoles.

Of course there will be some differences, but in reality I don't give a shit which one has X amount more RAM or a marginally better level of whatever service, as long as I can play games like GTA, RDR, AC and many others I won't be too bothered about the difference.

That is why I'm getting a PS4.

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I wonder if Kinect will make the difference? I'm not particularly a fan of these gimmicky peripherals (PS Move inc.), but it seems we as gamers can't avoid them being pushed in our direction, and I feel as though Microsoft and Sony believe it is an integral part of the future of console gaming.

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I wonder if Kinect will make the difference? I'm not particularly a fan of these gimmicky peripherals (PS Move inc.), but it seems we as gamers can't avoid them being pushed in our direction, and I feel as though Microsoft and Sony believe it is an integral part of the future of console gaming.

I think they are fully aware most gamers such as the people on this website don't care much for those gimmicks. However, they seem to be trying to expand their target audience, trying to attract young kids who enjoy that kind of stuff (look at the sales figures of the Wii) and for families.

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If they include Kinect as part of the Xbox, it will increase the cost of the console, which will have to be made up either by a base price increase or lowering the quality of the rest of the console in order to remain competitive with PS4. I hope that's not the case.

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