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Am I the only one who finds this shit hilarious? Best comedy show of 2012 by far (and for a good few years actually).

What prompted me to make this topic is that I just found out JET SET died. FUCK. He was the funniest side character on the show!

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I thought we already had a Workaholics topic, I know I've talked about it here before somewhere. Anyway though, yeah this is a funny ass show. Will have to come back to this thread when I remember more of what happened but off the top of my head, I remember the episode where they made friends with a child predator and the one where a coworker died and they tried to use her death to get laid with some Swedish chicks.

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This show is great. I actually just watched the episode this morning where they infiltrate the school to find out who stole their dragon, that they legally stole from the park that was "paid for by their tax money".

"I'm going to name him Reptar....that's what Tommy would do. Man, I'm so Tommy."

It was talked about in "Funniest TV Shows" I believe. But I feel it deserves its own, imo. New season starts soon! :thumbup:

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Yeah, I like how the little lines just make it so funny.

When Anders brought home some chick from their time in college, as they walk into Anders room: "I'm not saying I'm going to be rusty but..."

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"Ten years of marriage and she's still got a ass like a black tennis player! You 'bout to get re-pregnatized, girl!"

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The drug dealer/cross eyed dude was my editing teacher in film school. Good guy. I've been happy to see him succeed. The show fucking kills me.

See, anyone can teach!

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The shows hilarious, but honestly this season has been a bit dissapointing. It's still has its funny moments but not anywhere close to how it was before. The first few seasons would have me and my friends straight dieing the whole way through. Now this season I feel like I didn't laugh as much, especially on certain episodes..

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Yeah, season hasn't been that great so far. More focus on the office itself would help.

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I don't want to make a topic specifically for the show, but does anyone watch Broad City? It's on right after Workaholics. It's a similar premise, but with two women. Very funny. Steven Ogg played a creepy (go figure) locksmith in tonight's episode.

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I don't want to make a topic specifically for the show, but does anyone watch Broad City? It's on right after Workaholics. It's a similar premise, but with two women. Very funny. Steven Ogg played a creepy (go figure) locksmith in tonight's episode.

already being typcasted...

i told him on twitter to get used to it, it's his calling... i want to see him as the next villain in james bond...

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Hey, if I got into acting, I would expect and embrace being typecast as a criminal/sociopath. I know what I look like, I know who I am. Nothing wrong with it.

Besides, he's a little crazy in any role. He was in something Civil War-related, and he was still mildly crazy in that. He's just a little unhinged.

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I would watch a show that was just an hour of Ogg rambling about random shit while staring into the camera.

I really hope he goes on to big things. He has too much talent to be stuck with small roles for the rest of his career. I could definitely see him being a villain in a major movie.

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ogg has the creepy vibe naturally... ned luke has that robert deniro "quiet bad ass" presence on film... and poor franklin, he doesn't have much of a screen presence at all... he might be destined for voice work because i don't see it, probably because he's never done it before GTAV anyways... but ned and ogg got it... right now is probably a transition stage; ogg got that role above, and ned luke was in a semi recent episode of boardwalk empire... filming is always months ahead, i wouldn't be surprised to hear their names popping up in future endeavors soon...

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