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Hi. I'm beatnicpie. I like pina coladas. Getting caught in the rain. I'm not into yoga, and I have half a brain. I like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape. I'm the love that you've looked for. Write to me and escape.

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*Masturbates to Georgia's picture*

you guys are such fucking pervs , no wonder all you guys have is porn and no real women lol my friend from Germany just invited me onto the wewana play app and I wanted new friends , but not you guys lol i'll stick to real men who play GTA but can still hold a decent conversation with women

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Wait. What was the name of that app again?

wewana:play , if you've got it add me

Way to scare off the newbies, Jizz (Y)

lol sorry but all im doing is playing GTA V , don't see the need for some of the things guys say on here , but oh well , im thinking about scheduling a game of GTA V on this wewana play app thingy , anyone interested ?

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Wait. What was the name of that app again?

wewana:play , if you've got it add me

Way to scare off the newbies, Jizz (Y)

lol sorry but all im doing is playing GTA V , don't see the need for some of the things guys say on here , but oh well , im thinking about scheduling a game of GTA V on this wewana play app thingy , anyone interested ?

Go buy some advertising space on sites like Facebook or game related sites and do it the real way instead of pushing your app on people then insulting them thinking that'll be the way to definitely make us want to download it.

The process of downloading an app, adding people, and then using it on a regular basis is stupid. My friends either call me up and a conversation lasting 5 seconds saying "get on" and "ok bye" is a lot easier than that.

You can schedule games here by the way

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Wait. What was the name of that app again?

wewana:play , if you've got it add me

Way to scare off the newbies, Jizz (Y)

lol sorry but all im doing is playing GTA V , don't see the need for some of the things guys say on here , but oh well , im thinking about scheduling a game of GTA V on this wewana play app thingy , anyone interested ?

Go buy some advertising space on sites like Facebook or game related sites and do it the real way instead of pushing your app on people then insulting them thinking that'll be the way to definitely make us want to download it.

The process of downloading an app, adding people, and then using it on a regular basis is stupid. My friends either call me up and a conversation lasting 5 seconds saying "get on" and "ok bye" is a lot easier than that.

You can schedule games here by the way

im not insulting anyone but when people want to try and talk down to me beacause im a woman they can piss off and that goes to you too and well i'd rather just message my friends or plan before hand when we want to play because my friends have jobs and lives so sometimes they're busy but you dont have that problem so well done

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Wait. What was the name of that app again?

wewana:play , if you've got it add me

Way to scare off the newbies, Jizz (Y)

lol sorry but all im doing is playing GTA V , don't see the need for some of the things guys say on here , but oh well , im thinking about scheduling a game of GTA V on this wewana play app thingy , anyone interested ?

Go buy some advertising space on sites like Facebook or game related sites and do it the real way instead of pushing your app on people then insulting them thinking that'll be the way to definitely make us want to download it.

The process of downloading an app, adding people, and then using it on a regular basis is stupid. My friends either call me up and a conversation lasting 5 seconds saying "get on" and "ok bye" is a lot easier than that.

You can schedule games here by the way

i'd rather just message my friends or plan before hand

Welcome to 2014, they've implemented this wonderful thing called "texting". You should try it.

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fuck does being a female have to do with how we talk to ya. would'a said the same fuckin thing to ya if you were a man. get over yerself, we're just havin a bit of a laugh.

first comment i got back on this thread was, 'nice chest hair', from a guy, with my reply of, 'it turns u on don't it'.

i'm thinkin you should stick to yer app. and we'll continue to use this forum as our wewanna app. or whatever it's called

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*Masturbates to Georgia's picture*

you guys are such fucking pervs , no wonder all you guys have is porn and no real women lol my friend from Germany just invited me onto the wewana play app and I wanted new friends , but not you guys lol i'll stick to real men who play GTA but can still hold a decent conversation with women

Oh, hell no. There will be none of that. Not on my watch, sister.

Firstly, if you're put off by one masturbation comment on a forum full of guys, you're not gonna have a good time here.

Secondly, we have many forum members that are happily married or have girlfriends, as well as many fine upstanding single guys, all of whom count as real men. I've had many a decent conversation with them, when we're taking a break from being perverted.

Thirdly, if you're really trying to make friends, get off your high horse, because right now you're coming off like someone more interested in pushing an app on strangers than opening up and meeting new people. Stop being judgmental, and tap into your sense of humour.

We run one of the best fansites, we have excellent game guides and no-bullshit content, and we're a hoot to play with online. Take it or leave it.

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being a women isn't the reason for the hate, there's plenty of them that actually hang out here... but push some pointless app on us (the sole reason for joining in the first place), and you'll see our true side... you're right, this place is probably not for you... you might wanna try one of the more PG-rated fansites out there... we're not into holding back what we wanna say around here, female or not...

gtagrl's right, get off your high horse... welcome to the internet...

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*Masturbates to Georgia's picture*

you guys are such fucking pervs , no wonder all you guys have is porn and no real women lol my friend from Germany just invited me onto the wewana play app and I wanted new friends , but not you guys lol i'll stick to real men who play GTA but can still hold a decent conversation with women

Oh, hell no. There will be none of that. Not on my watch, sister.

Firstly, if you're put off by one masturbation comment on a forum full of guys, you're not gonna have a good time here.

Secondly, we have many forum members that are happily married or have girlfriends, as well as many fine upstanding single guys, all of whom count as real men. I've had many a decent conversation with them, when we're taking a break from being perverted.

Thirdly, if you're really trying to make friends, get off your high horse, because right now you're coming off like someone more interested in pushing an app on strangers than opening up and meeting new people. Stop being judgmental, and tap into your sense of humour.

We run one of the best fansites, we have excellent game guides and no-bullshit content, and we're a hoot to play with online. Take it or leave it.

In short, take it up your ass, cunt.

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As much as I agree with everyone here that this site is full of perverts (much love to you all, no homo) and noone wants another app or site pushed I do have to say that it would be a shock for a female to wander in and see a comment like Jizzy's right off the bat. To gtagrl and Mercy they know what to expect so it's all cool. To someone who hasn't been here before, it's a bit of a shock. Let them come in and get to know the site... then let them know you're jacking off to their picture.

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