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Going On Holiday

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Yep. I'm off to Fuerteventura in Spain for 2 weeks with Crimson Butterfly so I won't be around much on here. Well I'm lying. Bought an iPad 2 SPECIFICALLY so I could sit by the pool and browse these forums.

I haven't been away on a proper holiday for about 5 or 6 years (not counting my free trips to NYC and LA with Rockstar, muahaha), so this one should be good to relax, especially considering I just finished my degree at uni.

Anyone else going on holiday this summer? If so where?

You better behave yourselves while I'm gone! :rolleyes:

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I'm thinking about ensuring that I'm raped and murdered going on the adventure of a lifetime and wandering aimlessly around the country all summer. Whether that involves hitchhiking or just walking, I don't know. A more realistic plan is doing the New Vegas thing and wandering not-so-aimlessly around Vegas and the Mojave desert.

Also, go ahead and make me an admin, I'll handle shit while you're gone. I promise...

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Enjoy your holiday sir.

Im off to sunny Blackpool next month the Las Vegas of the north <_<

Where we will probably spend most of our time in this run down dive


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Come to the real Vegas instead. I'll meet you there, and after you've drank and gambled all your money away, we can drive out into the desert and have a peyote safari.

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Come to the real Vegas instead. I'll meet you there, and after you've drank and gambled all your money away, we can drive out into the desert and have a peyote safari.

Las Vegas sounds tempting really tempting and ive heard nothing but good things about them peyote safaris.

You gonna hook me up with some accommodation?

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No vacations for me. I'm already in Vegas, and well, where else is there to go? I've got booze, gambling, drugs, and hookers all near my house. It's like I live on vacation.

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Can Firm and I stay at your place? I'll let you in on the peyote action. That offer also extends to Analog, if you decline. Or you can all come on the safari, whatever.

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How often do these peyote safaris end in man on man gangbangs?

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Guest Marney1

I might go to Wales. Climb Mount Snowdon..........or just get the train to the top instead.

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Depends on whether or not you take your pants off beforehand. I sure as shit can't work a belt, button, and zipper on peyote.

Note to self: Remove pants before ingesting peyote not after.

Im also going down to jolly old London in August with my girlfriend to see a play <_<

frankly id rather have needles shoved down my cock.

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I have a stage show where we do just that to a random audience member. That's almost like a play, maybe she'll be cool with coming to see that instead.

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Hmmmmm might be a hard sell though.

Then again i could always kidnap her, i do keep a ski mask, rubber gloves and gaffer tape in my car

for such an occasion.

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Yep. I'm off to Fuerteventura in Spain for 2 weeks with Crimson Butterfly so I won't be around much on here. Well I'm lying. Bought an iPad 2 SPECIFICALLY so I could sit by the pool and browse these forums.

I haven't been away on a proper holiday for about 5 or 6 years (not counting my free trips to NYC and LA with Rockstar, muahaha), so this one should be good to relax, especially considering I just finished my degree at uni.

Anyone else going on holiday this summer? If so where?

You better behave yourselves while I'm gone! :rolleyes:

Above all, congratulations on your graduation from University.

That will help fuel you for the rest of your career/life.

A major accomplishment. Wishing you well. B)

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Glasto and Bestival are my 'holidays' this year, they both cost a lot and contain large amounts of drinking and such so yeah fuck it, they're holidays I'd say.

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Finally booked a holiday to Las Vegas, after months of delays and disappointments we're finally going.

Staying at the Circus Circus Hotel.

It's gonna be fucking brutal.

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Guest John

Finally booked a holiday to Las Vegas, after months of delays and disappointments we're finally going.

Staying at the Circus Circus Hotel.

It's gonna be fucking brutal.

Watch out for elephants and clowns in that hotel. I've heard they wake you up with a custard pie to the face too.

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