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you just pay for the initial game, they haven't said anything about microtransactions... but you won't have the complete game until later in the year... they're offering a disc version after all the episodes are done, for retail... but that wont be out until fall/holiday season...


either way, i liked the demo, and i am on board for a worldwide romp... the last hitman took place in the dirty south of america, it didn't feel like the others... this one will get back to it's roots, and be more open world than blood money... absolution was a bit linear, but still fun...

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I missed the exotic locations. Have you seen all the locations for this season bones?

Paris, Italy, Morocco, Thailand, USA and Japan. I think that's all of them. There might be one more. But yeah we are back to Hitman roots and I love it.

Kickass Vine bones. All he needs is the Barcode ;)

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wait, it unlocks at 3am for me??? maaaaan, fuck that, there goes my evening... i guess it'll just have to wait until after work tomorrow... and i'm probably working overtime too... damn, oh well, it'll be worth the wait anyways...

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No you pay for it all up front and you get a new location (mission) each month. I think there are 6 more locations so the first season will be over by like August or September. Or you can just buy the Intro Pack which is just the Prologue and Paris for 15 bucks. Then if you want the rest the upgrade pack for the rest of the locations is like 50.

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So it works the same as a season pass, but you dont have to pay out for the game and then again for the content? Sounds fair. As long as the dlc is outlined for the year i'll probably get this. I"ve always enjoyed Hitman.

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yea if you buy the full game, by the end of the year, you will have gotten your moneys worth... they're just spacing it out to keep it relevant all year, and to fix issues with each episode and tweak stuff that players like or exploit, etc... at this point, no one releases a perfect game any more, this gives them the chance to improve it each month...


looking forward to playing after work today B)...

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So yeah I'm loving this so far.

What really gets me is the intricately of the level. How when you go backstage of the fashion show it actually feels like you're backstage. Everyone is doing something and it doesn't feel forced.

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i winged it on my first play, i ended up dressed as that famous fashion model, walked the runway and everything :lol:... but their servers kept going down for me, which kicks you out of the mission... fucking bullshit, good thing the saves load up right where you last saved, spot, situation, and everything... i was working on my 2nd playthrough when it happened again... me and my friend in the party chat said fuck it and switched to gta... hopefully they're running better today...

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i lost my pre-order stuff, and for some reason, a couple of my challenges i completed tonight, which counted, don't have check marks next to them... lol wtf? but i am still having fun in paris... i've been everywhere, i know that map like the back of my hand now... still working on the challenges tho, i hope to have those done by next month... i still can't figure out how i am gonna eliminate both without changing my outfit... i figured out dalia, but i was stuck trying to get viktor...

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. i still can't figure out how i am gonna eliminate both without changing my outfit... ..

Lots and lots of coins :P

But yeah everyone lost their preorder stuff. They're gonna get it back to us.

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This might be the greatest Hitman level ever. 


I downloaded the level Wednesday night and only planned on walking around and exploring since it was late. Next thing I knew I was simulating a poltergeist and destroying magic viruses in a secret subterranean laboratory. Next time, I'll try using the exploding golf-ball!

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i only managed to beat it once since tuesday... mainly because i haven't had a lot of time to play it :P... i chucked him into the shredder, and seduced her as the golf instructor... and i kinda winged it for the virus because i didn't really know what i was suppose to do lol... but holy shit is this level massive!! :o... there's so many moving parts, it's gonna take a while to get a good grasp on all the different ways to beat this... new opportunities kept popping up, it seems like this place is at least 5x the size of the paris map...

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And the Paris map was the biggest Hitman map at the time :P absolutely maddness. If these are how big the levels are here on out its no wonder there's only 6 missions.

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i had a blast in the plague doctor outfit earlier today before work... i was going for the challenge with it, and i thought i would be able to stand there to kill the main guy, but his bodyguards entered the room as well... i had already flooded the sink so he went for it... and so did i... in one of the coolest moments of the new hitman series for me, i came off my perch, slit his throat with the ritual knife, ran out the door, and shanked anyone that got in my way as i ran down the grassy path into the lab (i already had a lab keycode)... got the lab guard outfit and after the smoked cleared, i walked back outside to find guards periodically drag about 6 or so bodies in body bags out of the area...


after that i feel like i put this fear in everyone that just witnessed a madman running around in a spooky costume murdering people... these guys will be telling that story until they die of old age... my only regret was not saving the clip :(... and i kinda wish hitman had a camera mode now...

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And this is why Hitman is one of the greatest game series ever.

Also bones, I don't know if I asked you but whats your favorite Hitman game so far?

Edited by Bronson

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