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Boo! I'd like for games to be priced differently depending on the level of anticipation and how often a sequel is made.

For example: GTAV would be $60 at launch, NBA2k14 would be $45 at launch, and NFS Most Wanted would be $35 at launch.

Oh and plastic?! I don't want no motherfucking plastic console. I want a golden mechanism laced with diamonds and pearls and other fancy shit. :watchit:

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Id pay 75 for a game like gta or fallout, but no more.

60 for a game like madden. But they get you with the DLC for games like skyrim and gta.. 20 dollars .... Fallout nv ended up costing me 200 dollars

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Fallout nv ended up costing me 200 dollars
How? Did you buy everything twice?

I came close to $200, because I bought the limited edition for Xbox and got the PC version later. Really shitty move by Bethesda, not releasing a limited edition for PC.

Edit: Oh, this is the Watch_Dogs topic. Yeah, back on topic. Or some shit.

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I bought the xbox limited edition, all of its dlc, and the pc version along with its dlc....

I thought i was gonna play nv in 3d but i just cant sit at my computer and play video games on a stiff chair with a small screen when i have a 72 inch tv and recliner in the living room...

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Yeah, unless you're buying multiple editions or copies of the game for whatever reason (retail?) anything near $200 dollars is completely ridiculous.

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This is the one game I want more than GTA 5.

'nuf said.

Then you're on the wrong fansite. This game may miss the mark. Ubisoft do make good games from time to time, but even AC missed that magic, that thing... Ah I dunno, the GTA thing.

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Remember how good the demos looked for AC3? Turned out to just be okay. This hype will die down in a month or two. If Rock star released a GTA V demo, everyone will forget about this.

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We really should carry this on in the Fallout topic, but, New Vegas had 4 DLC's and they were $10 each, so it would've been $100 on console, $90 on PC.

Letting this die now, since it's my job to prevent off-topic discussion...

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This is the one game I want more than GTA 5.

'nuf said.

Then you're on the wrong fansite. This game may miss the mark. Ubisoft do make good games from time to time, but even AC missed that magic, that thing... Ah I dunno, the GTA thing.

Nope! I'm on the right fan site. GTA is by far my favourite series of anything (film, book, video game) in the world. However, contrary to popular belief (or your belief rather), I am actually allowed to like other games more.

There's no way that it will come close to GTA San Andreas or GTA 3, my two favourite games of all time, bit I think it looks like it will be a better game than GTA 5 despite its rather 'generic' look.

Assassins Creed was different to me. It looked it shit and to be frank it was shit.

WATCH_DOGS doesn't look shit, there's the difference, so at least it has some hope.

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Watch Dogs looks like that kind of game where it will be fun for one playthrough but it won't have that replayability of an open sandbox like GTA where you really can do almost anything you want. I highly doubt you will be able to drive submarines, fly planes or jets, go underwater and see an assortment of wildlife. And that's just the tip of the iceburg of what GTA V has to offer more then Watch Dogs.

Oh you can hack stuff... It look's fun for about one playthrough...

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Is Watch_Dogs even going to have online multiplayer? A lot of these big time games like Mafia II and LA Noire did not have multiplayer and it really killed the game. So if watch dogs is like those two, then i only see it being relevant for 3-5 months after it's released. Not saying it will be a bad game, cause right now it looks amazing.. Just saying that it could be a waste without the online aspect.

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I wouldn't want online. Ubisoft added multiplayer to Assassin's Creed, and it was a huge waste of resources. It would be the same here.

Not every game needs multiplayer. In fact, most don't. Leave it for shit like CoD, but don't take away from the singleplayer experience just to tack on multiplayer (Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, etc.)

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