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I coded a mod to override the default forum settings. I'll look into it tonight to make it show the photo if it exists, then the facebook photo, then twitter, then if none of them exist, show the default silhouette.

There. Done.

Ok, so this is how the avatars work now (because of my mod)

1. If you've uploaded a "photo" to your profile, this will show.

2. If there's no photo uploaded manually, but you've linked your Facebook account, your facebook photo will be used.

3. If you haven't done 1 or 2, but you've linked your Twitter account, your twitter photo will be used.

4. If you haven't done any of the above, your photo is the basic silhouette.

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Thank you, but I already used that option. I hoped "Photo" meant avatar, but it's not. All I achieved was setting a profile photo, the avatar is still Donald.

Clear your cache then.

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@Psy: You rule. XD

@Duff: I didn't think about that right away. But I didn't need to clear the cache, the browser eventually decided to check for image changes...

Is it possible to get an alternative to the rich text editor? I've found that button in the upper left corner that turns it off, but it also disables all the formatting tools. :(

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So make a 90x90 one with the bottom half white.

I did that. The avatar was not stretched any more, but as profile picture it got stretched. It looked like I could not get it right at both places (avatar and profile pic). :wacko:

Then I removed my profile customization (background color). It had the unexpected effect that the stretched profile picture was displayed correctly!

I attempted to set a custom background color again to verify that it was not something random. New background color set OK, but when I went to my profile page the new color did not show. I had to set a background color several times before it would show on my profile page. When the new customization finally showed up on my page, the profile picture still was displayed correctly.

I think this proves that the forum have some glitches.

Is it possible to get an alternative to the rich text editor? I've found that button in the upper left corner that turns it off, but it also disables all the formatting tools. :(

Quoted just so it's not forgotten.

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Guest Marney1

Is it possible to make it so that when on the home page and you click on the forums link it doesn't open a new window/tab?

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It opens in a new window/tab because I want people to remain on the website homepage as well as having access to the forums. There's no way to have it not open in a new tab though as far as I know. Is it really a big problem having to close a tab? :no:

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Is it really a big problem having to close a tab? :no:

Of course it is a big problem to close any tab, we are lazy. We hope you will come around and click our mouse buttons.

Learn to control + W :thumbup:

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I might make a plugin for the site that lets you lot navigate by drooling on the keyboard. That way you won't need to do anything differently :drool::lamo:

That's a brilliant idea. I hope your mistress can help you.

Learn to control + W :thumbup:

Ctrl + W? What's that gonna d.......... Grrr.... <_<

Okay, new key command learned.

But it's actually two clicks and still a heckofalot of work. :no:

--------------- -----------------

Serious note......

I like the navigation bar at the top and the bottom of most pages, but maybe the font could be made easier to see? I know it is there, still I many times do not find it. I think the font size is equivalent to size 8 in Word, and it's gray. Size 10 would probably be fine, or make it bold and black.

Edited by Demon

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When I am at my latest status update and click "view all 6 comments", it removes all comments and only my initial post is displayed.

How do I make a one-word link? I click the link button, copy the URL and I do not get to type a description for the link. I'm using the rich text editor (because I've not found a way to turn off the damn thing).

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You type the word, highlight it, and then click the link icon.

Thanks, you're smart sometimes.

Where's the highlight button you used? I looked at the 'special BBCode' menu but nothing there seem to highlight anything.

I miss the old fashioned BB code system! :wall: *pulls hair*

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