
Website Problems/Issues/Requests

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If you've noticed something that's not working, or something that could be done better on the front end website, please let me know in this topic and I'll fix whatever issues we have. Bear in mind that the site is not built to be as interactive as, it's actually been based on where the content is more important than user input. All you can do is comment on pages, guides and news articles (as well as liking things on facebook and twitter). But if you have any issues, let me know.

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I've noticed on the main site a few issues.

The first one is that when someone makes a posts something and someone makes a comment, under comments it will say 2 even though there was one original post and one comment.

The Second is that if I try to enter my Display name as the name for the comment, it says that the Nickname has been reserved (I'm assuming you have to loggin) ; but, i don't see anywhere to log in when it gives me the error message. A login to continue link would be good.

The Third is that i don't see a link to the forums anywhere.

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  • hmmm...
    boing says 2 comments but there's 1 (I posted a comment, said 3, deleted it, went back to 2)
    testicles says 1 but there's 2
  • I'm sure Psy will message you the admin log in.
  • Forum link and others will come. keeping the forums "hidden" for now. :)

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I've noticed on the main site a few issues.

The first one is that when someone makes a posts something and someone makes a comment, under comments it will say 2 even though there was one original post and one comment.

The Second is that if I try to enter my Display name as the name for the comment, it says that the Nickname has been reserved (I'm assuming you have to loggin) ; but, i don't see anywhere to log in when it gives me the error message. A login to continue link would be good.

The Third is that i don't see a link to the forums anywhere.

1. I can't replicate that issue on the website. If something has no comments and I make one, it says it has 1... I think the reason Boing says it has 2 is because I changed the way the comments were counted after some comments were posted. Usually I'd do a query to count the number of comments on an article, but to save an extra query on every page load, now I set a field in the article itself with the number of comments. Once you make a comment it adds 1 to the number of comments. Obviously for boing it wasn't set to 0 when the first comment was made or something. Won't be an issue on any new content.

2. Admin usernames are protected from being entered when making a comment, unless you're actually logged in as an admin at the time. There's no actual member login system for the front end site, everyone posts as a guest, but admins have their names reserved to prevent people pretending to be them.

3. Forum links will be coming once the site is ready to go live.

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Sounds good.

One thing, i'm not sure if this is temporary, but i think this is a little too much jargon. How bout just :Enter the Name you wish to use: or something.

We do not have a login system for the front end of iGTA5. All comments are made by guests.

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Got this error while looking through my profile:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'No like class available for null - null' in /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/admin/sources/classes/like/composite.php:332 Stack trace: #0 /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/admin/applications/core/modules_public/ajax/like.php(47): classes_like::bootstrap('null', 'null') #1 /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php(406): public_core_ajax_like->doExecute(Object(ipsRegistry)) #2 /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php(112): ipsAjaxCommand->execute(Object(ipsRegistry)) #3 /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php(65): ipsController->handleRequest() #4 /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/index.php(26): ipsController::run() #5 {main} thrown in /home/igta5co/public_html/forums/admin/sources/classes/like/composite.php on line 332

It was when I clicked the "Psy, TreeFitty and Akuma and 1 other like this" link for the comment i'd made. The link is but it will redirect back to my profile if entered.

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We need a mod (or maybe it's a setting) that automatically turns double posts into one post.

And a skin for the asylum that has some homosexual flare.

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Yeah emoticons are being worked on

Just enabled the double post merger too

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Whoa, those old title buttons take me back. They're the old ones.


Just seeing what they look like, and what people think. I love them.

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We didn't have gold members on GTA-SA. When they were added we got new team icons. Someone did try to make a gold member badge by editing one of these but it didn't look that great.

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