Guest Marney-1

Max Payne 3 - ***Use SPOILER tags***

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Guest Marney-1


These guys reckon Max Payne 3 is 'unplayable' on low and high spec PC's.

How they scored it:





Edited by Marney-1

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you know, i got to thinking... perhaps if these slumping sales are true, it could force R* to start spilling the GTA5 info... i seriously doubt they delayed GTA5 to do max payne first, but since their fanbase only wants to hear about GTA (which might of also hurt sales because MP3 isn't GTA5), they're going to have to start feeding the bears soon... they might have to move on to GTA5 PR a little sooner than they wanted to...

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I don't think they ever "delayed" GTA V anyway. I'm sure Rockstar/Take-Two plan their releases well in advance. How good/bad were L.A. Noire sales? I'd assume MP3 would be above it since it has multiplayer. Everyone loves multiplayer.

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Pachter is just a bitter little man who predicted GTA 5 would be out in 2010 and has been proven wrong every time he opens his trap and makes up some new bull shit. I wouldn't call Max Payne 3 a flop, but it was never gonna sell on GTA levels. Still, I reckon we'll start seeing GTA V news soon either way.

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Michael Pachter doesn't know a fucking thing. Let's not forget how GTA V is going to be a box with a download code inside it...

My only criticism of Max Payne 3 for PC is the DRM, They haven't disclosed if GameShield is the kind of DRM that limits how many times you can install it. That and Social Club is crap if you ask me.

Max Payne 3 has issues with specific hardware firewalls and specific routers, something which we've never encountered.

I use Comodo and the only trouble I had was the firewall blocked it opening, simple matter of clicking "Allow" and then never seeing another problem until trying to go online which was the exact same thing. Bunch of spackers. if your firewall is that poor that it stops you opening it. You've picked a crap firewall. Uninstall it and install Comodo. Better protection and free. Likewise, no issues on the AV front. I run MSE and Malware Bytes constantly and neither prompted an issue. RYG are probably using some piece of shit AV that they paid for, and it probably isn't NOD32, the only AV worth paying for.

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Guest Marney-1

Michael Pachter doesn't know a fucking thing. Let's not forget how GTA V is going to be a box with a download code inside it...

My only criticism of Max Payne 3 for PC is the DRM, They haven't disclosed if GameShield is the kind of DRM that limits how many times you can install it. That and Social Club is crap if you ask me.

Max Payne 3 has issues with specific hardware firewalls and specific routers, something which we've never encountered.

I use Comodo and the only trouble I had was the firewall blocked it opening, simple matter of clicking "Allow" and then never seeing another problem until trying to go online which was the exact same thing. Bunch of spackers. if your firewall is that poor that it stops you opening it. You've picked a crap firewall. Uninstall it and install Comodo. Better protection and free. Likewise, no issues on the AV front. I run MSE and Malware Bytes constantly and neither prompted an issue. RYG are probably using some piece of shit AV that they paid for, and it probably isn't NOD32, the only AV worth paying for.

Are you implying that Michael Pachter said GTA V will be downloadable only? If so you're wrong, he actually said the complete opposite as in "There's no chance GTA V will be download only". Peter Warman from the Shit List said the 'download code' thing.

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pachter knows numbers, that's all... there's a reason why when he speaks, people listen... sure he sucks at predicting game releases but, who isn't?? he knows numbers and looks into those numbers... right now it sounds like max payne is not at all what take two was expecting in terms of sales...

LA noire had a long train of hype leading up to its release... had it not, i bet the numbers wouldn't of been all that good either... right now, according to people that care about numbers, R*'s last two blockbusters haven't been bank busters...

max payne so far is my game of the year, and i think a lot of people within the industry would probably agree right now... but sales mean more to those involved, and it sounds like they're not getting the return they had hoped...

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Guest Marney-1

pachter knows numbers, that's all... there's a reason why when he speaks, people listen... sure he sucks at predicting game releases but, who isn't?? he knows numbers and looks into those numbers... right now it sounds like max payne is not at all what take two was expecting in terms of sales...

LA noire had a long train of hype leading up to its release... had it not, i bet the numbers wouldn't of been all that good either... right now, according to people that care about numbers, R*'s last two blockbusters haven't been bank busters...

max payne so far is my game of the year, and i think a lot of people within the industry would probably agree right now... but sales mean more to those involved, and it sounds like they're not getting the return they had hoped...

There are 7 DLC's to be released for Max Payne 3 throughout this year.

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yea, multiplayer maps and skins right?? new missions?? probably not... plus, success of those depend on the success of the original game... of those that bought max payne 3, you have to assume that maybe half of them would buy the DLC... i wouldn't if it was just multiplayer stuff...

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Michael Pachter doesn't know a fucking thing. Let's not forget how GTA V is going to be a box with a download code inside it...

My only criticism of Max Payne 3 for PC is the DRM, They haven't disclosed if GameShield is the kind of DRM that limits how many times you can install it. That and Social Club is crap if you ask me.

Max Payne 3 has issues with specific hardware firewalls and specific routers, something which we've never encountered.

I use Comodo and the only trouble I had was the firewall blocked it opening, simple matter of clicking "Allow" and then never seeing another problem until trying to go online which was the exact same thing. Bunch of spackers. if your firewall is that poor that it stops you opening it. You've picked a crap firewall. Uninstall it and install Comodo. Better protection and free. Likewise, no issues on the AV front. I run MSE and Malware Bytes constantly and neither prompted an issue. RYG are probably using some piece of shit AV that they paid for, and it probably isn't NOD32, the only AV worth paying for.

Are you implying that Michael Pachter said GTA V will be downloadable only? If so you're wrong, he actually said the complete opposite as in "There's no chance GTA V will be download only". Peter Warman from the Shit List said the 'download code' thing.

Ah. Got my names mixed up. Disregard that section.

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Guest Marney-1

Michael Pachter doesn't know a fucking thing. Let's not forget how GTA V is going to be a box with a download code inside it...

My only criticism of Max Payne 3 for PC is the DRM, They haven't disclosed if GameShield is the kind of DRM that limits how many times you can install it. That and Social Club is crap if you ask me.

Max Payne 3 has issues with specific hardware firewalls and specific routers, something which we've never encountered.

I use Comodo and the only trouble I had was the firewall blocked it opening, simple matter of clicking "Allow" and then never seeing another problem until trying to go online which was the exact same thing. Bunch of spackers. if your firewall is that poor that it stops you opening it. You've picked a crap firewall. Uninstall it and install Comodo. Better protection and free. Likewise, no issues on the AV front. I run MSE and Malware Bytes constantly and neither prompted an issue. RYG are probably using some piece of shit AV that they paid for, and it probably isn't NOD32, the only AV worth paying for.

Are you implying that Michael Pachter said GTA V will be downloadable only? If so you're wrong, he actually said the complete opposite as in "There's no chance GTA V will be download only". Peter Warman from the Shit List said the 'download code' thing.

Ah. Got my names mixed up. Disregard that section.

No problem Pieface, it happens.

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I'm with you Bones, I probably wouldn't buy the DLC just for multiplayer stuff. It's a fun game, but I prefer the SP to the MP and there's not gonna be any new SP levels. Maybe a new arcade mode or something would be fun, but for a new map I don't think it's worth it. That said, I've played more of Max Payne 3 than any other game in the last 6 months. It's a brilliantly made game, but people just weren't that interested. I think Rockstar messed up by showing off the GTA V trailer before MP3 launched.

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I'm with you Bones, I probably wouldn't buy the DLC just for multiplayer stuff. It's a fun game, but I prefer the SP to the MP and there's not gonna be any new SP levels. Maybe a new arcade mode or something would be fun, but for a new map I don't think it's worth it. That said, I've played more of Max Payne 3 than any other game in the last 6 months. It's a brilliantly made game, but people just weren't that interested. I think Rockstar messed up by showing off the GTA V trailer before MP3 launched.

yah totally.

the only reason I dont have it is because SR3 was on sale on steam for 15ish bucks.

Done that through. Probably wont play it again. Ill get this soon enough

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i rented it... i didn't buy it either... it's convenient to just rent if the game isn't offering up 25+ hours of entertainment for me... sadly that's a lot of games on the market... the RPG's and open world games are the only ones that are worth buying for me.... 10 hour shooters won't get a dime from me anymore, the rental store just gets some of their money back ;)...

it's no knock on max payne, i think it's a brilliant shooter... but it's that, an on-the-rails shooter that only holds my attention for so long...

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Agree with all of that, bones. I'm glad I rented it too, it was fun to play, but not the kind I'd want to keep on hand.

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