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A dead forum will push people away as much as anything. You walk past your local pub and see through the window that theres no one in there. Are you going in or carry on walking? If nothings going on there's nothing to stay for while we wait for news on gta. I'm not saying let the forum go wild but atleast let it out to take a piss and play fetch for a while.

Personally i think there's to many mods at the moment. They might of been needed ages ago when this place was busy but not now. you've got 6 mods and 3 admin. Fair enough psy's off doing whatever psy does. but when the forum is barely having 4-5 new threads a day, you've got more mods than threads for them to manage. But who gives a fuck really. Psy will only care if we get a month before the release date and the forum is as dead as it is now. Not saying it'll happen but it could.

I remember back in the good old days wait on news for SA people would be posting 20-30 a day. Some of it was random and retarded but it kept the forum active. The more active the forum the more it attracts new members. Fact.

One more thing. I've just been reading the comments left on the main page about the release date. I'm guessing it's not connected to the forum but it's mostly idiotic comments about gta coming out in feburary and a month after MP3 and thats Admin approved or atleast it says that. If anything needs to be mod'd a little more it's that. You can't have one rule for the forum and a different one for the main page. And surely if you didn't even have that on the main page and had it in the forum instead, the guests would have to sign up and the forum would have more people posting.

Edited by Pitbull

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I see where QD comes from and it makes sense to a point, I was a part of the Forum Staff at my other clan and our forums had over 50,000 members with almost 200-300 clan members/others active a day at it's peak. There was 3 people taking care of the whole site and at times it sucked dick, but we always had it handled because each of us we're different time zones so we had a Admin on almost 24/7. These forums have plenty of staff at the moment, I can see why people don't think we need that much staff but again it's up to Psy to make these decisions because he is the owner. He's done everything correctly so far I mean he is an Official Grand Theft Auto Fansite that's acknowledged by Rockstar themselves. Again there is times on these forums when a moderator or admin because of some dickhead making retarded topic's in the GTA5 discussion board but none are on and it can take awhile a few hours sometimes less before it's taken care of by a mod for instance this topic here.

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One more thing. Don't mean to piss anyone off it's just an observation. But fair enough the admins aren't here 24/7 that's what the mods are for. There here to make the admins jobs easier. But when you've got Pyro (Last Active Jan 15 2012 07:51pm) & Asthenia (Last Active Jan 22 2012 11:55pm) not even coming on to the forum for over a week why have them as mods at all. Nothing against you guys you're probably good at it but how are you moderating anything if you're not here. Or is it just a title given to you if you've been here so long??

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Maybe add a new title, for people so that they can lock topics and merg topics and some other bits but not as much as a mod. That way when the mods are not avaliable the 'forum recruit' or something can do it.


Maybe add a new title, for people so that they can lock topics and merg topics and some other bits but not as much as a mod. That way when the mods are not avaliable the 'forum recruit' or something can do it.

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Between myself, TF, OPX and Pieface, I'd say we cover the forums and website pretty well.

Either we moderate the GTA 5 section properly or it becomes a shitfest of stupid rumours and dupe topics. You know all those people on the front page comments you're talking about? That's just what the forum will be like if we don't keep it tidy. When I was 14 it was fun to have an active forum full of idiots, but I'm older now and don't want to see it so much. When we get nearer to release, new info will be out, and there will be more to talk about. We're still relaxed around the rest of the forum. I also don't think that by encouraging people to put some thought into their posts, we are forcing people with sensible ideas away. I just think it's still early days. We are more active than most GTA sites, although we'll never be as active as GTAForums, but at the same time, no one notices anyone else over there.

If we don't lock a pointless thread it just gets filled with "this thread should be locked" or "what a stupid topic" posts. Do you want us to start warning long term members for spamming in topics for the sake of hoping the new people stay and continue to make more, or do you want us to just close them and be done with it?

Do you agree that you don't need multiple versions of the same topic running at the same time? This is why a lot of topics are being locked at the moment.

And finally, are inactive moderators really a problem for you guys? We do have it in check, I just thought it was an interesting comment when you originally said we have too many moderators.

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I think you do well, im just saying sometimes mods are not online, i have not said we have too many mods, i think we have the right amount i just thought having a couple of people who can merg and lock topics might help if the real mods are busy. Im trying not to flame members as much in GTA5 section in order to not scare them off, i think your all doing a good job.

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I don't think you have to warn members for spam or lock the topic. Leave it be.

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And finally, are inactive moderators really a problem for you guys? We do have it in check, I just thought it was an interesting comment when you originally said we have too many moderators.

Of course they ain't a problem. Just making a point. And i didn't realize some were inactive at the time of my first post. At the end of the day the forum is cleaned up very way. I'm just playing devil's advocate.

The comment i made about the posts on the front page was that it still makes the front of the site look messy. Why not have it all in one place? (On the forum) And can the mods actually moderate the front page? Or is that Admin only?

And everything else you said you're spot on with. The site will get busier as soon as new info comes out until then...............

Oh and are people really getting warned for spamming?? Fair enough if they're going crazy all over the forum but if there new to the site and they've only done it a few times just nicely remind them not do it. But you're probably doing that already anyway.

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All staff can moderate the front page, but I think we would rather keep it there than have it on the forum. At least I spend a lot more time on here than I do on the site.

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So are the mods actually monitoring the front of site?? Cos like i said it looks messy (personally). And obviously you know what all the mods do as admin. But if you're happy with it thats all that matter really anyway. Ain't my site. Just making suggestions.

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I'd rather have it on the forums than on the main site, done the main site is what people see first

Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.

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I'm getting bored of this subject now. Nothings gunna change QD unless it really needs to be, and until new info comes out and the forum stays dead. But i do agree with your last post. You're not gunna own a shop and leave shit lying around the front window are you. You're gunna tidy it up and either chuck it away or atleast put it in a back room somewhere away from the front of the shop.

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Psy needs to stop hitting up hot chicks and spend all his time on this forum. I've sent a friend request on Facebook to him multiple times so I could network with him to get these forums exactly how I want them.

He hadn't gotten around to approving them, and I think it's because of his hot girlfriend.... Dump her psy, u got responsibilities

Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.

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I could network with him to get these forums exactly how I want them.

But... you were admin once, and totally fucked up O_o

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My Penis has needs, like i do, we both want, to rape you and the forums ^_^.

But, i don't remember fucking anything up. Psy over reacted because someone on the internutz threatened to sue him for someshit and i made fun of the guy. I forgotted that the internet is surious business.

this >>> link got me deadmined, and i destaffed myself a couple of months later because i was inactive/couldn't be bothered[/url]. IN UR FACE DUFFMAN!

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I see where QD is coming from; he just wants the userbase to regulate itself during this time period, at least. I just feel as though the banhammer and excessive locking/merging are crucial in definitive authoritarianism, so it is my impression that the staff is acting accordingly.

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