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This cunt is just hawking his shite here.

Two hits for his most recent video, and I'll bet most websites he posts on haven't been crawled yet.

And a google search for his username heralds nothing but him touting his crap.

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PLEASE don't take offense to this. Personally I believe you guys are moderating this site poorly. You overreact to every little post that there is, therefore there have been the same post's on the first page for months. If someone were to post something about Grand Theft Auto 5 about how they think it might turn out, or what they think would be cool, they get their post locked or TreeFitty bitches them out and bans them. If there was a post that was made months ago and is long gone, then someone makes something similar months later, again they get bitched out and or banned because they, "spammed" and that is WRONG. Spamming is when people repeatedly re-post the same exact thread multiple times to the point where it gets obnoxious and they are deliberately breaking the rules. And you emphasize, "search before you post". Well you see, nobody really want's to do that because they want their voice to be heard. So if they post in a thread that was made 1 year ago, their idea/opinion will never be heard. The only time when you will need a couple of moderators is when people will be frantically searching the web for a Gran Theft Auto 5 chat/forums once Rockstar releasing some heavy info. But as of right now you honestly need one mod. I guess you can compare it to this. (This website = cell phone, Moderators = antivirus programs) EXAMPLE: I have a cell phone with, Norton anti-virus, AVG, Super anti spyware, Malwarebytes, Avast anti-virus, Kaspersky anti-virus, Webroot anti-virus, and Mcafee, all when barely anything is going on in that cell phone. Your like police that have nothing better to do. If someone lights a match you send 11 fire trucks, 8 police cruisers, and 5 life flights ffs. Where the hell are people supposed to post stuff about Grand Theft Auto 5? Because From what I see, they can't really post much about Gta5 in the Gta5 discussion. Again like I said, don't take any offence to this please. I have Freedom of Speech. Thank you for your'e time.

And hey optimum, everyone has the right to predict what they think. And that IS about GTA5.

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PLEASE don't take offense to this. Personally I believe you guys are moderating this site poorly. You overreact to every little post that there is, therefore there have been the same post's on the first page for months. If someone were to post something about Grand Theft Auto 5 about how they think it might turn out, or what they think would be cool, they get their post locked or TreeFitty bitches them out and bans them. If there was a post that was made months ago and is long gone, then someone makes something similar months later, again they get bitched out and or banned because they, "spammed" and that is WRONG. Spamming is when people repeatedly re-post the same exact thread multiple times to the point where it gets obnoxious and they are deliberately breaking the rules. And you emphasize, "search before you post". Well you see, nobody really want's to do that because they want their voice to be heard. So if they post in a thread that was made 1 year ago, their idea/opinion will never be heard. The only time when you will need a couple of moderators is when people will be frantically searching the web for a Gran Theft Auto 5 chat/forums once Rockstar releasing some heavy info. But as of right now you honestly need one mod. I guess you can compare it to this. (This website = cell phone, Moderators = antivirus programs) EXAMPLE: I have a cell phone with, Norton anti-virus, AVG, Super anti spyware, Malwarebytes, Avast anti-virus, Kaspersky anti-virus, Webroot anti-virus, and Mcafee, all when barely anything is going on in that cell phone. Your like police that have nothing better to do. If someone lights a match you send 11 fire trucks, 8 police cruisers, and 5 life flights ffs. Where the hell are people supposed to post stuff about Grand Theft Auto 5? Because From what I see, they can't really post much about Gta5 in the Gta5 discussion. Again like I said, don't take any offence to this please. I have Freedom of Speech. Thank you for your'e time.

And hey optimum, everyone has the right to predict what they think. And that IS about GTA5.

Not only is that the dumbest and least accurate example I have ever seen, but you also have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Every topic that has been locked, has been locked for a good reason, and no one has been banned for making shit posts, but they should be, because the worst ones just keep on doing it. Duplicate topics are locked because they make the forums a cluttered, repetitive mess. Duplicate topics are spam, and the other noobs just spam the topic for being a duplicate, anyway. They're better off locked. Posting your idiotic broken English in a preexisting thread will "make your voice heard" (what are you, a pro-noob activist?) just as effectively as making a new topic. If we don't lock all those stupid duplicate topics, the forums will be filled with them. You have no fucking clue how many have been locked and deleted.

And that doesn't apply exclusively to the GTA V section. The whole site is filled with spam and bullshit that you will never see, because every mod here does his fucking job. You think we only need one mod? You couldn't handle being the only mod on this site. You have no idea how much shit has been deleted that the mods still have to scroll through when reading a topic, because none of it is permanently deleted, only hidden from public view. You have no idea how much spam and bullshit gets posted that none of you will ever have to put up with because we delete it immediately. You have no idea how much we do.

PLEASE don't take offense to me pointing out what a stupid cunt you are. Thank you for your time.

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But this site is nowhere near a mess is it? No one spams in the Gta5 section. There has never been clutter. There is only 1 new topic per week, if that. And hmm I wonder why, maybe because new people come on a post something then instantly get bitched out by mods, get their topic locked and or deleted and then lose their privilege to post anything else. THERE is no need to delete and lock posts that may be inaccurate that are about GTA5.

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Good job not paying attention to a word I said.The locked topics you see are less than 10% of the topics that have been locked. Locked topics are hidden from public view not long after being locked, there are dozens and dozens of locked topics and hundreds of spam posts that only staff can see.

Nine new topics have been made in the GTA V section this week, six have been bullshit. The three remaining topics aren't shit, and are reasonably active. No one gets "bitched out by mods" unless their topic is something that has been posted time and time again that we're tired of seeing, that they wouldn't have posted at all had they taken a look around and seen that whatever stupid thing they're about to post has been mentioned a dozen times. Oh, you found something new about GTA V? Guess again, asshole, nine people have already made topics about it and they were all locked, because they were bullshit. We are not going to take a topic about a bullshit rumor or fake leak and leave it open. It's going to be full of spamming, flaming, trolling, and dumbass noobs that think the bullshit is true. There will never be a proper, intelligent discussion about fake info, because there is nothing to discuss. It's fake, move on.

And the only people who have lost the ability to post new topics are morons who made multiple bullshit topics in a very short period of time. The three or so people that have lost the ability to make new topics have no one to blame but themselves, it's their fuck-up.

Don't like it? Leave. We won't be losing a fucking thing.

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Might as well pin this bitch as it is the closest thing to a rate the staff topic.

FYI, mods never say "good point" will you tell them they're being a little hard on the beaver, save for drama and personal reasons

Let's say there were no mods, what's the worst that could happen...

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FYI, mods never say "good point" will you tell them they're being a little hard on the beaver, save for drama and personal reasons

I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but if anyone ever made a good point, I would tell them so. He sure as hell hasn't made one.

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Look how fucking ignorant you are. Yeah o shit 9 topics in 1 week! If your proud of that then you are the most ignorant person ever known to man. Let people post! How does it hurt others if someone posts something that may be bullshit! If people complain about spamming then that's a different story, but no one has complained. Let others communicate! But wait, no mods like you come in thinking it's their responsibility to keep everything under control. Like I said, someone lights a match and you send 11 fire trucks, 8 police cars, and 4 ambulances. There is nothing going on. Just because your a mod doesn't mean you can or should go over board. This just tells me you have nothing else better to do.

Also If someone were to post, "Fuck you all" as a topic multiple times, then you can call that spam.

And same to you also, you should leave because you do nothing except upset the community.

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The only people I ban have multiple accounts or "work for rockstar". If you're going to bitch, at least bitch about something that's true. We have topics for "What you want" among others. There's no point having 100 topics for the same exact thing.

Don't take any offence, but you're fucking retarded.

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Thank you Tree for taking this like a man unlike massacre. But Tree, I understand if there is 100 but if it's a few topics that were made a year ago and someone creates something again that is, "similar" why lock it you know?

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By all means, feel free to go to a more active forum and get me a list of the topics that have been made this week, with links. I guarantee you will return with complete noob-infested shit. We are not going to let our site become a noobfest like those other sites are. We are not going to let the forums fill up with the kind of stupid shit those sites are filled with, the kind of stupid shit we delete daily. Re-posting your idiotic, nonsense example isn't going to make your argument any less invalid. Like I said, you have no idea how much shit is getting deleted, and you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Just shut up.

Thank you Tree for taking this like a man unlike massacre.

That's fucking adorable. Yeah, I'm right and I know what I'm talking about, better insult me. That'll make everything better.

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I take that back you didn't take it like a man, you lock so many posts for absolutely no reason. It's almost like you do it because you feel like your a boss. The only times you should get close to over reacting is when there is something serious, but if the community is running smoothly and there is no traffic then why lockdown every little thing?

No you really are ignorant, and I have no idea what the fuck goes on in other topics. But In do know what goes on in the Grand Theft Auto 5 discussion and there is little to no activity in it because of over moderating.

And I can't win this fight because I am facing 2 ignorant moderators. But think about how much you are controlling and how there is almost no traffic on the Grand Theft Auto 5 forum.

Think about it deeply and some of it might sink in through those thick skulls of yours.

PLEASE don't take offense to this. Personally I believe you guys are moderating this site poorly. You overreact to every little post that there is, therefore there have been the same post's on the first page for months. If someone were to post something about Grand Theft Auto 5 about how they think it might turn out, or what they think would be cool, they get their post locked or TreeFitty bitches them out and bans them. If there was a post that was made months ago and is long gone, then someone makes something similar months later, again they get bitched out and or banned because they, "spammed" and that is WRONG. Spamming is when people repeatedly re-post the same exact thread multiple times to the point where it gets obnoxious and they are deliberately breaking the rules. And you emphasize, "search before you post". Well you see, nobody really want's to do that because they want their voice to be heard. So if they post in a thread that was made 1 year ago, their idea/opinion will never be heard. The only time when you will need a couple of moderators is when people will be frantically searching the web for a Gran Theft Auto 5 chat/forums once Rockstar releasing some heavy info. But as of right now you honestly need one mod. I guess you can compare it to this. (This website = cell phone, Moderators = antivirus programs) EXAMPLE: I have a cell phone with, Norton anti-virus, AVG, Super anti spyware, Malwarebytes, Avast anti-virus, Kaspersky anti-virus, Webroot anti-virus, and Mcafee, all when barely anything is going on in that cell phone. Your like police that have nothing better to do. If someone lights a match you send 11 fire trucks, 8 police cruisers, and 5 life flights ffs. Where the hell are people supposed to post stuff about Grand Theft Auto 5? Because From what I see, they can't really post much about Gta5 in the Gta5 discussion. Again like I said, don't take any offence to this please. I have Freedom of Speech. Thank you for your'e time.

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We react appropriately in every situation. Overreacting would be banning you for being an annoying little cunt.

You can't win this "fight" because you're a moron. Fitty and I aren't ignorant, you're just rambling about shit you know nothing about. You decided that you were indisputably right before you ever made that first post, and no amount of logic is going to make you realize that you're wrong.

You're just whining because your stupid topics were deleted and you can't post any more of them.

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*throws in 2 cents*

We have the amount of Mods we do because we need them, you expect one mod to be on all day?

What you are saying is spam isn't, if people post a topic that has already been discussed and a thread has been made on it what would be the point in keeping it open?

If nearly every regular member felt that Mods where too harsh or that we had too many why did we all strive to make Massacre one?

The Mods are doing a good job and I for one wouldn't stay on this forum if it was filled with noob shit and I know a lot of the members would be the same.

This is a forum, not your life, in the grand scheme of things - who in the fuck cares.

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Guest Marney-1

I'd just like to say, the mods are doing a fine job of keeping the forums free of spam lately. Well done.

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But this site is nowhere near a mess is it? No one spams in the Gta5 section. There has never been clutter. There is only 1 new topic per week, if that. And hmm I wonder why, maybe because new people come on a post something then instantly get bitched out by mods, get their topic locked and or deleted and then lose their privilege to post anything else. THERE is no need to delete and lock posts that may be inaccurate that are about GTA5.

Two of the locked topics were one cunt advertising his youtube videos, and newsflash, he's doing it GTAForums too, he doesn't care and just wants to advertise. Another was Max Payne discussion in a GTA5 section.

If that is poor moderation, go fuck yourself.

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No I do not expect one mod to be on all day. But if every fucking mod goes and locks down a post right when it's put up then thats a problem. Settle down. Nothing is nowhere near getting out of control.

But if it look like it is then step in and take care of it.

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I'd just like to extend my gratitude to the moderating team for keeping peace in the public fora, your actions make me feel safe and liberated.

On a sidenote, this might just be the laugh of the month:

"Again like I said, don't take any offence to this please. I have Freedom of Speech."

Be thankful you're not posting from North Korea, there would be HELL to pay right now.

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