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Hello, people of Psy's boards!

I just stumbled home from work and realised all the bars were closed and I had missed my friend's 25th birthday party, and so I went on Facebook to apologise - and for some reason his profile picture was of a can of mello yello.

So, unable to sleep because my veins are pumping with 200ccs of hospital coffee (and believe me, the NHS budget does not stretch beyond instant) I googled my screen name and this site came up. I trawled a little and there was so much stuff: emails between me and Jack Thompson, Teamo Extr-EMO, the spamm teem, Bridge the Gap, our interminable war with I remembered the days when FML stood for favourite member league, and when I looked forward to Kicking It With My Homies more than anything on TV.

So let me ask you fucks: do you have any artefacts from back in the day? Specifically, I was hoping to find:

  • That Picture of Zidane from GTAGaming
  • My old sig (not this mutilated version)
  • And the Christmas version!
  • Any vintage editions of Kicking It With My Homies
  • Anything from the Spamm Teem or the Sylums era

Or basically anything that could be regarded as a treasure of the era.

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Welcome back Mello, been too long.

I tried to find my old football sig not long ago, no joy though :(

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This is excellent. The Zidane picture is everything I remembered.

Ha! Have we really been here this long?! xD

Welcome back Mello, hope you're back for the long haul!

I doubt it :(

I'm in the hospital 70 hours a week, and half the rest of my time is taken up...getting ready to do hospital things. I just about have time to see my rl friends enough that they don't forget about me - anything beyond that is a pipe dream right now! On the plus side, free heart surgery for anyone who needs it.

Mello, hmmm?

Well then, only one thing for it.


Welp, my work here is done.

I lost the onion holster I used to keep on my belt. How're you these days?

Stan died in a car crash! :french:

You got me clogs like 5 years ago. I owe you. Would you like something Scottish?

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Ahhh... mello. Not only is it good to see you, it's GREAT to see that pic of zidane again. I was thinking about that the other day.

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Hello, people of Psy's boards!

I just stumbled home from work and realised all the bars were closed and I had missed my friend's 25th birthday party, and so I went on Facebook to apologise - and for some reason his profile picture was of a can of mello yello.

So, unable to sleep because my veins are pumping with 200ccs of hospital coffee (and believe me, the NHS budget does not stretch beyond instant) I googled my screen name and this site came up. I trawled a little and there was so much stuff: emails between me and Jack Thompson, Teamo Extr-EMO, the spamm teem, Bridge the Gap, our interminable war with I remembered the days when FML stood for favourite member league, and when I looked forward to Kicking It With My Homies more than anything on TV.

So let me ask you fucks: do you have any artefacts from back in the day? Specifically, I was hoping to find:

  • That Picture of Zidane from GTAGaming
  • My old sig (not this mutilated version)
  • And the Christmas version!
  • Any vintage editions of Kicking It With My Homies
  • Anything from the Spamm Teem or the Sylums era

Or basically anything that could be regarded as a treasure of the era.

welcome home mello!

Also, i saved "imaphatpimp"'s left nut, but i'm not sure if its a treasure or not.

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Stan died in a car crash! :french:

You got me clogs like 5 years ago. I owe you. Would you like something Scottish?

Haha, what do you have in mind?

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There. I just deleted the animation and clone stamped the word out. Can I get a blowjob now?


This. this one image. fucking. nostalgia city.

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Ahhh... mello. Not only is it good to see you, it's GREAT to see that pic of zidane again. I was thinking about that the other day.

I know, right? You know those seminal cultural reference points, the ones you can talk about to just about anyone and they'll get it? Michael Jackson is dead after becoming white and molesting children. Osama Bin Laden hides in caves after causing 9/11.

Zidane is a skinny white nerd with tiny arms who dresses like a gangsta. That is equally culturally relevant.

welcome home mello!

Also, i saved "imaphatpimp"'s left nut, but i'm not sure if its a treasure or not.

Surely only if it comes as a pair.

Haha, what do you have in mind?

Nothing but Christmas songs at the moment. I need inspiration.


There. I just deleted the animation and clone stamped the word out. Can I get a blowjob now?


This. this one image. fucking. nostalgia city.

Well yeah this.

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Looking through my list of veteran members who've made multiple reappearances over the years, you never seem to remember me. So, fuck you.

But, I like your soda. (Y)

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This thread. Thought I'd drop in and say hi, I saw the old forums in my bookmarks. How's the community these days, as active as it was back in the day?

Looking through my list of veteran members who've made multiple reappearances over the years, you never seem to remember me. So, fuck you.

But, I like your soda. (Y)

I know who you are.

Well, well. Many a time was had on cybernationz.

Fun fact GOD and MK are currently at war, according to someone I asked about the game like three days ago. I am banned from the game completely and have been since before I graduated, though.

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Haha, what do you have in mind?

Nothing but Christmas songs at the moment. I need inspiration.

I don't know, maybe something handy from the hospital?

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