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Everything posted by iBeNiko

  1. I agree. mp3's hit detection and gun mechanics were pretty much perfect. It just feels right. Gta 4's on the other hand is trash, but taking into account that the game is like 5 years old I realize it was pretty damn good for its time. i really hope that Max payne 3's gun mechanics are put into gta 5. while the game felt clunky as fuck to play the damage detection, and bullet mechanics were done perfectly. except i kind of hope that you don't die from a sniper rifle round to that hand, because i hated dying like that.
  2. I don't think it was all that bad. I had no trouble knowing when to hop into cover. Although I would prefer having some sort of health bar as well. Take GTA IV multiplayer for example.. the amount of bullets you could pump into a player was rediculous. I remember shooting people in the head twice to kill them, and to make it worse they wouldn't have armor on to justify it. ^This. i always hated having to unload a full magazine into someone just to kill them. i think that max payne 3 had the health right. with the damage zones and stuff.
  3. The fuck kind of world do you live in?
  4. i hope they add some sort of grappleing mechanic, like where you can grab someone and pull their head down and knee the shit outta their face, or if you knock them down press that grab button and you get on top of them and proceed to pound their face into a bloody pulp and after they die or lose conscientiousness grab them to carry their body, or hold the button to drag and be able to throw it in a river or put it in a trunk or something.
  5. exactly, i don't know how many different things i posted in this thread.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAE0Mw7psYc Idk, Fitty, looks like a bear to me. That's a Bear. nope, it's just chuck testa
  7. It was a YEAR? That's retarded. TLAD came out in February 2009, and Tbogt came out in october 2009 on 360. They both came to Ps3 in April 2010.
  8. Also PS3 had exclusive RDR content that noone else had, so there! Ps3 only got a gang hideout and an outfit, 360 got 2 entire games for gta.
  9. I honestly hope that Rockstar doesn't whore themselves out to Microsoft again with DLC exclusives, because that was some Bullshit how 360 players had the episodes from liberty city a year before Ps3 players did.
  10. it would literally take minutes to upload an image, now as far as re-doing the page layout... that is something else.
  11. Because pelts are irrelevant in the 21st century. The leather industry is now controlled by large corporations and independent hunters are no longer a part of it. The fur industry is quickly dying due to pressure from animal protection organizations and lack of a market. That's why you won't be skinning a cougar in Grand Theft Auto 5. if we can't skin them, i'll be okay with that, i just wanna kill them.
  12. Rockstar has been really quiet this month... not complaining, just pointing out the obvious. i wonder if we might get any screens, or anything of the sort next month.
  13. exactly. they said they didn't announce it, but did not deny it. maybe they will announce it later this year a couple of months before release.
  14. i just hope muscle cars handle better in gta 5, because the Dukes had horrible handling, and forget trying to drive in the rain with it...
  15. If they do upscale gta 5 for the ps4 as i suggested maybe it will look as good as the official screenshots R* released, but maybe that is just wishful thinking though.
  16. Honestly i see R* doing with GTA 5 what Blizzard is doing with Diablo 3, having the game on both current and next gen consoles. except of course it will look/play better on the next gen consoles. Maybe that is what caused the delay, maybe they heard in advance that Sony was going to announce the Ps4 and now are working to be able to have it on next gen consoles as well. That's just my speculation though... hopefully that happens, because i know for a fact i am going to get a PS4, and it would be nice to have GTA 5 on it.
  17. okay... as a rockstar employee i guarantee that the game is almost done. you should expect it the first Tuesday in march.