CFO Charles

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Everything posted by CFO Charles

  1. $8 = High Grade or Hydro $10 = da kush $12 = fuck me in the face
  2. I love the black markings he has in front of his ears (on both sides, they're perfectly the same haha) I've always loved beagles, but surprisingly I never owned one.
  3. Yeah, I'm just wondering are they going to put anything into affect to essentially get rid of you average dope dealer. I mean with legalization I'd assume they would want dispensaries and shops to regulate who's getting it. Instead of just having every shady back alley dealer pestering people on the street. And the reason I say that I don't like this is because it's practically legal up here already. So long as you aren't walking the streets with over 9 grams or so, they can't charge you with shit. Fuck an old high school friend has been busted with weed 3 times. They didn't even do shit until his third time being caught and then he only got sent to a 1 month rehab course. No charges, zip. nothing. Fuck, back in highschool I used to walk up to random people on the streets of Downtown and ask if they holding. 8/10 times the reply was "How much you need?" And the ones that didn't have, didn't give a shit what I was asking for. I'm just saying legalization in Canada is more than likely going to complicate an already ideal circumstance.
  4. so the feds would bust 50%+ of the population? Highly doubt it. If anything we will see a statebystate war on drugs, pushing to keep the feds out. The dea can only be spread so thin.On the bright side Washington said they will sell it around 12 bucks a gram, which isn't bad considering here in Oregon its around 10 a gram. 12 bucks a gram is expensive as fuck. Normally I don't even pay ten unless it's some dankity-dank dank. Let the price inflation begin.
  5. Nice post ass. I have serious doubts about it but do me a favor and update me later when the action starts. I'm curious to see how the government will price and regulate sales of it. Up here in Canada Alcohol can only be sold legally by the government booze up here is expensive as fuck. Sometimes almost double what you'd pay in the states. Plus with news of this the PM says it could be a discussion Canada may have on a later date.
  6. It's the San Andreas we all know and love, who care about what character we play as. Besides, San An took place in the 90's, CJ would be like 45 if he was in GTA V.
  7. All this news is really good. I think you can throw all my doubts and angst towards IV out the window this looks intense
  8. Why? So that it's harder to obtain and you must endure a long, taxing, legal process. Decriminalization is the way to go. Weed is easier to get a hold of and then you aren't fucked if you're caught holding a gram or two without a card.
  9. Bump. Hell is other people. No point in posting in a dead thread.
  10. I did click the link. I just never thought in a million years that would happen. Besides I'm in Canada so why should I give a fuck. Calm your panties.
  11. Sounds like me, I have fallout and skyrim and never bothered to do the story, just explored looking for sidequests and shit
  12. No thanks QD. I don't have the patience for RPGs
  13. Synch was never gone, you twat. Well I have yet to see a Synch post before today.
  14. Its nice to see some Synch posts. They're probably the most accurate and well thought out posts on here. And they're actually about GTA. Its still nice to see you chatting it up instead of just posting wall-o-text gta guides to help my lame ass
  15. who wouldn't be? Our bidepular GTA encyclopedia has returned!
  16. Stubbs showed me his penis. I feel obligated to vote for him.
  17. They kept the main story points in the TV show (prison, prisoners, the heli crash) but apart from that some of the content has been watered down compared to the comic, and yeah, do some research and see what you can find on the governor. Let me tell you he wasn't the two faced good-guy bad guy like he is now, he was just plain sick and twisted from the get-go
  18. Well he seems to know how shit works around here, welcome back whoever you are...