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Everything posted by Mercy

  1. I hope that we are wrong about your grandmother Jizzy. My sister was in hospital a few years ago and was moved from the acute clinic to another ward very far away because they needed that room so it does happen here sometimes however to be put into a ward ward with cancer patience I haven't heard of.
  2. Miss Photogenic Also, DuPz looks pretty as fuck. Would smash. Am I the only one who thinks her rack looks hot? When did she get good tits? Like she had a boob job Also, thank you Kuzie
  3. Sorry some of us have been working Somescreen caps I worked too smart bum
  4. Dupz (mr blue eyes) [/url] Guitar bones! Regular bones Trathen made it Me!!!
  5. Mercy

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Kuz works for rockstar!!! Totally him with a stubble in this
  6. Sooo - booty call? She sounds super classy
  7. He dates Charlotte Church every once and a while. Booty call me thinks.
  8. We should invite Kuz789 the capital K counterpart so I don't get withdrawal symptoms
  9. Nope can't ensure it. Found that out when we were lifeguards
  10. I'll be there for a bit - I don't usually play on Tuesdays mind so I might not be on for too long this week.
  11. Marney would kill you for saying that about Agent if he were still here. I'd quite like another bully too but I'm greedy
  12. Coolio. I'll probably have to choose which one to go to each week or something as I don't really want to stay up later on both days but I'll decide that weekly and obviously as more people get ps4 it will be easier. Looking forward to it peeps.
  13. Mercy


    The tomb raider shit is bothering me. They first said "yes, it is exclusive" then "no it isn't - it has a time limit which isn't being disclosed" they then say "no it's like dead rising 3" which only came out on PC after a long time and never on ps. I'm not sure I want to buy an Xbox just to play one game on it and I think a lot of people will feel the same - is not logical to cut off such a big chunk of gamers. It pisses me off that these companies are selling out to this shit.
  14. I would rather be online with you guys than be outside with people that are arseholes. If I go out drinking I get some twat ruining my night. I don't want to get home from work and have to doll myself up and go out - fuck that. At the weekend I go out with friends sometimes but I don't really like people all that much.
  15. I never even saw you play online Cuda. I think maybe you should have tried an event night with us before you jacked it in. But oh well.
  16. Jesus man, I don't know as he thinks that much. He likes to read - he has food, women and a good book and he's anyone's
  17. well at least I spoke to you for all of five seconds, cuda
  18. Am I the only one that thought "wog" was a racist term towards black people? I dunno as I'll be at this one or not. See how it goes
  19. [/url] The only picture I managed to get where me, Kuz and BMX found a very nice modding fellow we gifted me personally with £755k and the other lots of cash too - he spawned numbers - parts of trees - a subway car - and the beach sculpture as well as giving BMX a tazer. Fun night lol PS4 Inside franklins house Ghost and Dupz A day in the life of a cop Dont fuck with me - I'll shoot you
  20. What about Tuesday then? See how that would work for everyone?
  21. I like the little screen shots at the side - I reckon that's going to be super helpful when I get my peyote on
  22. Good woman you have there - only thing is now you have to really push the boat out for her too
  23. RI-bena!! I told my sister she found it hilarious.
  24. Lol I think my accent is like marmite - you either love it or hate it