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Everything posted by TheLunaticFringe

  1. You and I have never spoken before. Ever. And now we have..
  2. Who gives a shit if you don't have a mic!? Honestly,there's times on igta nights it gets so fugging loud that I don't even wanna use my mic.I only really do so I can hear what we're doing for photo shoots and shit like that. WE WANT MASSACRE IN OUR FREE ROAM SESSIONS!
  3. That's happens to gtagrl every time we play a playlist
  4. Yeah,we're usually the ones talking the most or at least the louder ones of the bunch.
  5. Am I the only one that wonders why the title doesn't match up with what's in the post?
  6. ^The guy that constantly messes up pronouncing your name
  7. Your hairs gone and your bald least until you start a new game
  8. Lots of people get their kicks that way...that's why you'll never find me in an open lobby.
  9. That moment you realize you got more kills in free roam then in any of the playlists... :megafacepalm:
  10. I only hope you wanna get in just for the dunce cap other then that being thrown into a lobby full of thank you.
  11. Depending on how loaded I get I may or may not be able to glitch some cars in,just a fair warning.but still feel free to ask
  12. I was gonna ask gtagrl or bones if a mod needs to be the one to make the topic for this cause if you guys are getting too busy for this I would just say fuck it and make it on a Friday or even thursday
  13. Pffft,nothin close to my plates but yakuzimu
  14. I think I might look forward to this more the gta heists. Definitely one I'd get though for ps4 for the 64 man combat.
  15. Just watched a bit of gameplay from a livestream.looks fucking amazing!
  16. ^ I smell bullshit.prove me wrong but until that time my claim for bullshit still stands
  17. Definitely,hopefully I can catch you and mrmister on at the same time to do it right after the other.I just hope rockstar doesn't fugg me like that again cause I like a little lube before I get fugged.
  18. Aha,that's awesome no worries you'll have a replacement in no time. Who says it's free! I want cocaine and hookers for my troubles.
  19. I would say the amount of carnage made up for the lack of everything else Great shots fellers!
  20. Just shoot me a message,man.I might be on earlier then usual and like b0nes said I'll get ya a sentinel crew car.
  21. I'll try to at least be the first one and get anyone a crew car who doesn't have one yet. Also,was there a decision on a particular car for a crew car cause I gotta couple I wanna roll out.