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Everything posted by TheLunaticFringe

  1. What's next from rockstar games you ask? An asspounding,that's fucking but really a 70's gta would be awesome and to think of the overload ace would have from all 'dem muscle cars.
  2. I try to at least leave monday night's open for some gta.I think ill try to finally fuck around with the creator now that there's less on last gen.
  3. Watching the heists on the stream was awesome! As well as watvhing otiz and killyou backflip the freeway...and bones giving someone a big push across the finish in kill's race.
  4. With beer of course and I can babble like a drunken idiot without worrying about my mic being a problem
  5. I'm actually more intrigued by cops 'n crooks even though I never even got a chance to play it in IV.
  6. ^This..I'll be a rebel driving a rebel.hardeefuckinghar
  7. Sooooo..anyways,back to the topic on hand.since the Orange clothing appeared to look more like prison jumpsuits should we gather at or around the prison?I don't think we've done anything there at least that I can't recall.
  8. I'm always on early..mercy can ch at me up with 'dat accent.
  9. I felt the same way missing last week there's great shots here but other then that the night was all fucky cause nothing was saving or loading.and we couldn't even get through a full playlist.
  10. I been watching alot of gameplay for 4 and it looks like the whole tower thing is a little more different then that in 3..don't quote me on shit though
  11. No more votes! Fuck yo' democracy () I'm ready just to come in this mofo like a mumblin,stumblin and rumblin orange.I feel like my emperor will be my vehicle of choice..all class,no ass.
  12. I'm happy to say my gta V's finally in working order once again soooooo...YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
  13. No goat sex jokes? Is it wrong thats the first thing I thought of before even watching the video?
  14. I cry myself to sleep knowing I missed that one
  15. I was a little skeptical at first but I'm pretty interested to see what all pops up.
  16. The DLC always looked like garbage to me.I'm interested in reports on it
  17. Doubt a manhunt 3 would happen.even if it did I don't think it would be great like the past 2. If anything though, I'm waiting for a second bully or the next RDR.
  18. LOL I know,dress how you want and drive what you want..I was all for that shit.I didn't wanna seem annoying popping on and offline constantly try to get it to work.
  19. Well gtagrl looked extra hooker-ish tonight..she must of been trying to give B0nes a real hard bone.
  20. I got the game...I done everything in it from here to bangmykok.
  21. My gta is fuggin up and it's pissin me off and for not showing up I say...We're sorry.