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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Hmm, maybe they've given games access to patch but not actual online access for us. Sounds promising though.
  2. Well as long as i can pick up on the DLC at any time in-game i don't mind. But i don't want to play half way through and then download it to find out i have to start again just to play it...
  3. Yeah so we may have a cartridge come-back but an ultra slim/tiny version! The only thing you'll have to worry about is losing them. I find it hard enough to keep DS games in their boxes!
  4. I just realized that we wont be able to download the L.A. Noire bonus DLC....
  5. I think cartridges will be a nice touch to get back into for hard copy gamers. I'm one of those people that hates buying digital content and hasn't got physical copies of it. But now we can store huge amounts on small objects i think nice little USB cartridges could make a great retro come back!
  6. I'd love to get a hold of one of each of those original large maps to laminate and put on my wall!
  7. DuPz0r

    PSN Thread

    The only reason they want it on by the end of May is because Black Ops next DLC is due for release a couple of days after that. Call of Duty DLC is one of their biggest money makers on PSN.
  8. DuPz0r

    PSN Thread

    I'm sure the network will be up and running before L.A.Noire's release.
  9. Does size really matter? Look how big San Andreas is on that map chart. I probably spent more time on that map then i did on any of the others which i have played. It's the content guys not the size!
  10. How many layers are 360 disc's on now 3,4? is it like 4.7gb per layer or something? I don't see why they don't just have dual-sided dual layer discs giving them selves just under the amount of data storage as a blu-ray... it would save them on amount of discs!
  11. Lol it's the real photoshop portable!!! Nice little bit of tech there. Hopefully next we will only require a thin flexable touch screen that we can stick in our bag/briefcase to plug into that usb-pc.
  13. To be honest i'd actually like all those discs for the extra concept art on them (Hopefully) Would be nice to have as a collectable.
  14. 25 discs for 360 2 discs for PS3 (hopes) I'd actually love to see a game with that many discs xD
  15. DuPz0r

    PSN Thread

    PSN is like ancient history now... wtf. i've not even checked but I'm assuming it's still down?
  16. Was there some sort of competition going on to see who could stand with their legs furthest apart? Is there a pocket pool competition going on? Did you smell your hands afterward too see if they smelled like dick? Yeah if you look closley Psy has his hand in the yellow guys pocket and vice versa... He had a hole in his pocket though so my hand was really on his knob. Yeah i can make out the shape of your hand in his jeans!
  17. Hehe, nice one dude, much appreciated.
  18. Here i found it. I've attached it. It's a pdf btw. Terry Buchan MDD.pdf
  19. Yeah, it was one of my peers story Media Design Document. i did the one with the underwater lab, but we didn't choose it in the end because of the large amount of character design involved. We figured robots would be easier to design and build lol. I'll try and get a copy of the original document up on here. It's changed a lot since then though.
  20. Yeah it was my technical artist. He chucked everything in last minute for the deadline and forgot to scale everything properly lol. they are pretty big, but not as big as he made them look! @Marney - Thanks dude
  21. After a load of my uni friends decided it wasn't menacing enough, so i added them. What do you think? good or bad? unfortunately your opinion isn't going to change anything because that's how it's going to look for the hand in next Monday. But i could still change it over summer for a decent showreel piece.
  22. I finally got round to finishing that robot i was making. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=657J13_cWzA?hd=1 Best viewed at 720p on youtube actually: >click here<