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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Nice one^ I'm down to my last two cars and I'm having no luck. They are the Cadillac series 75 limousine, and the Plymouth Special Deluxe Six. Can't seem to find them anywhere. Do you remember where you found them? I think it's just blind luck tbh. this reminds me of the allusive Icecream truck up in Shoreside Vale on GTA3!
  2. As i'm currently finding the last few cars, i thought i may as well donate you this list of cars Psy. Just to make the guide-making process a little easier on you i guess. List of Cars: /edit Also found an in-depth guide to finding vehicles at set locations: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=311616
  3. Sweet. I was thinking about doing some car runs tonight, but I've had enough of noire for the moment, since I did the reels this morning!
  4. I'm on 97.63% complete, all I need is 15 vehicles... Damn, they're going to be a nightmare to find!
  5. Those of you that have collected the reels, will know where these are, and others may have already passed them, but if you haven't, then here is something for you to drool at When i first saw the orange one, my mouth drooped to the floor, it was like the GTAIII dodo all over again... But it was too good to be true... = not flyable! And this randomly reminded me of San Andreas so i thought I'd take a snap of it.
  6. Ah right, cool, i think the night thing may be where some of them are hiding!
  7. Other than excepting whatever you get given from the radio, is there any other way of getting the street crimes you're missing?
  8. That's what i meant about his morphing from animate to static faces. They don't have a good transition well at times...
  9. I haven't got time to write any guides but here is a useful guide i found for reels if you want to hunt them and just write a quick guide from that... Unless you want to find them all yourself... Map: Locations:
  10. +1 And we may as well talk about the ending of the story now... Only read this if you've completed the game!
  11. *Notices box of Carlsberg under the desk*
  12. Today I just completed the second to last mission with all clues and evidence, and got all the interrogation questions correct, so i guess my last post was just a blip! .)
  13. FFS i had to put away the wrong guy because i fucked up the interrogation before it! I swear to god i must have Asperger's syndrome or some shit, because i don't know if the facial expressions are purposely being exaggerated or if it's a decoy to throw me off! xD
  14. DuPz0r

    PSN Thread

    It's up today? that's cool i guess, i can't wait to claim my L.A.Noire DLC. Not too bothered by the welcome back pack, it's not really a decent give-away, it's too business orientated...
  15. Thanks Synch, much appreciated. My final hand-in of my second year, which is a human anatomy hand-in: Turnaround of the model: Now I can put some serious time into L.A.Noire!
  16. DuPz0r

    Dead Island

    At last they've released some proper gameplay footage of this game, which I've been waiting for since i saw their awesome backward trailer. Incase you havent seen that teaser trailer, here it is to refresh your memory. And here is the new gameplay trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKcsImtYaFU I love that guys voice^ "At first she will be afraid, but later once she's killed a hundred zombies, she'll be way toughened up and she'll be way cooler" xD My initial thoughts are Farcry 2 with zombies on an island! Which would be pretty fun i guess. I enjoyed Farcry 2 and this game looks a lot like that with all its exotic trees and stuff. I always enjoy zombie games, they always drag me in, so hopefully this will be the same.
  17. Wow, I'm liking the incorporation of London into this game. The Underground tube system too! awesome.
  18. Only glitch I've come across is sometimes the face animations pop to static mesh and they look fucking freaky going from a full animate face to a default emotionless static pose! It has happened during cut scenes and whilst interrogating sometimes too xD
  19. Was that the case with the grocery store Jamie? P.S. Nice attire b0nEs^
  20. Hidden cars? yay i was hoping for something like that! the first run-through i'm sticking with the fed runners just to get me around, but I'm sure I'll unlock a nice hotrod or two when i get the chance! (hopefully)
  21. I'm just going with the flow, using my own judgement. I'll replay through the missions afterwards anyway.
  22. I think i messed up "The Fallen Idol"... Well, imprisoned the wrong guy anyway...
  23. Did anyone else get "The Badge Pursuit Challenge" with their game? It's a small envelope containing some photo negatives of locations... I never heard about this before release Here's a pic:
  24. Thanks demon ^ yeah realism became an issue when we realized what we were and were not capable of at the time xD Here is my last game mod hand-in for my second year. It's a mod the whole year are working on called 'New Found Land' and nah not the one in Canada. It's a steampunk/fantasy inspired city mod which will have parts made by individual artists and then all composited together at the end Forget about my waffling xD that shit has to be in there for it to be a diary/blog or else I'll fail the module!