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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I'm not gonna hype myself for New Austin and Neuvo just incase we get like a one-trip, self-contained mission in those areas and never be able to go back, North Yankton style. I can already see it, train ride down south to kill someone important, then train back. But not in realtime. Time-hop ellipsis style.
  2. Yeah same, Westboro. And some New Orleans football player. NO being the point of interest. Maybe it's a district of Saint Denis? Could be influenced by it in some way, not sure how though.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/hiyRxsA.jpg New Mondeaux, Lemoyne?
  4. Any chance you can do your web magic and pull the highest res image off the newswire Fitty? I want to see those logos up close. Maybe we can match some of the names to places. Maybe even in the purple writing. https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60543/The-Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Outlaw-Essentials-Collection https://i.imgur.com/AO7u9DD.jpg Amberino? New territory?
  5. Hmm yeah, i didn't really pay attention t that back then. Looks like it could well be it. So i've made some minor changes to the map: Map Version v0.67 *Made some adjustments to the mountain range, now that more evidence is available. *Minor updates to the Town Maps. *Fixed some small spelling mistakes.
  6. It may be on the west side of the River, but it is fairly far North East. It could be part of Cumberland sector (possibly the Loft though).
  7. Decided to tweak the mountain range on my map since i hadn't really changed it around much since i first put it together. Also did a bit of linking too. Some things need a bit of a change. What i originally called "Three peaks" is actually "Four peaks". Which i'll be fixing asap. (I realised after i posted this i forgot to move Teepee North, higher than Olympus, which is where it should be).
  8. Added the missing areas to the 3D terrain map. 3D View: https://skfb.ly/6AYPt
  9. Same here, i'm essentially waiting for new content to look through. We've exhausted most of the content so far. That's why i went on and did the terrain thing on the side. And yeah Fitty, i assumed we already knew that series of shots was Dakota River. But good reference point to have it posted up here anyway.
  10. Updated the 3D map. Fixed a few issues around the River and made a more realistic colour pallet. 3D View: https://skfb.ly/6AXNp
  11. Yeah, that's what i was leading towards. I didnt paint out the grids on the terrain for nothing lol After GTA V, it just felt like natural progression.
  12. I tried to clean up that awful purple river on the leaked map. There's actually a lot of hidden detail in there amongst all that blue and purple which is actually land. I chucked my map in a 3D engine and created a displacement map, with tessellation. Looks kinda cool seeing it in 3D. It's not that accurate, but still nice to see the map in that way. Take a look at it yourself in 3D if you want: https://skfb.ly/6AWL7
  13. Yeah that makes sense to me now. It's definitely the same mountain as the open panoramic from the last trailer. https://i.imgur.com/yOwLOcW.gif But i feel like my mountains on my map are messed up and need replotting.
  14. Yep, that is the same mountain from the Great Plains perspective.
  15. I've painstakingly painted out all the grids, blips and named locations just to get a clean image of the mountains (originally for personal use). It may come in handy, so i decided to share it. I tried not to take too many artistic liberties in filling in the blanks! ?
  16. Well, I didn't really think that was the same spot since the track seems more inset between the rocks on the bear/wolves image, but that might just be the lighting. On these shots, it's more lit, and feels higher. You could be right though. Looking at the way the track is laid out, it looks like there is probably three potential commercial train lines. One that goes around the entire north section, and one that travels mostly around the heartlands. And then the one in the South East within the second one. Unless one is purely for shipping and logistics, but i doubt it.
  17. Yeah i assumed we take over gang hideouts and make most of them our gang camps through-out the story. Maybe we'll get to do them in our own order, or get an option to do one or the other first. Not sure if you guys called this one out yet or not. I forget, since i'm constantly looking through all these stills lol Where do we think this is set then? The train says Southern Eastern which suggests the railway would more than likely travel From Annesburg down to Saint Denis or even all the way to Rhodes...?
  18. It's impossible to tell what it says really, but if we can make connections between the places, Then the key text might make sense. Yeah i believe that Lemoyne is the region name.
  19. Good shout. They could be like buyable Assets even?
  20. This is my guess... I didn't even notice that Mine until you mentioned it. Must have glanced over it because of the colour.My brain probably thought it was a lake or creek or something. I honestly thought that said 'bike' rather than 'Lake' at first glance lol
  21. No idea about the purple writing. I'm no good at reading half the ledgible ones let alone that lol. I did try though. I tried changing the colour, making it smaller, enhancing the sharpness and still couldnt read any of it. Obviously the most important one is in the Key list, that would help us decipher some of them. Also, If we can find one of the locations in the screencaps somehow, we might be able to figure out what that catagory is. They could be old abandoned mines?
  22. I was going to take a guess at that camp shot being Dewberry Creek. Nice linking those.
  23. Nice observation on that graveyard shot Vice! We should also be looking at caravan camps, we might find something new! Yeah Fitty, i wish i didnt start speculating with that desert scene now, mind is clusterfucked. I'm thinking too deep into this shit. Update v0.66. Added the detailed town maps. Markers for all the camps. Added an accurate grid. https://i.imgur.com/NPkamSx.jpg
  24. Yeah, i forgot the minimap North was a little black arrow. I was looking at it all wrong. That mountain range is off to the west in RDR1. I think the Desert shot still could be situated on that Flat Iron Nub, Looking towards the Great Plains/Tall Trees. But there's a few layers of mountains going on, so they're blending together in the horizon.
  25. That's the thing, i was doing the same thing, but this range looks like it might curve around the bottom part of the map, so could look different from different angles. I'm not quite sure what angle this WE is, but this was my estimation. Again i could be way off... But I have a feeling that Mexican landmass to the south is where we're looking from.