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Everything posted by cuda

  1. PC is the type of lift you never see in europe, but that last kid you linked is strong as hell, 315 looked easy for him. Remind me again, do coaches have you squatting parallel or ass-to-grass?
  2. If I'm in the mood for something heavier, I really dig Karma to Burn too.
  3. My favorite music group is Hammock. I don't really have a favorite vocalist.
  4. There are two factors that shape the rest of my life, I set goals for these two factors and achieving these goals helps me with the rest - my professional life and my body. If I'm doing good in work, I'll do good with my body, and vice versa, I will have the motivation to workout harder, to work through the nights, to eat right, etc. It may sound superficial, but if I'm happy with work and my body I feel like everything else is easy, meeting people, having fun, relaxing, all those things are conditioned by those two pillars. Getting work done, being part of interesting projects, making dat paper, climbing the ladder (both at uni and in the workplace), getting rewarded for it - money and/or perks, although I have very little use for money (I have too much for a single 22 year old with a very small family), I still feel money is an important aspect to feeling successful. The gym also became a very important aspect in my life. I started working out a few months before turning 18 and instantly became hooked, getting stronger and bigger obviously made an impact outside of the gym - my school work improved, I was more confident, could chalk up enough guts to talk to any girl, etc... It broke so many walls for me. The past couple of years it became religious, I ditch a lot of events to make sure I make it to the gym, it's just the perfect place to let off steam after a work day. Inspiration for me comes from within, it's knowing that there is more to achieve, improvements to make and flaws to fix. Doing things outside of the comfort zone, exploring and making friends - these are the things that inspire me, it's where I find places and people to aspire to. /cudz opening up /wall of text much love.
  5. cuda

    World Of Warcraft

    I used the 10 days free thing this Sunday to try Mists out, made a Monk to be a cool kid... leveling these days is even easier, new heirloom pants + monk daily quest with XP bonus buff, sickkkkk. Got to 25 in a couple of hours. Pretty funny how most achievements are account bound these days, level 20 Monk running around with 'of the Horde' title + Amani War Bear (yes, I've been playing for far too long!)
  6. Now what the fuck happened here? Two different servers/locations... you doing your tests behind a proxy or something? That's obviously gonna mess up results.
  7. What the fuck is this? What happened to channels like Discovery and History Channel? It's not like I needed more reasons NOT to buy a TV...
  8. Great episode, was not expecting that Pope business!
  9. The under water weapons topic was locked, so for my first GTA5 input I'd like to recommend Neptune's Trident.
  10. You still have a plan with a cap?? They don't even have those here anymore... every basic service has unlimited download. I remember when I had like, a 5gb (I'M SERIAL) international cap, and a 25gb national cap... we downloaded everything from national torrent trackers that had religious like seeding/leeching rules.
  11. Was there even a fucking point to the new black guy? Jeez. I am so mad I can't even use a spoiler. DAT NIGGA DEAD
  12. That looks nice, nice colors on that steak.
  13. I don't get why Hondas would get a bad rep over there. If it's the same car in Europe and the U.S, it makes no sense. Maybe the air pressure is different or something?
  14. Chevrolets have been around in my country for what... 2 years? And it's mostly jeeps, I've never seen anyone driving a 'Chevrolet' Corsa around here, Corsas are Opels. I think most Euro brands do pretty well, you see a lot of Asian brands here too. I've driven quite a few cars, European, Asian and American. To me, no brand comes closer to Hondas... simply the most reliable cars, my Civic is still performing beastly after 200k KM, very little garage work over the years. I've also been in a few Accords over the years - those cars are amazing! The size of the car is totally a mentality thing, I don't like big cars, hardly anyone in Europe does... my dad drives an Audi A8 (awesome goddamn car too), to me it's simply too big, hard to find proper parking places in the city, seems to occupy too much space in the road, etc...
  15. I feel sorry for y'all in Europe. Won't hardly ever see a real car, unless you go to Germany. da fuck Dude isn't even in Europe. And why go to Germany? We have German cars in all of Europe lol.
  16. It took me over 8 years to finally get another Portuguese speaker up in hurr.
  17. Hahaha Brazil. E aĆ­ veado?
  18. I prefer Vampires like the ones in like, 30 days of night. That movie, like so many horror movies, has a great first part... then it all goes to hell on the second.
  19. omg tanner u r so ANAKIN! edit: Holy shit, Massacre watches True Blood.
  20. That dude is everywhere, wasn't he the wheelchair guy in Oz too? And 28 Weeks Later. Matrix.
  21. Damn, I thought Jax was just going to kill that broad. That was much more vile. In before his ex spirals into drug addiction again.
  22. You get hit all over the years, your joints get damage, your muscle tissue starts fading, all of a sudden - a punch you're used to take hits your nervous system like never before and you're out... It's true that you get used to hits, but a body can only go so far... a lot of K1 fighters have to retire because their shins can't take it any longer, and these are guys that build shins like baseball bats. Tibia damage and whatnot.